kudra Posted March 2, 2007 at 05:06 AM Report Posted March 2, 2007 at 05:06 AM I have been wondering about this for a while, and since it is women’s history month in the US, and International Women’s Day is coming up I thought it would be a good time to post this. From the essay in Chapter 45, Written Standard Chinese vol 4, Huang and Stimson, titled 中国妇女之解放: 。。。1919年五四运动以前,中国女子要念大学只有到几间教会办的校去。五四运动那年的秋天,有三个女生要求北京大学准许她们入学。这是在中国自己办的大学里念书的头三个女生。 。。。 My rough translation: Before the May Fourth Movement of 1919, there were only a few schools administered by [unspecified] religions/churches that Chinese women who wanted to study at university could go to. That Fall of the year of the May Fourth Movement, 3 women students applied for permission to enter studies at BeiDa. These were the first 3 female students to study at a university administered by China itself. My question is: What were these women’s names? What were their backgrounds? What became of them? Quote
gato Posted March 2, 2007 at 01:28 PM Report Posted March 2, 2007 at 01:28 PM It seems that it was the spring of 1920 and not the fall of 1919 when the first female students started attending Beida. http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/493bcedb010006qo 1919年8月3日,甘肃女学生邓春兰在京沪各大报发表她写给蔡先生的信,她知蔡先生主张男女平等,要求经北京大学附设中学进入大学预科,再入本科,实行男女同班。时值五四运动期间,蔡先生辞职离京,没有看到她的信,邓春兰拟组织大学解除女禁请愿团,“以牺牲万有之精神,至百折不回之运动,务达我目的而后已”。 据报载,1919年12月8日,“广东女学生黄佩筠、郑蕙菁向北京高等法文专修馆报名,已经馆长蔡子民、主任顾梦余许可”。 北京女学生王兰,于1920年2月17日第一个获得北大许可,入哲学系一年级为旁听生。王兰的弟弟王昆仑是北大学生。他告诉蔡校长,他的姐姐王兰很想进北大读书。蔡校长问:“她敢来吗?”王昆仑说:“她敢。”蔡校长说:“可以让她来试试。”王兰于是成为北大第一个女生。后来又有奚浈、查晓园两名女生也进入北大成为旁听生。至3月11日先后又增加六位女生:杨寿璧、邓春兰、赵懋芸、赵懋华、韩恂华、程勤若。秋季招考时,正式招收女生,以上九名女生都被录取。 A bit about Wang Lan, the first female student at Beida. http://www.cnoverseas.com/bbs/archiver/?tid-28309.html 【文摘:王兰是北京大学招收的第一个女生。1899年,她出生在一个较为开明的官宦家庭,从小随父母辗转各地,使她增长了见识,开阔了眼界,也激发了她对自由的向往和追求……1919年,伟大的五四运动爆发了。在这一声势浩大的群众运动的有力推动下,开放大学女禁的呼声也一天天高涨起来。在新形势的鼓舞下,王兰毅然求见北大教务长陶孟和先生,要求进入北大学习……1920年2月,王兰经过简单的考试,被北大哲学系录取,成为北大的第一个女生,实现了她梦寐以求的理想。当时,一个女青年想要冲破重重阻力,与男青年同校读书,是很不容易的。王兰的行为就受到亲族成员的非议。但她的母亲比较开明,坚决支持了她的正当要求。--(《中国妇女》1982年第六期《北大的第一个女生--王兰》)】 Quote
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