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挑战#21:Darling, Why Aren't You By My Side? (Out-of-Order Lyrics)

blogentry-38695-0-98283000-1315406323_thumb.jpg 亲爱的你怎么不在身边.mp3

Put the following lyrics back into their proper order. Note that these are the English translations of the original Chinese lyrics.

But darling why aren't you by my side?

The latte here doesn't taste like water

Because of you, I really want to be a little happier

To a solitary person, the passing of one day feels like the passing of a year

Ever sweeter phone calls and ever more consoling faxes

The nightscape here is breathtaking

In the horizon that measures 10,000 feet

How much time do we have to squander?

The other side of the ocean, dark clouds that cover the sky

In the noisy wee hours of the morning around three or four

The snacks here are very special

The air here is very fresh

My darling why aren't you by my side?

Don't make up for the distance that prevents us from embracing

In the room with the harbor view

In the shops where one can haggle

Source: 亲爱的你怎么不在身边, by 江美琪


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Nice one. Really good translation by the way (assuming you did them). Here's my answer:

1. The air here is very fresh

2. The snacks here are very special

3. The latte here doesn't taste like water

4. The nightscape here is breathtaking

5. In the horizon that measures 10,000 feet

6. In the room with the harbor view

7. In the shops where one can haggle

8. In the noisy wee hours of the morning around three or four

9. But darling why aren't you by my side?

10. How much time do we have to squander?

11. Ever sweeter phone calls and ever more consoling faxes

12. Don't make up for the distance that prevents us from embracing

13. My darling why aren't you by my side?

14. To a solitary person, the passing of one day feels like the passing of a year

15. The other side of the ocean, dark clouds that cover the sky

16. Because of you, I really want to be a little happier

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Yup, that's my translation (although I did get a little help from native speakers).



BONUS: Can anyone figure out the only 2 English words in the lyrics? One is really easy and one is next to impossible (at least for me). I only realized it after viewing the music video with the lyrics.

If you need a hint:

Both English words are in the translated lyrics.



Yeah, one of them really isn't easy at all. But the Chinese words on that particular line are relatively easy to make out.



But the Chinese words on that particular line are relatively easy to make out.

When I finally saw the lyrics, I recognized the Chinese words but for some reason when I only heard the audio combined with the English word, it totally threw me off. I guess it depends on one's 听力 here.

Also, for those of you who want to make the BONUS even harder, don't look at the English translations at all before you listen to the audio and see if you can pick up the words at that time.

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