Below are seven words in English whose Chinese equivalents are loanwords from English. Below that, are the characters for these words all scrambled up. Your assignment, should you be brave enough, is to try to reassemble the Chinese words, based only on their sound. Some loanwords I expect you know, some I hope are more challenging. [Numbers in parentheses are the number of characters.]
blog (2) :
calorie (3):
chocolate (3):
engine (2):
romance (3):
tank (2) [see if you were paying attention last time!]:
vitamin (3):
b: 博
k: 卡 克 客 克
l: 力 路 羅 里
m: 曼 命
q: 巧 擎
s: 史
t: 坦 他
w: 維
y: 引
All words are taken from MDBG; so looking there (or any E->C dictionary) first will give you no honor. Looking up how to pronounce a character that you don't know is, of course, still honorable. [And if you're brave enough, don't check your answers against MDBG before you post -- I'd love to see what people come up with!]
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