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Loanwords/Vocabulary in Mandarin that came from non-Han Languages

Xi'Er Dun

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Are there any Loanwords, Vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese that have derived or are transliterations or non-Han word like non-Han languages close to China like Jurchen/Manchu (spoken by 满族/旗人 ), Khalkha Mongol or Classic Mongol, and Turkic languages? I'm thinking Altaic languages like Mongolian 蒙古语, Uyghur 维吾尔, Kazakh 哈萨克, Kirghiz 吉尔吉斯 and even the Tungusic Manchu Language. Is there any Altaic influence on Mandarin, especially Northern Chinese dialects?

Are there any Sino-Tibetan/Tibeto-Burman words like from Tibetan 藏语 or Classic Tibetan that are found as borrowings in Mandarin Chinese today?

Somwhere I read that the plural particle (of limited use) 们 derived from the Mongol Language? I'm not too convinced by this. Also, I read that the Mandarin word for alley 胡同 descended from an Altaic word. Maybe the chartacters used to write the word are used for their phonetic properties?

I know that all Han Languages 汉语 (dialect groups) of China (Mandarin dialects 北方话, Wu dialects 吴语, Min dialects 闽语, Hakka (Kejia) 客家, Xiang 湘, Cantonese 粤语, etc. are members of the Sino-Tibetan Language Family (possibly southern Chinese varieties have more of a Tai and Austronesian influence--especially Taiwanese 台语 (which is itself a variety if Min-Nan 闽南语 with influences from Taiwanese Aborigine languages which are Austronesian). Languages like Mongolian, Manchu, Uyghur, Turkic: Kazak,etc are not, they members of the Altaic Language Family. Other Non-Han Languages in China, particluarly those spoken by minority groups are Miao 苗 (Tai-Kadai), Zhuang 壮 (which I think is under the Tai-Kadai, or is it Austro-Asiatic---can someone please tell me the answer?), Jing 京语 (Ging/Kinh)--which is very close to the Vietnamese Language spoken in Viet Nam...which is Austro-Asiatic.

and the list of minority groups in the People's Republic goes on....


Xi ' Er Dun 希尔顿 from Australia 澳洲

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There are several words in Beijing dialect with origins in Manchu. There was an interesting little article in one of my old textbooks about foreign(esp. Manchu) loanwords in Beijing dialect, but unfortunately, I don't have the book anymore...

Check out this interesting post at baidu for some info about Manchu loanwords in Beijing speech: http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=7049733 Personally, I think "mamahuhu" being a foreign loanword makes way more sense than "horse horse tiger tiger" being an idiomatic expression for "so-so"... :D The post also has an interesting explanation for the slang term "K", which I always thought was just short for "PK", which in turn must have either come from Cantonese "puk kai" or those MMOs Chinese guys are always playing in internet cafes :lol:

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"胡同" originally "衚衕", was used to refer to small divisions of alleyways and communities in the Mongol Yuan dynasty's capital 大都Khanbaliq. Communities were divided by the main well the neighbourhood used for water, every morning 水车water carts would carry buckets of water along the alley to distribute to different families.

The "-们"suffix for human plurals is native to Chinese (the 辞源 records an instance from the Tang dynasty). Perhaps you are thinking of the inclusive/exclusive difference between "咱们" and "我们"? I think this difference stems from Manchu and Mongolian.

Languages native to populations within the borders of China (language classification is not an exact science, and there are many disagreements):

汉藏语系the Sino-Tibetan language family

*汉语族the Sinitic language family

**北方方言the Northern dialects, (官话方言Mandarin)

**南方方言the Southern dialects, (粤方言Yue, 吴方言Wu, 闽东方言Mindong, 闽南方言Minnan, 客家方言Hakka)

*藏缅语族the Tibeto-Burman language family, (藏语Tibetan, 羌语Qiang, 土家语Tujia, 彝语Yi)

苗瑶语族the Hmong-Mien language family, (苗语Hmong, 瑶语Mien, 畲语She)

壮侗语族the Tai-Kadai language family, (壮语Zhuang, 侗语Dong, 黎语Hlai, 傣语Tai)

阿尔泰语系the Altaic language phylum is a proposed family, but not widely accepted.

*突厥语族the Turkic language family, (维吾尔语Uyghur, 哈萨克语Kazakh, 柯尔克斯语/吉尔吉斯语Kyrgyz, 塔塔尔语Tartar)

*通古斯语族the Tungusic language family, (满语Manchu)

*蒙古语族the Mongolic language family, (蒙古语Mongolian, 东乡语Dongxiang)

南亚语系the Austro-Asiatic language family, (越南语/京语Vietnamese)

南岛语系the Austonesian language family, (many languages spoken by the natives on Taiwan)

印欧语系the Indo-European language family, (萨里库尔语Sarikoli)


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