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Mid terms are all done.  For the most part they went pretty well.  Not really a huge amount to share at the moment, we're in a routine as far as classes go, learning lots across the board. 


I've been trying to be a bit more active in increasing my input.  I started reading the first Harry Potter, and I'm a few pages away from finishing.  I marked characters I didn't know so that I could come back and learn the new words, and I've noticed that I've gone from multiple characters being marked in each paragraph near the start of the book, to sometimes 2/3 pages with nothing marked at all.  I've also been really encouraged to see lots of the stuff coming up in class appearing in the book, thus further cementing both the term in question, and it's usefulness for me at this point in time.  I'm not yet sure what I will read next. 


I am doing a lot of running at the moment, which looks like 4/5 treadmill runs a week, for anything up to 3 hours per session right now, simply because it's too cold to run outside.  The plus side of this is that the treadmills in my gym have TVs, so I have been watching various TV shows.  As with my reading, I have again found that lots of the things I have been learning in class are coming up. 


All in all I am feeling pretty encouraged right now!  There is a very long way to go, but there is also noticeable improvement. 

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Good to see an update! 


The plus side of this is that the treadmills in my gym have TVs, so I have been watching various TV shows.

I've got through loads of Spanish TV this year, helped partially by the fact the machines at the local gym have a handy ledge to balance my tablet on. Multitasking!

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