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挑战#45:Music Comprehension (林俊杰的歌曲)



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This is a follow up to the music comprehension 挑战#43. The reason why 挑战#43 was pretty much impossible was because it required you to listen, comprehend and translate on the fly just to know the parts that the questions themselves refer to. Here is a new and improved 挑战 that fixes this problem.

I have included the first part of a song by Singaporean singer 林俊杰 (JJ Lin). While most of his songs are of the sentimental type, I've specifically picked one that was not (as sentimental). It's still a ballad which, hopefully, makes it easier on the ears when you might have to listen to it several times.

There are 3 parts to this 挑战. Please do them in order. You can use a dictionary but please don't use a search engine.

Part 1:

Below are 6 lines from the song. To make it easier, the lines are in order of occurrence. The [?] is the section that you have to figure out from the song. The pinyin next to the [?] corresponds to the either the section preceding or following the [?] part. The pinyin is there to help you find the [?] part in the song; it is not the pinyin for that [?] part.

The lines to the [?] sections are designated A - F. The characters in each line are out of order. Please listen to the song, associate the correct letters (A-F) to the numbered lines (1-6) and put the characters back in order.

1. [?] yòu duō shǎo néng duì xiàn

2. bēi shāng hé kuài lè [?]

3. tīng guò zì jǐ kū qì [?]

4. diǎn yī bǎ huǒ jù [?]

5. cuì ruò de shì jiè [?] yīn wèi yǒu mèng xiǎng

6. [?] diǎn rán měi yī ge xīn fáng

Lines with out of order characters:

A. 可择以选己自

B. 和让生爱命续延

C. 懂惜珍才得

D. 诺愿和承许

E. 翻爱越所让墙有围

F. 得强坚变人

Part 2:

Next, you need to find the characters / words for the pinyin section in part 1. Below are the out of order characters.






You don't need to listen to the song to do this section (by now you're probably tired of listening to that clip) and your pinyin input tool should help you here.

Part 3:

Based on the lyrics in parts 1 and 2, answer the following questions in English:

1. Happiness is a ...?

2. What might happen to you if you give up on your dreams?

3. Love is represented by a ...?

4. What do the "enclosures" and "house" represent?

5. When was this song written and for what purpose?


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Wow, with all these parts it's taking a while, although I don't feel it's particularly hard. Here's what I have so far.


1. 承诺和许愿

2. 可以自己选择

3. 才懂得珍惜

4. 让爱和生命延续

5. 人变得坚强

6. 让爱翻越所有围墙


1. yòu duō shǎo néng duì xiàn --> 又多少能兑现

2. bēi shāng hé kuài lè --> 悲伤和快乐

3. tīng guò zì jǐ kū qì --> 听过自己哭泣

4. diǎn yī bǎ huǒ jù --> 点一把火炬

5. cuì ruò de shì jiè ... yīn wèi yǒu mèng xiǎng --> 脆弱的世界...因为有梦想

6. diǎn rán měi yī ge xīn fáng --> 点燃每一个心房

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1. Happiness is a ...? Choice (the other being sadness)

2. What might happen to you if you give up on your dreams? You'll be bummed out, I guess.

3. Love is represented by a ...? Torch

4. What do the "enclosures" and "house" represent? The enclosures are obstacles to love, and the house is someone's heart.

5. When was this song written and for what purpose? Sometime in the past. Um, to inspire you to love someone.

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@feihong: Nice work. Somehow your answers made this seem more sentimental than it really is.

My answers for part 3:

1. Same as yours

2. Based on this line: 脆弱的世界人变得坚强.因为有梦想 - without dreams you probably become weaker.

3. "Flame" or "fire"

4. Your answer is fine but based on the answer for #5, I see the enclosures representing different countries / borders.

5. Did the torch not give away what this song was about?


Overall, I found the use of 爱 in his song confusing. Is it about peace or determination / the will to comeback from defeat?

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