挑战#15:爱自杀的兔子 (Cartoon Description) Entry posted by feihong September 21, 2011 at 03:36 AM 3183 views Share https://www.chinese-forums.com/blogs/entry/386-%E6%8C%91%E6%88%9815%EF%BC%9A%E7%88%B1%E8%87%AA%E6%9D%80%E7%9A%84%E5%85%94%E5%AD%90-cartoon-description/ More sharing options... Followers 1 Use Chinese to describe how the bunny buys the farm. Source: The Book of Bunny Suicides 2 Report Entry
jkhsu 306 Posted September 21, 2011 at 10:13 PM Report Just thought of this after I checked MDBG (and other English-Chinese dictionaries) myself. 爱自杀的兔子不知道"boomerang"是什么东西, 所以它用MDBG词典查了一查, 觉得自己果然很聪明. 就建设了一个"搬砖砸脚"的飞去来器.
jkhsu 306 Posted September 24, 2011 at 02:48 PM Report Did what I wrote make sense or did I completely mess up?
feihong 615 Posted September 24, 2011 at 03:30 PM Report @jkhsu: On a second reading, I think that sentence doesn't make sense. Assuming the bunny is Chinese and doesn't know the meaning of boomerang, if he checked MDBG for the definition wouldn't he instead have set up a brick to smash on top of him?
jkhsu 306 Posted September 24, 2011 at 04:35 PM Report @feihong, does this make more sense? 爱自杀的兔子是一只不懂英文的中国兔子。它想设计一个"boomerang", 可是它不知道"boomerang"是什么东西。首先它用"images.google.com"查找一下, 发现"boomerang"是一种"飞去来器". 那这个东西有什么作用呢? 然后它用MDBG词典查了一查, 觉得自己果然很聪明. 就建设了一个"搬砖砸脚"的飞去来器.
feihong 615 Posted September 24, 2011 at 04:44 PM Report @jkhsu: Hmmm, I think "搬砖砸脚" has the meaning of unintentionally harming oneself. Also, if the bunny knows what a boomerang looks like, why would he need to check MDBG?
jkhsu 306 Posted September 24, 2011 at 05:34 PM Report @feihong: What I was trying to say was that after the bunny sees the picture of the boomerang, it knows what this thing looks like but doesn't know what it's used for "那这个东西有什么作用呢?". It knows it's some kind of flying device that comes back "飞去来器". The bunny then checks MDBG and sees "搬砖砸脚". It then thinks, make this "飞去来器" that has the purpose of "hurt one's self by one's own doing; shooting oneself in the foot". However, you are right that I missed the "unintentional" part of shooting oneself in the foot. So the bunny would have had to build the boomerang with the grenade not knowing it would hurt itself. This was a hard one.
feihong 615 Posted September 24, 2011 at 05:45 PM Report My answer: 兔子用绳子把手榴弹绑在回旋镖上。它已经拔下了手榴弹的拉环,准备扔回旋镖。当回旋镖飞回来的时候应该会把兔子炸死。 I didn't try to explain the bunny's motivation for suicide, just how he executed it. But I did have a tough time with it. After a native speaker revised it, the answer changed quite a bit. 1
jkhsu 306 Posted September 24, 2011 at 05:58 PM Report @feihong: Great concise description of the cartoon. That was along the lines of what I tried to write for the first one of these comics. When I tried to throw in a humorous line with this one, that's when I got in over my head.
jkhsu 306 Posted September 24, 2011 at 07:27 PM Report Alright, I've decided not to give up and try again. The context is that this is a dumb bunny who doesn't know that he's going to become a "自杀的兔子". Let me know what you think. 一只自作聪明的兔子想把一个手榴弹抛得远一点。 它想出了个办法, 设计了一个飞镖, 再把手榴弹用绳子绑在飞镖上。可是它不知道它设计的是一个飞旋镖。抛出去的手榴弹会旋转一圈回来把它炸死。 1
feihong 615 Posted September 24, 2011 at 08:16 PM Report @jkhsu: Looks good to me. I feel like a native speaker would word the last line a bit differently, but not really sure how.
jkhsu 306 Posted September 24, 2011 at 10:22 PM Report @feihong: Yeah, finally got a point after so much work! Here's one opinion on the last sentence from a native speaker I asked: 手榴弹会随着飞旋镖转回来把它炸死.
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