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挑战#5:Introduction to 7句话 Word Puzzle

This word puzzle is a variation on 7 Little Words. You are given 7 hints which correspond to 7 words/phrases that you must figure out. Each hint contains a bit of text and the number of characters in the given phrase. You are also given a pool of characters from which you must assemble all your answers. Each word in the pool can only be used once, and they must all be used to completely solve the puzzle. Can you deduce all 7 phrases? 加油!


Cooked dish (2 characters)

An order of dumplings (4 characters)

Numbing spicy soup (3 characters)

Imitation meat (2 characters)

Cook who prepares ingredients (2 characters)

Hot and sour soup (3 characters)

Fast food shop (3 characters)

Pool of Characters

肉 二 快 辣 餐

店 辣 子 一 肴

酸 厨 麻 份 烫

素 汤 菜 饺


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My attempt:

Cooked dish (2 characters) -- 菜肴

An order of dumplings (4 characters) -- 一份饺子

Numbing spicy soup (3 characters) -- 麻辣烫

Imitation meat (2 characters) -- 素肉

Cook who prepares ingredients (2 characters) -- 二厨 (??? - 厨子)

Hot and sour soup (3 characters) -- 酸辣汤

Fast food shop (3 characters) -- 快餐店

I'm not happy with the "二厨" answer -- I want to say 厨子, but that would use 子 twice. And taking the 子 from 一份饺子, to make something like 一二份饺 ("one or two order of dumplings") doesn't work for me either.

EDIT: after about 13 million tries, I just got the spoiler tag thing working. What I learned: (1) the mini-graphical editor does not seem to support spoiler tags. (2) the full graphical editor does, under the "Special BBCode" icon (4th from the left on the top). (3) there is something seriously buggy here, the editor seemed to ignore my edits 90% of the time. Switched back and forth a couple times between the graphical and non graphical editor (that switch looking icon in the upper left) seems to increase my success rate.

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I corrected your comment. I've always just used the old-school editor when putting in spoiler sections. I don't see a spoiler button in the rich text editor either.

Hint for jbradfor:

Google 二厨 and see what you get



Hmmm. Have added a button (yellow triangle with an S) but it's on the second line of buttons, and in here you only get one line. Unless you edit an existing comment. I shall investigate.

Great quiz!

Edit: Done, the comment form now uses the full editor.



That's pretty impressive service, roddy!



Hmmm, the editor gets a bit cramped on netbook screens though. Mind you, netbook users should be used to it. Spoiler tags don't seem to work on the mobile skin, will add that to the list.

Back to the quiz!



feihong, I did google that -- you think I could answer this w/o google and MDBG? :shock: I got a bunch of hits about a hotel restaurant and other weird stuff. Looking closer, I now see the answer to my question. WOOHOO!

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