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Journey with Cangjie

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Cangjie on Mac OS X



I tried out the Cangjie input system that comes with MacOS El Capitan, which can be found under the Traditional Chinese language options. I was curious if it was possible to type in simplified characters using Cangjie on MacOS. As I wrote about in my first post, IBus in Linux only supports characters used in Hong Kong, and none of the Cangjie codes for simplified characters were working with IBus. I just wanted to report the good news that things work just fine in MacOS!!


車 can be input with the symbols 十田十 (jwj), and 车 can be input with 十手 (jq).


Very cool! I should also mention that the MacOS has a nice system for figuring out the Cangjie symbols and pinyin for a given character. I have been away from the MacOS platform for about five years and just recently returned, and I don't recall this from previous versions of MacOS.  Using the "Find Input Code" option, in the IME pulldown menu, you simply paste the character(s) into the textfield, and it gives the pinyin with tone, zhuyin with tone, Cangjie code by symbol, and two other fields I am not familiar with (stroke and structural). For example, for 开车, see the attached image.






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