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English version of Chinese songs

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一百万个可能 One million possibilities

One million possibilities


Original by Christine Welch (克丽丝汀)

Translated and performed by Enjune Zhang


幽静 窗外 满地片片寒花

Outside, in silence snowflakes cover


Time difference lasts forever


In quilt I cuddle


Listen, through the snow voice in silence


Eternal figure within the snowy


Await you down the tree

在一瞬间 有一百万个可能

One moment one million possibilities

该向前走 或者继续等

Whether go along or stay where I am

这冬夜里 有百万个不确定

In winter night one million uncertainty

渐入深夜 或期盼天明

Fade in the night or expect the bright

云空的泪 一如冰凌结晶了成雪花垂

Tears of the sky frozen in snowflake like the icy white

这一瞬间 有一百万个可能

One moment one million possibilities

窝进棉被  或面对寒冷

Stay in the quilt or face the chill

幽静  寒风吹来一缕声音

Silence, sound in the cold wind I hear it

一瞬间  看着你走近暖了我冬心

Instantly I see you draw near

Warm me in my heart

倾听 踏雪听沉默的声音

Listen, through the snow voice in silence


Eternal figure within the snowy


Await you down the tree

在一瞬间 有一百万个可能

One moment one million possibilities

该向前走 或者继续等

Whether go along or stay where I am

这冬夜里 有百万个不确定

In winter night one million uncertainty

渐入深夜 或期盼天明

Fade in the night or expect the bright

云空的泪 一如冰凌结晶了成雪花垂

Tears of the sky frozen in snowflake like the icy white

这一瞬间 有一百万个可能

One moment one million possibilities

窝进棉被 或面对寒冷

Stay in the quilt or face the chill

在一瞬间 有一百万个可能

One moment one million possibilities

该向前走 或者继续等

Whether go along or stay where I am

这深夜里 有百万个不确定

In winter night one million uncertainty

渐入冬林 或走向街灯

Into winter woods or forward

To the streetlight


One million possibilities.mp3


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