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Studying 欢乐颂

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A brief intro



This is the method that I will be using to study 欢乐颂。


How much Chinese do you know now? How long have you been studying?


I have been studying Chinese language for 2 years now.

I have never taken any HSK test.

I feel comfortable speaking in Chinese.

That doesn't mean I am perfect, of course.

I mean that I can say what I want to say and understand the other person with ease most of the time.

Sometimes, I probably sound like a caveman and not so natural when speaking in Chinese.

Vocabulary wise, I have a good grasp on all the vocabs upto HSK level 4.

The Chinese Text Analyser program tells me that I know about 6,000 words as of now. Note that the definition of a word is subjective.



What is your goal?


I will look up every single new word or expression in this drama.

Then, using the technology described in the post that I linked at the very beginning of this post, I will make sure to review what I learned for longer retention than otherwise.





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