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We are currently in the midst of our midterms.  Last week was 听力,写作和阅读,next week we have 中国文化,语法学,口语和综合。It's good because we get all of our exams out the way before the 5/1 break.  Exams seem to have gone ok so far.


As far as how this semester is going, I am really enjoying it and I feel that I am progressing.  Last week for 口语 we had to explain one of 8 成语 based on its story, and so I chose 愚公移山。I really enjoyed doing this, and was encouraged and how much I must have improved to even be able to consider doing this.  Then a couple of days ago I was in the gym trying to have a conversation and basically couldn't understand a word the guy was saying!  This seems to happen a lot - I will be really encouraged by my progress in one area, then take a hit in another area.  More often than not it's when comparing what is spoken/heard in the classroom, with the authentic stuff that happens outside the classroom.  Regular people are under no obligation to use standard Putonghua and dumb it down for you because you are a foreigner!  I suppose this just needs a lot more time and practice.


I have been trying to increase the input I get, and so I have been watching 男人帮。  I just finished episode 26 last night, and when I have watched all 30 I will find something similar to watch.  I watched this series 2 years ago and understood very little, but now I am getting a ton out of it.  I find that so many of the things I am learning at uni keep coming up in it, and it really helps solidify them in my mind.  This has probably been one of the most useful things I have done so far, and actually although I would always make excuses about being busy, finding 45 minutes every other evening to watch an episode isn't hard.


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男人帮, yeah, I remember that show. You asked to help find a show. I found it based on your description and eventually watched it myself. Not a spoiler but it has two endings. :P


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35 minutes ago, Publius said:

男人帮, yeah, I remember that show. You asked to help find a show. I found it based on your description and eventually watched it myself. Not a spoiler but it has two endings. :P



Yes, that's right!  I had watched it through the first time, but I had no idea what it was called, probably in part due to my lack of Chinese at that point!  I can't remember the ending at all, so I have no idea what you mean by two endings!


Are there any shows similar to this one (both content and Chinese level) that you would recommend?



3 hours ago, js6426 said:

no idea what you mean by two endings

Soon you'll find out...


3 hours ago, js6426 said:

shows similar to this one

I don't know... I don't watch much TV these days... but maybe 一仆二主? or 欢乐颂?

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