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Contributors to this blog

  • feihong 54
  • jkhsu 8
  • Gleaves 5
  • Mike N 1
  • jbradfor 1
  • creamyhorror 1


What is 中文挑战? It's a series of challenges designed to test your hard-earned Chinese skills. Reading, listening, and writing skills will all be covered (though not all at the same time). The focus will be on appreciating media intended for native Chinese speakers.

Who is it for? 中文挑战 is intended for intermediate to advanced learners. Certainly not all challenges will be at the same level, but because everyone has their own learning trajectory it will be hard for us to explicitly label something as "easy", "hard", or "insane". But most challenges will be short, so you can quickly assess whether they're appropriate for your level.

How do I participate? Just read the blog and try to beat the challenge. Ask questions if you're not sure about something. Share your solutions by posting them as a comment. Suggest new types of challenges.

How frequently will these challenges come out? Once a week, give or take.

What form will these challenges take? Most challenges will follow the basic media + quiz format. That is, we present some media clip that you read, listen, or watch; after reviewing the clip you answer some questions on a short quiz. Examples of media we'll use are soundbites, videos, comic panels, etc.

Who will be creating the challenges? Regular forum contributors and media junkies Gleaves and feihong.


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