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About this blog

I'm starting this blog because sometimes I feel like saying something about (my) Chinese learning that isn't really worth a forum post or is not a question. Somewhere to document my progress. It has been just about exactly a year now of consistent work, so I'm interested to see where my 普通话 is next New Year's holiday. I will try to use this space to post some interesting things I find along the climb!

Entries in this blog


Hskk speaking practice


I made a video practicing for the speaking test:




I really enjoyed practicing part 2 and 3 and think I will do more of it in the future, whether specifically for the test or even just as something to practice talking about. I did two hours of it with a tutor on Italki last night and the time flew by. Seems that although I "know" all the vocab and grammar of Hsk 4, I don't readily produce it?.

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