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Chinese Anime 中国动画


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  • 1 month later...

Edit: Verycd has been wiped of lots of content, so links below might not work.

I've done a ton of cartoon watching recently, so here are some thoughts and links (mostly verycd and yesasia links, but I think most can also be found on youku/tudou. It helps if you add 国语 to a search if you want Mandarin versions). Thanks to all those above for the recommendations (esp. eatfastnoodle and renzhe).

Chinese Movies

Uproar in Heaven - 大闹天宫 - aka the Monkey King. Excellent animated film of some 孙悟空 escapades. Very cool, classic Chinese-style animation. Great stuff. Must see if you are interested in Chinese animation. Not a whole lot of dialog, though.

Princess Iron Fan - 鐵扇公主 - It's classic and I enjoyed it very much. This link is also to the Internet Archive, but it contains subs by foolip, a member here (thread).

Conceited General - 骄傲的将军 - Brief 30 minute film. Beautifully animated. Link is also to Internet archive.

Chinese Shows

Black Cat - 黑猫警长 - About a cat cop or something. Pretty bad and disturbingly violent for what seems like a young kid show. 5 episodes total.

Afanti - 阿凡提 - Charming claymation series about the town smarty pants. Link is to youku, but also available on verycd in various forms. 12 episodes total.

Pleasant Goat - 喜羊羊与灰太狼 - A kid's show. Surprisingly funny. Great beginner show. Highly recommend. 500+ 12 minute episodes.

Japan/U.S. Movies (国语 Dubbed)

Studio Ghibli Films - 17 films in total. I've watched about half. All terrifically dubbed (pretty much forgot they weren't Chinese) into Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese, Trad/Simp). I'll be watching/rewatching most of these for years to come.

Paprika - 盗梦侦探 - Cool movie about entering other people's dreams, but the plot is tough to follow. Has a cool 孙悟空 reference.

Pixar and Dreamworks - All of these films are available in Chinese, either from yesasia or verycd or elsewhere. Movies out in the last half year probably wouldn't have a Chinese version yet. The onese I've watched (Up, Monster vs Aliens, Wall-E, The Incredibles) have been excellent dubs.

Japan/U.S Shows (国语 Dubbed)

Detective Conan - 名侦探柯南 - Love this show. 17 year old super detective gets stuck in seven year old body. Known as Case Closed in English. 500+ episodes. Only 20 on verycd, but I think more will be added. The rest are on youku.

Slam Dunk - 灌篮高手 - Great show about a high school basketball player. Don't really need to like basketball to enjoy. Good dubbing. 101 episodes.

Robotech - 太空堡垒 - How did I miss this as a kid? It's awesome. Sort of like Battlestar Gallactica for kids. In fact, I think the Chinese name is the same for BSG and Robotech. Dubbing is mediocre. No subs on this version, but I got a decent download speed (I think subs area available on other versions). 85 episodes.

Tintin - 丁丁历险记 - Fun show with clear speech, good variety of vocab. 40 episodes.

DragonBall Z - Decent dubbing. Not sure this is the best language learning show,

Naruto and Bleach -火影忍者 and 死神 - I briefly watched episodes on youku, but the Chinese dubbing/voice acting bothered me enough to not watch further (could be due to watching those shows extensively in Japanese).

Batman TAS, Superman TAS, and Superfriends - 蝙蝠侠精选动画系列, 超人精选动画系列, and 超级英雄特攻队 - Available at yesasia. All awesome. Pretty good Chinese versions. I have not seen these online much.

Powerpuff Girls - 飞天小女警 - Great show about superpowered little girls. Yesasia has a few compilation discs. The dubbing is great.

Hanada Shonen Shi - 花田少年史 - Crude and sometimes obscene, this show has a lot of heart under the surface. About a boy that bumps his head and can see ghosts. Terrific dubbing. Great show.

Edited by Gleaves
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, you're upset with "黑猫警长"? That's the cultural difference I suppose. (Personally, I think the whole "Viewer discretion is advised" thing in the US has been applied way too excessively and indiscriminately. The world is what it is, just pretending certain things don't exist won't shield your kids from it.)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I checked out 风行网 http://www.funshion.com per a suggestion by Sarevok in another thread. It looks like there is some decent animation there.

There is about 60 episodes of the mid 90s Spiderman (蜘蛛侠) in Chinese. I hadn't seen a dub of that before. Also two seasons of TMNT (忍者神龟) with no subtitles. It looks like it has the typical anime stuff (Naruto, Bleach, etc.). I haven't checked out the Chinese origin stuff yet.

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  • 7 months later...

Watched two pretty good Chinese animated films this past week. I recommend both, especially since they both had decent voice acting.

藏獒多吉 (sohu) is about boy that moves out to Tibet and befriends a Tibetan mastiff. A bit of action, but also quite sentimental. This is a joint China Japan production. Based on the book 藏獒.

魁拔 (letv) is about powerful life form that resurrects every 333 years. The world thinks they have it beat, but it lives on in the form of young boy, who is sort of a 孙悟空 Naruto love child. This one is all about the action, but I found the world and characters pretty interesting. A sequel is due out this summer.

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  • 3 years later...

I started watching one called 中国惊奇先生 recently. It's available on Youtube (although there are no English subtitles).


I find it pretty amusing even though I can only understand bits and pieces of the dialogue - might be worth checking out.

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