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I am now two weeks into year 2 of my 4 year degree program.  The level has increased notably!  The content of each class is considerably more than it was, and we now have 7 subjects instead of the 4 we had last year.  We now have speaking, listening, reading, comprehensive, writing, general survey of China, and character study.  Our class has also increased in size to 44 students, so it's absolutely massive.  These are students who have studied at HIT for a year, switched major etc.  We now have more Russians, one student from Turkmenistan, and lots more Thai and Korean students.  I'm not sure how I feel about the number of students.  Obviously it's way too many, and although it won't impact listening much, I think it will affect how much I get to speak to some degree.  The flip side of this is that interaction is generally by choice, and some people just seem to scared to say anything, and so I've been speaking/reading in class just as much, if not more than last year. 


The China survey class is quite interesting, and I am definitely looking forward to learning more about the history, geography and culture of China.  Character study is fun, but probably the hardest class of them all.  This is because we are looking at stuff like myths regarding the origin of Hanzi, and so of course there are lots of new words, a large portion of which appear to be fairly specialist, and probably not all that useful to us at this point in time.  Along with writing and listening, we only have one class per week of these subjects.


Speaking is great, as we now have our comp teacher from last year, and he is all about us speaking all the time.  He's already had us up the front talking which is great practice.  Our teacher last year was terrible, and we hardly ever talked in class, so this is really refreshing, and I feel like it is only going to help my speaking.  I'm still not a fan of listening, but at least we only have one class a week now.  Comprehensive is awesome, and I love the new teacher that we have for it, her teaching style is excellent. 


Nothing too specific for this first update, just a general overview.  I will give more details on what I am learning in the following updates. 


Recommended Comments



Thanks for the update :)

Good job on your class participation (I mean you volunteering to speak and read).

Would you mind listing your textbooks in your next post?




Sure, no problem!



Really good to see this back. Did we ever get your photo upload problem solved?



It's temperamental!  Will let you know if I have any problems the next time I try to upload!

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