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The top line says it's suitable for

人群 -- I thought this means "crowds", but I assume it means everyone here? Or does it mean for large groups?

but the penultimate line says it's suitable for

ages 4 to 70+ years -- why 70+ and not 80+?

My hair-care vocabulary is obviously not very good, as even when I know all the characters I'm not sure of what it means. As I have time, I'm going to try to go through this line by line.

First line: 严重脱发者 -- "critical hair removal"?? What is "critical" hair? Is this hair in, ummm, private and/or delicate places?

Second line: 花白头发 -- "flower white hair"?? I assume "花" means to color, as in color gray hair?



I know it is NOT suitable for people who want their hair black.

You have cut your hair?



First line: 严重脱发者 -- "critical hair removal"?? What is "critical" hair? Is this hair in, ummm, private and/or delicate places?

Second line: 花白头发 -- "flower white hair"?? I assume "花" means to color, as in color gray hair?

嚴重 can also mean severe.

Yes, I think 花白頭發 can be translated as grey hair.



Oh, I can see Roddy's reflection! ...at least his legs. He's cooler than I thought!



@xiaocai, so what is "severe hair removal"? Sounds scary! Or at least painful :o



How about "severe hair loss" then? ;)



Ah. So 严重脱发者 is

"people with severe hair loss" -- does this count as someone "the product in question [is] suitable for"?

That makes more sense, I was wondering how to interpret that 者.

Oooooh. So is the 花 in "花白头发" a noun or a verb? Is it a verb like I first thought, meaning they color white (gray) hair, or is it a noun, meaning it is suitable for people with flower-white hair?



花白頭髪 is normally a noun I think. 頭髪 is the core part of the word and 花白 (patchy-white?) is how the 頭髪 looks like. Generally I think for asian people with all black hair, the blotchy white and black pattern will be more obvious when it starts to appear, and hence the word 花白頭髪.

*Changed. Sorry for the typo. Can't rely on 智能拼音 too much.



OMG, another of those 怒髮衝冠 instances -> The Hairdresser :mrgreen:



Ohh, I think I get it now! I assumed that each of these lines were a procedure done here, e.g. hair removal, dye hair. But it's not, each of these lines is a hair condition that this place solves. Very nice Roddy, I like it!

So let me try lines 3 and 4

干枯受损发质 -- dry damaged hair

化学染发过敏 -- chemically dyed hair allergy(???)

枯 gave me a bit of trouble, congrats on finding THE ONE(?) character with 古 on the right that is not pronounced gu. 染 was pretty embarrassing, I knew I knew it, but without the 污 next to it I couldn't place it....

Do people have allergies to treatment? I've never dyed my hair, so I wouldn't know these things. [Well, I did bleach it once, in college.]

@xiaocai, for whatever reason the character your IME is using, 髪, is listed as the Japanese variant of 髮, at least according to MDBG. It took me a long time to see the difference, but I finally found the extra dot below the three back-dots in the Chinese version.



Yes some people do, and I have seen some really very bad ones before. So a test on small areas around the neck is always recommended before a full treatment.

It's call Fun Input Toy, which is a free IME for mac. I thought that the font is a bit funny and the predictive text can be a bit bizarre sometimes, but I never noticed that it actually uses a Japanese font...



Although I realise Roddy's question is rhetorical, for anyone still not sure about the Chinese, here's my attempt at translation.

本品适应人群 This product is suitable for everyone

[suitable for those with …]

严重脱发者 Severe hair loss

花白头发 Graying hair

干枯受损发质 Dry and damaged hair

化学染发过敏 Allergic reaction to chemical dyes

头屑过多 Excessive dandruff

迅速改善细黄人发质 Rapidly rejuvenates unhealthy/fragile hair

适应年龄4-70多岁 Suitable ages: 4-70+

本产品为纯草本植物所以没有黑色 ??This product is made from natural herbs so is not black??

I'm not actually sure about this last line - presumeably the tonic colours one's hair, but not black...



I wasn't too sure about the "迅速改善细黄人发质" line.

  • 迅速改善 -- "rapidly improves" -- this one is straightforward
  • 细黄人 -- this one gets me. Is "黄" translated yellow, and "黄人" is yellow-people, as in Chinese? I must be misreading this, that is a pretty offensive racial slur 'round these parts
  • 发质 -- "hair quality" -- also pretty straightforward



I wasn't too sure about the "迅速改善细黄人发质" line.

Although 改善 is usually "improve", in English you can't logically improve something that is in a negative state, so for a "good" translation you have to take a little bit of poetic license.

For your second point, it's 细黄+人发质. After searching the web a little, it appears 细黄 refers to hair where the individual strands have become thinner than normal and the colour has yellowed - presumeably this can only be used to describe unhealthy Asian hair (which is usually naturally thick, and black). Why the 人 is there is beyond me - it seems completely extraneous (maybe someone brought in a pet one time! :-) )

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