I'd like to start this blog off with some notes, and the first few exercises from PAVC. I'll also make note of the hanzi I learn as well.
Grammar Notes:
This lesson, in addition to going over basic greetings and asking about names, introduced the following structures:
-Sentences with 姓,叫,是
The textbook notes that 姓 is used only with last names, and 叫 is used with either full names or first names.
It also puts 是 in this group, but I'm not sure if it's possible to say something like 「我是王大衛」or not.
The textbook doesn't give any such examples.
- Questions with 嗎
-Using question words to ask questions.
The interesting thing to note here, is that the question word goes where the answer would go.
So you can have「他姓什麼?」which is different from English word order.
-Reciprocal questions with 呢
Vocabulary Notes:
不 is generally pronounced bu4, unless it is followed by another 4th tone where it changes to bu2.
哪 is pronounced na3 when it means "which", but it is pronounced as nei3 when it means "which one" (a contraction of 哪一)
Hanzi Learned:
I'm going to put the exercises behind a spoiler tag.
Syntax Practice 1:
1. 王美美是臺灣人。
2. Yoshiko Suzuki 是日本人。
3. Michael Wilson 是美國人,不是英國人。
4. 王小姐叫美美。
5. Yoshiko 小姐姓Suzuki。
Syntax Practice 2:
1. 是,王小姐是中國人。
2. 不姓,Yoshiko 姓 Suzuki。
3. 是,Michael Wilson 不是英國人。他是美國人。
Syntax Practice 3:
1. Micheal Wilson 是美國人。
2. Suzuki 小姐是日本人。
3. 王小姐叫美美。
4. Micheal 姓 Wilson。
Syntax Practice 4:
1. Yoshiko Suzuki 是日本小姐。
2. 臺灣小姐姓王。
3. 美美是中國名字。
4. 日本小姐叫 Yoshiko Suzuki。