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  • feihong 54
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挑战#24: Let the Bullets Fly (Audio Quiz)




Whether you liked 《让子弹飞》 or not, I think most would agree it has some fun scenes. I liked this one here. Jiang Wen (县长) and Chow Yun-Fat (黄老爷) are having a bit of a spat. If you haven't seen the movie, just know that they don't like each other. Ge You (汤师爷) is caught in the middle and some onlookers are chuckling in the background.

Try to answer on listening alone. The clip has some harsh language, so don’t blare it at work. Although if you are not in China, I suppose it likely wouldn't matter.

Let the Bullets Fly.mp3

1. What does he repeatedly ask for?

2. Why does this confuse everyone else?

3. How much money is quoted?

4. From the end of the clip, fill in the blanks. _ _ 这个是惊喜啊. _ _ 我愿意等你三天


县长: 你出钱,我剿匪!

黄老爷: 好啊!


县长: 汤师爷,他是胡万的恩人

县长: 现在又成了你的恩人

县长: 你给翻译翻译

县长: 什么叫惊喜?

县长: 翻译翻译,什么叫惊喜?

汤师爷: 这还用翻译?都说了…

县长: 我让你翻译给我听,什么叫惊喜

汤师爷: 不用翻译,就是惊京喜啊

黄老爷: 难道你听不懂什么叫惊喜

县长: 我就想让你翻译翻译,什么叫惊喜!

汤师爷: 京喜嘛…

县长: 翻译出来给我听

县长: 什么他妈的叫惊喜!

县长: 什么他妈的叫他妈的惊喜!

汤师爷: 什么他妈的叫惊喜啊?

黄老爷: 惊喜就是三天之后

黄老爷: 我出一百八十万,给你们出城剿匪

黄老爷: 接上我的腿!

黄老爷: 明白了吗?

汤师爷: 这就是惊喜呀

县长: 翻译翻译

县长: 翻译翻译!

汤师爷: 惊喜就是三天之后

汤师爷: 给你一百八十万两银子,出城剿匪

汤师爷: 接上他的腿

县长: 大哥这个是惊喜啊

县长: 小弟我愿意等你三天

黄老爷: 好

Links: Brief discussion on the movie here.


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I listened to it for about 5 ~ 6 times

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@Gleaves: This one was pretty hard. I'm totally guessing, feel free to give me some tips. I haven't looked at anything yet.

1. They want to know what is 惊喜 (to be pleasantly surprised)

2. Because they don't know what the surprise is? And they want him to say what it is? Perhaps they want to know how much money is he going to bring?

3. He first says he'll bring back 800,000 but it's not what they want to hear. Then he says 1,800,000 and now they are "pleasantly surprised" and understand the 惊喜.

4. The first one is confusing I thought he said something like "他可这他妈是惊喜啊"

The second one sounds like "小弟" 我愿意等你三天

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Yeah, I definitely think this one is tough. In fact I think this whole movie was really tough language-wise. Good work, jkhsu and Hesham. Some thoughts:

1. yep, he is asking what 惊喜 is.

2. You are close on this one, but not quite there. This is tricky because their whole conversation is rather unintuitive.

3. 1,800,000 (same number quoted twice).

4. jkhsu - you are real close. You have the 小弟 part right. How might the first part start off then?

Listening to the last few lines again, there seems to be more going on than I heard the first time. Both start off with two characters, but he quickly says something that I hadn't noticed and wasn't the subtitles. I think Hesham and jkhsu both picked it up, but I can't say for sure, so if any 听力英雄 could confirm for us, that would be great.



2- Maybe because they are afraid he wouldn't like the surprise ?

or because he insists on knowing what the surprise is



@Gleaves: I gave it a shot but couldn't come up with anything more so I finally gave up and looked at the transcript. Then I did a bunch of Google/Baidu searches using translation software, etc. etc. And I still don't get it!

Does 县长 just want both 黄老爷 and 汤师爷 to be in agreement on what is the exact nature of 惊喜? Therefore, he's asking them both to say it?

And what is the significance of 接上我的腿? 黄老爷 says "接上我的腿" and 汤师爷 says "接上他的腿". I'm assuming the 他 is referring to 黄老爷?



Wow, what the hell is up with this dialogue.

1. The angry guy wants to know what the hell "惊喜" means.

2. Everyone else knows the meaning of the word 惊喜.

3. 1,800,000两银子

4. 原来, 小弟. Except it doesn't really sound like 原来, it sounds more like 大哥,这他妈的

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Well done, all.

Feihong has it right. Basically, the 县长 character is pretending to not know what the word 惊喜 means just to be a jerk and get on the nerves of 黄老爷. He refuses to hear it straight from 黄老爷's mouth and 汤师爷 must "translate." It reminded me of when a couple is in a fight and talk through a third person even though they are right next to each other. 县长 further rubs it in at the end by pretending to respectful by calling him 大哥.

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