Still revisiting old lessons on HSK 4 book. Nice to forget and go over the material again. Some details I didn’t realise can be reinforced.
My 聽力 really isn’t that good. Metaphors are over my head. I sort of keep a feel of the sentence for its meaning. If I try to translate, it is just so slow and I can’t keep up with the next sentence.
I have been getting Hellotalk language partners to discuss some new vocabulary with me. That’s working ok.
Met a new person to do face to face language exchange. She’s serious and also has the PSC 1B cert. it was just free talk for me with adding extra new vocabulary however, that vocabulary seemed more easily reinforced because of the local context in everyday life in Hong Kong.
For her side, she said she wanted better English. What do you do with someone who uses English on a daily basis at work?? In the end, I decided to teach her mainly intonation and rhythm on some of the sentences that she spoke to express the emotions better. Guess what……..she loved it! I’m like “huh??”
Found this YouTube content. It’s one of the few I enjoy.