skylee Posted December 18, 2006 at 06:00 AM Report Posted December 18, 2006 at 06:00 AM A new Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum is open in Hong Kong. I went there yesterday and noted with interested that - 1) he wrote to his nephew in English (!) 2) according to a Macau newspaper, when he returned from Honolulu during his teens his Chinese was so bad (“不識漢人文”),that he had to spend a year to re-learn it (well this is what I gathered when I glanced through it) 3) on display was a very interesting letter that he wrote to a friend of a church in Hong Kong detailing what he went through when he was kidnapped in London and asked if he could stay at this friend's place. I particularly like the humour of the coloured text - 弟被誘擒於倫敦,牢於清使館,十有餘日,擬將弟捆綁乘夜下船,私運出境。初六、七日內,無人知覺,弟身在牢中,自分必死。此時唯有痛心懺悔,懇切祈禱而已。一連六七日,日夜不絕祈禱,愈祈愈切,至第七日,心中忽然安慰,全無憂色,不期然而然,自云此祈禱有應,蒙神施恩矣。但日夜三四人看守,窗戶俱閉,嚴密異常,惟有洋役二人。前已托之傳書,已為所賣,將書交與衙內之人,密事俱俾知之,防範更為加密!而可為傳消息者,終必賴其人,今蒙上帝施恩,接我祈禱,使我安慰,當必能感動其人,使肯為我傳書。簡地利(Dr James Cantlie, Sun's teacher) 萬臣(Dr Patrick Manson, Sun's teacher)兩師,他等一聞此事,著力異常,即報捕房,即稟外部,初時尚無人信,捕房以此二人為癲狂者,使館全推並無其事,初報館亦不甚信,迨後彼二人力證其事之不誣,報館始為傳揚,而全國震動,歐洲震動,天下各國亦然。沙侯行文著即釋放,不然即將使臣人等逐出英境。此十餘日間,使館與北京電報來往不絕,我數十斤肉,任彼千方百計而謀耳。幸天心有意,人謀不藏,雖清勇陰謀,終無我何。弟遭此大故,如浪子還家,亡羊復獲,此皆天父大恩。敬望先生進之以道,常賜教言,俾從神道而入治道,則弟幸甚,蒼生幸甚!” Quote
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