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Day 5 to 19: Houston we have a problem...

First it was camp, I did spend 30 minutes reading out there in the bundu on the du app... that's something

Then I cam back and I just could not figure out where to begin

Then a week passed...

Then I printed the first 200 characters from a frequency list -> so many new words spent some time on the first 30 or so

Then I read from Du a bit

Then I thought maybe a need a copy book, so went on Amazon and ordered a few... they arrived yesterday, So spent time on 1 characters...


To say I am behind is an understatement. Basically wasted half a month. Lets see what I can salvage in the last few days


Total Time spent

Reading: 1 hour 30 min

Writing: 1 hour 25min


Characters I can write approx 30


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