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Chinese Lyrics Challenge

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Challenge #101: Pass through mountain and valley, stumble upon a deer

Use the translated English lyrics below to find the title and artist of the song. Bonus points for providing a video or audio link. A short audio clip is provided as an additional hint, should you need it.

From the lake surface, a fish lightly leaps out
Wandering journey, who got lost?
Wind penetrates bone, wet shoes, dew on grass
Fell in love with roughing it, go towards sunset

The moon is as before, ancient from the start
Pass through mountain and valley, stumble upon a deer
Hope I can know why I go through this hardship
Hope it doesn't know where the tears are

Hope life is resilient enough
Put myself through days and nights of loneliness
Let the wind carry me to some place
Afterwards, I'm unable to leave some place

Hope life is resilient enough
Put myself through days and nights of loneliness
Let the wind carry me to some place
Afterwards, I'm unable to leave some place

Hope loneliness is complete enough
Lend me simplicity in spades
Love this world's warm things
On the roadside, halt my steps for the twilight clouds

Let the wind carry me to some place
Afterwards, I'm unable to leave some place







Title: 孤独之书
Artist: 房东的猫
Link: https://youtu.be/elQFvD9iYC4
Translation: https://www.notion.so/4f2805885c6b40cf9cfe92b32f7fddc2

Chinese lyrics

鱼从湖面 轻轻跃出
爱上穷途 去往日暮

愿我能知 苦为何物
愿它不知 泪在何处

愿生命 足够强固
投我以 日夜孤独
让风带 我去某处
然后离 不开某处

愿生命 足够强固
投我以 日夜孤独
让风带 我去某处
然后离 不开某处

愿孤独 足够彻骨
借我以 简单富足
爱世间 温暖事物
沿途为 晚霞驻足


让风带 我去某处
然后离 不开某处



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