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3SFM Practical Cursive Chinese

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  • 须臾 = xu1 yu2 = a moment, an instant



  • 里程 = li3 cheng2 = course of development
  • 歧途 = qi2 tu2 = wrong road
  • 开宗明义 = kai1 zong1 ming2 yi4 = to make a purpose clear from the start


  • 字体 = zi4 ti3 = style of calligraphy
  • 书体 = shu1 ti3 = style of calligraphy
  • 楷书 = kai3 shu1 = “regular script” calligraphic style (what you learned in Chinese class)
  • 草书 = cao3 shu1 = “cursive script” calligraphic style (emerged in Ming dynasty)
  • 隶书 = li4 shu1 = “official script” calligraphic style (used in Han dynasty)
  • 篆书 = zhuan4 shu1 = “seal character” calligraphic style (used on chops)
  • 潦草 = liao2 cao3 = illegible and hastily written
  • 流畅 = liu2 chang4 = fluent; easy and smooth
  • 约定俗成 = yue1 ding4 su2 cheng2 = established by popular usage
  • 颜真卿 = yan2 zhen1 qing1 = famous calligrapher from Tang Dynasty
  • 字迹 = zi4 ji4 = handwriting
  • 法度 = fa3 du4 = laws, rules
  • 习字 = xi2 zi4 = learn penmanship
  • 依葫芦画瓢 = yi1 hu2 lu hua4 piao2 = to draw a dipper with a gourd as one’s model; to copy mechanically without modification
  • 一步到位 = yi1 bu4 dao4 wei4 = to accomplish something without going through a bunch of intermediate stages
  • 行楷 = “running-hand script” calligraphic style (style between running script and regular script)
  • 行草 = “running-cursive script” calligraphic style (style between running script and cursive script)


  • 鉴赏能力 = jian4 shang3 neng2 li4 = connoisseurship, good taste
  • 不啻 = bu4 chi4 = to be tantamount to
  • 范本 = fan4 ben3 = model for calligraphy
  • 慕名 = mu4 ming2 = to admire somebody’s reputation
  • 韵味 = yun4 wei4 = implicit charm
  • 顿挫 = dun4 cuo4 = turning and transition
  • 钉头 = ding1 tou2 = head of a nail
  • 累赘 = lei2 zhui4 = encumbrance, burden
  • 蛮 = man2 = quite, very
  • 张扬 = zhang1 yang2 = to unnecessarily make public
  • 外露 = to reveal, to show
  • 匀称 = yun2 chen4 = well proportioned


  • 举一反三 = ju3 yi1 fan3 san1 = to deduce many things from one case
  • 一厢情愿 = yi1 xiang1 qing2 yuan4 = wishful thinking
  • 能动 = neng2 dong4 = dynamic
  • 流于形式 = liu2 yu2 xing2 shi4 = to become a mere formality
  • 相得益彰 = xiang1 de2 yi4 zhang1 = to bring out the best in each other



  • 执笔 = zhi2 bi3 = to write
  • 钢笔 = gang1 bi3 = fountain pen
  • 圆珠笔 = yuan2 zhu1 bi3 = ball-point pen
  • 湮 = yin1 = to blotch
  • 碳素墨水 = tan4 su4 mo4 shui3 = high carbonic ink
  • 拘泥 = ju1 ni4 = to be a stickler
  • 拆卸 = chai1 xie4 = to dismantle
  • 拇指 = mu3 zhi3 = thumb
  • 食指 = shi2 zhi3 = index finger
  • 中指 = zhong1 zhi3 = middle finger
  • 无名指 = wu2 ming2 zhi3 = ring finger
  • 小指 = xiao3 zhi3 = pinky
  • 指肚 = zhi3 du4 = pad of the finger
  • 虎口 = hu3 kou3 = web of the hand between the thumb and index finger
  • 自如 = zi4 ru2 = freely, smoothly
  • 为宜 = wei2 yi2 = as suitable, as appropiate
  • 脊椎 = ji3 zhui1 = spinal column
  • 端正 = duan1 zheng4 = upright
  • 俯 = fu3 = to bow (one’s head)
  • 振作 = zhen4 zuo4 = to uplift, to stimulate
  • 充沛 = chong1 pei4 = abundant, plentiful
  • 撑开 = cheng1 kai = to open
  • 踮脚尖 = dian3 jiao3 jian1 = to stand on tiptoe


  • 一气呵成 = yi1 yi4 he1 cheng2 = to do something in one go
  • 领会 = ling3 hui4 = to understand
  • 呼应 = hu1 ying4 = to echo, to coordinate
  • 虚线 = xu1 xian4 = dotted line


(no vocabulary)


  • 捱过去 = ai2 guo4 qu4 = to pull through, to persevere
  • 领略 = ling3 lve4 = to experience
  • 不折不扣 = bu4 zhe2 bu4 kou4 = totally, completely
  • 喜形于色 = xi3 xing2 yu2 se4 = to look pleased, to light up with happiness
  • 前功尽弃 = qian2 gong1 jin4 qi4 = to waste all previous effort
  • 新颖性 = xin1 ying3 xing4 = novelty
  • 方略 = fang1 lve4 = overall strategy
  • 鼓足干劲 = gu3 zu2 gan4 jin4 = to make an all out effort
  • 挑剔 = tiao1 ti = to nitpick
  • 眼高手低 = yan3 gao1 shou3 di1 = to have high standards but little ability
  • 气馁 = qi4 nei3 = to lose heart


  • 惯性 = guan4 xing4 = inertia
  • 依然故我 = yi1 ran2 gu4 wo3 = to be one’s old self, to be stuck in one’s ways
  • 一干二净 = yi1 gan1 er4 jing4 = thoroughly, completely


  • 立竿见影 = li4 gan1 jian4 ying3 = erect a pole and see its shadow; to see instant results
  • 舍本逐末 = she3 ben3 zhu2 mo4 = to neglect fundamentals and concentrate on details
  • 拂去 = fu2 qu4 = to whisk away
  • 曲折 = qu1 zhe2 = tortuous, winding
  • 琐碎 = suo3 sui4 = trifling, trivial
  • 简单明了 = jian2 dan1 ming2 liao3 = clear and simple
  • 艺术体操 = yi4 shu4 ti3 cao1 = rhythmic gymnastics
  • 广播体操 = guang3 bo1 ti3 cao1 = radio programs with physical exercises set to music
  • 邪门 = xie2 men2 = strange or dishonest practices
  • 方块字 = fang1 kuai4 zi4 = Chinese characters
  • 有劲 = you3 jin4 = energetic; interesting
  • 不如人意 = bu4 ru2 ren2 yi4 = unsatisfactory
  • 启蒙 = qi3 meng2 = to enlighten via teaching
  • 批改 = pi1 gai3 = to correct (homework)
  • 教案 = jiao4 an4 = lesson plan
  • 偏废 = pian1 fei4 = do one thing and neglect another


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Someone's putting in the hours...



5 hours ago, roddy said:

Someone's putting in the hours...


Nothing like looking up a pile of words with Pleco's OCR function to make you appreciate ebooks! I've been tracking my time working on this project to see how close I am to the advertised 60 hour mark.

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