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Signese Revival 16

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


I love that 后果自负. Such a vague threat...

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At the dog beauty parlour

Spotted in the dog beauty parlour today (yes, they exist, yes there was a walk in wardrobe of dog clothes, no I was not a customer). Made me smile.


What's going on with 愛犬島 and the UK picture? Am I meant to understand the UK is "isle of dog lovers"?



Signese Revival 15

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


Water calligraphy, by the Forbidden City moat, I think it was. 

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Signese Revival 14

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


This is, without a doubt, my all time favourite. Guy was just pootling along the third ring road, I think. 

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First world problems

Ah, the cost of a bowl of noodles in a bustling metropolis... not been here myself, but apparently worth a visit. Note your different noodle options.



Signese Revival 13

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


What's your least appetising thing on the menu?

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In a teahouse in Dali

I like my tea, and went on a bit of a tea hunting expedition a few months back. Here's a photo from a small teahouse in Dali, Yunnan, which I thought was interesting. the manager was a really interesting guy, and it was definitely my favorite teahouse we visited in Yunnan.


Naturally, as an Englishman in a Chinese tea shop, the topic of the opium wars eventually came around, which is always slightly awkward and seems to often result in my somewhat forced comical apology for what happened with 圓明園 . this time was different however: after my voluntary push into the opium wars topic (thinking i was avoiding the elephant in the room), the manager smiled, and silently pointed at the sign behind me. We both laughed, and went back to our tea. There was a certain affinity in that moment that I have found quite rare while living in middle of nowhere China, where you are reminded every day you are an 'outsider'.



Toilet instructions

One sees this sign, usually only in Chinese, in the male toilets of lots of public places. The English translation here is particularly lame.





New York Chinatown sidewalk signage - this one is particularly busy. But what sort of foods are available on this street?



Signese Revival 12

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


At a certain point in history 20% of Beijing was road safety notices.

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What does it REALLY mean to love China?

I had to pop to the international student center at uni to sort some visa stuff, and couldn't resist getting some snaps of this sign. I haven't even attempted to decipher anything that's on there, but there's plenty on there to keep one busy, especially if you are looking to perfect your 'reading handwriting' skills! I'd love to hear feedback on what people have written (there's not a lot on there I can read, other than the middle hah)!







Contra Diction

Who's the author referred to. And if you already know the answer, don't post it until everyone else has had a shot ;-)



Signese Revival 11

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


Now is it just me, or is that a nicely written sign?

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