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挑战#32:Music Video Comprehension

There are two videos in this music video subtitle comprehension quiz. I made the second one into a bonus because the questions are harder (I believe) and the song is in Korean.

General rule: You can use a dictionary but try not to search for the lyrics online and work off of those instead.

Music Video #1: 梦想的翅膀





1. What does the heart come in contact with that makes it feel warm? (2 characters)

2. What do they ride on together to fly? (2 characters)

3. To fly to an even further place, what to they do? (2 characters)

4. How is "dream" described in the chorus? (6 characters) What does it mean? (paraphrase in Chinese or English)

5. How is "wind" described in the chorus? (8 characters) What does it mean? (paraphrase in Chinese or English)

6. (In the video) What is the singer's name (in Chinese) who first sings, "As long as we believe, we can feel the power of love"

7. (In the video) What are the two singers' names (in Chinese) who later sing the same verse in question #6?

BONUS: Music Video #2: 呼唤爱


Note: The two video links below are not the same. The first one is the actual music video and the second one is from a concert. The Chinese subtitles are also different but they are close in meaning. The reason I included both is because the subtitles in the music video can be fuzzy to read at times.

sina(music video): 呼唤爱

youku(concert): 呼唤爱


For clarification to my questions: I am using "she / her" to refer to the person described as " 我" and "he / him" to refer to the person described as "你" in the song. You can answer in either Chinese or English. However, if you answer in Chinese, please try not to copy the lyrics directly; paraphrase to show that you understand the answer.

1. Why is she practicing smiling?

2. As she is smiling, what does she think he's doing?

3. What concerns does she think will disappear when they reunite?

4. She will continue waiting for him if ...?

5. What does she say they both don't believe in?

6. What was she thinking that won't reappear again?

7. What gives her a heartache?


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Answers for 梦想的翅膀

1. What does the heart come in contact with that makes it feel warm? (2 characters)


2. What do they ride on together to fly? (2 characters)


3. To fly to an even further place, what to they do? (2 characters)


4. How is "dream" described in the chorus? (6 characters) What does it mean? (paraphrase in Chinese or English)

是倔强的乐章 (a dream is an unstoppable symphony)

5. How is "wind" described in the chorus? (8 characters) What does it mean? (paraphrase in Chinese or English)

吹不熄眼泪的光芒 (the wind cannot extinguish the light in your tears)

6. (In the video) What is the singer's name (in Chinese) who first sings, "As long as we believe, we can feel the power of love"


7. (In the video) What are the two singers' names (in Chinese) who later sing the same verse in question #6?


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Answers for 呼唤爱

1. Why is she practicing smiling?

In anticipation of him returning to her side.

为了不知何时归来的你 / 而练习微笑

2. As she is smiling, what does she think he's doing?

Quietly watching her from somewhere (this is rather creepy).


3. What concerns does she think will disappear when they reunite?

All concerns. The world will become perfect.

4. She will continue waiting for him if ...?

I think she'll just continue waiting for him no matter what.

5. What does she say they both don't believe in?

They don't believe in eternity.


6. What was she thinking that won't reappear again?

Certain memories.

7. What gives her a heartache?

Deeply-buried words in her heart.

埋藏在心里的话 / 想要全部抹去 / 经常想要打开进入那道门 / 我疼痛的心

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@feihong: Good job on the answers. Some thoughts about the bonus:

#2. I asked a native speaker about the "guy quietly watching" part and she said that he's not actually doing that. Jang Nara is basically saying that when she's practicing smiling, she's imagining the guy is looking at her. A similar example would be when you wear some nice clothes, you might imagine that your significant other is looking at you. Well, that's my friend's interpretation of that sentence.

#3. More specifically, I was thinking of these two sentences (one from each video):

"曾经的伤痛都能洗去的" and "我要重新寻找 帮我洗刷过去 所有伤痛的你". Basically, she thinks the painful past will be washed away when they reunite. However, in the chorus, it also says that if she can reunite with him, then "便是最完美的一生" and "世上的一切都会很美好". So, essentially all concerns.

#4. I was thinking "she will continue waiting for him as long as she can meet him again. "如果能再次见到你的身影" and "如果现在世上 所有的蓝天下 都能见到你的样子"

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