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Week 14 - 快要考试了!

Another enjoyable week, although not a huge amount to write about!  Only 4 more weeks now until exams, so for the title of this post I combined that with some grammar we studied this week - 要/就要/快要。。。了。 I have encountered this before but it was good to go back over it and be reminded of things I have since forgotten.  For example, the fact that I can put some sort of time in front of 就要,but not 快要.  This week in my 综合课 we are going to be covering sentences using 把, I am looking forward to this because I am sure I will learn lots of new things, as well as refreshing myself on the stuff I think I already know!


I got my surprise test back and got a 90, which kept me at the top of the class.  It also highlighted areas I need to be sure to cover when preparing for my finals, and just to continue improving in general.  I made a few small mistakes, so I need to be sure to take care when I am writing - I wrote 出发 incorrectly for example, missing off the little down stroke on the start of the horizontal.  Just a small mistake, but enough to get the character wrong!  I also need to spend a bit more time on my grammar.  Our teacher said that as a class he is really pleased with our level, but our weak point is definitely our grammar.  This showed up in the section where we had to read various sentences and simply say if they were written correctly or not.  At this point our grammar is not exactly extensive, so this should have been a very straightforward question, but none of us did particularly well on it.  Anyway, it is a great reminded to go back and look over even what I assume to be the simplest sentence structures. 


Life in general is good!  Our landlord said she isn't going to sell our place this year, so we don't have to move.  It's perfect because we absolutely love this house, the rent is cheap, there are 3 bedrooms (wonderful with our 2 kids), and the area is really 方便。The weather continues to get colder, today was -20C, a couple of days ago was the lowest so far this winter at -21C!  Not that much snow yet, but I'm sure it's on the way!


I really want to get some pictures uploaded but unfortunately I am still getting an error message every time I try.  I am waiting to hear from admin, so watch this space!


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keep it up.  By the way did u get access to the grammer book that was recommended in another thread?  That is Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammer 2nd edition and its workbook.  

It is highly recommended by others in this forum.


  • Thanks 1


Could you please give us one or two example sentences where you had to say if they were written correctly or not? I'm curious to see the kind of mistakes that your teacher presents to you at this stage.

  • Good question! 3


Thanks gwr71.  No I haven't got that book yet.  To be honest at the moment I am finding that my teachers are the best resource, and it also helps that they know what we should be learning when, and so can go into the required detail.  Further on I think grammar books will be much more useful.


Iso, sure thing!








The questions all cover grammar that we have gone over in class.

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keep posting.

One question though, from your post it seems that your 1st year ends at the end of the Chinese year?  Is that so?  or is it only first semester?



In China the academic year usually begins in September. The winter break will coincide with the Chinese New Year. But in recent years there are also programs that start in spring.

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What Publius said!  We have 3 semesters each year, although I think the 3rd one is considerably shorter, and I am not sure if we have mid term/final exams for that semester.

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im jealous, i wanted to start this BA degree next year but being 42 yrs old working since 16 yrs old and no A level or diploma it seems that i don't qualify even though i did pass hsk 5 and have other chinese language certificates. i am still trying to find a university that teaches this and takes on mature students that have a good command of chinese but dont have the initial entry requirements. Good luck to you

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