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Learned this one recently through a video on Youku poking fun at how to be one.   Not sure how I missed it over the past year...  


暖男.  Came from 爸爸去哪儿 prior season.  It means a man who is "warm hearted" and caring for other people. 


Link to the youku video:  http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzU3MjgyNTAw.html

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Haha, good word.


I recently got an English-Chinese cell biology dictionary, you can be sure I'll be posting all sorts of random words soon...


月火劇 = Korean TV dramas aired on Monday and Tuesday

水木劇 = Korean TV dramas aired on Wednesday and Thursday

Same as in Japanese, 日月火水木金土 means SMTWTFS of the week.

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Chronophobia - 时间恐惧症


At times I think I suffer from this, I often feel anxious thinking about the past or the future, and hate looking at photos and videos, or documents from the past.

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When Radicals Attack:

(you're going to have to imagine the visuals, I'll do the voice over...)

Little Jonny was happily practicing his Chinese characters...but then as he tackled 貌 for the first time, something went wrong. As he formed the final stroke of 豸 the radical LEAPT OFF THE PAGE!!!


Pronounced zhi4 (new computer, forgive pinyinlessness). Mythical insect-beast. I think there's scope for a kid's TV show about how when the characters are all tucked up in bed the radicals come out to play...


I started reading about one found missile and then it led to more related articles (at bottom). There must be quite a few of these things still scattered about~~


迫击炮弹 pǎi jī pào dàn  mortar (weapon) 据了解,这枚炮弹是普通的迫击炮弹,看样子应该是抗战时期遗留下来的。

高射炮弹 gāo shè pào dàn anti-aircraft missile 据悉,该类高射炮弹为中国制造,装备舰船使用,其攻击对象可以是飞机或舰船。

淞沪会战 Sōng Hù huìzhàn Battle of Shanghai   记者从消防防爆专家处了解到,经初步检查,炮弹可能是淞沪会战时遗留下来的高射炮



漆皮 - Patent Leather.  

亚光皮 - I think it's some kind of Matte leather, I think probably PU Leather (also called bicast leather).


Guess who has been helping the wife shop for shoes...

  • 3 weeks later...

I am reading 成均館緋聞 and have just come across this description - : "XX 的臉上隱約出現了三道黑印". 三道黑印? I had no idea what this meant. But after a few seconds I figured it out. It is an expression similar to that shown in the last scene of this - shocked and hesitant. :P

  • 2 weeks later...

A friend described the current situation in Hong Kong as 波譎雲詭 (http://cidian.odict.net/857121626/860477006/853771429/860449753/). I knew what it means but I simply didn't know how to pronounce these 4 words (actually I didn't know how to pronounce the second word and found it hard to imagine how to pronounce these four put together). I asked him to read it out for me. He sent me a sound file via whatsapp. And then I sent him my pronunciation (in Cantonese, attached) to reconfirm.

Voice 002.mp3


That one must be pretty obscure, no? None of my regular dictionaries know it. Do you perhaps have an example sentence with this phrase? I'm going to learn it and throw it into casual conversation sometime, hehe.


Example sentence ... 當今政局波譎雲詭,實難預料學生運動如何了局。


PS - I have just read this on Apple Daily. The author is HK writer 李碧華 (author of Farewell to My Concubine/霸王別姬 and Terracotta Warrior/秦俑):



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With regards to 亚光皮, I thought it was called 哑光皮, but yes it refers to "matte leather" as a generic term, not a specific one.


Thanks Skylee!

Learned today: 熨斗 yùndǒu iron (for ironing clothes).


Came across one in my novel I cannot type and that Pleco didn't know (or didn't want to recognise). Someone is fired and says 去㞗,早不想跟你们玩了! so I knew it must be a bad word. Turns out it's pronounced qiú and my dictionary for hard words says it means 男子隂異名 or 'the male organ, obscene language; vulgar expression'.

That one must be pretty obscure, no? None of my regular dictionaries know it. 

Two variants: 雲譎波詭 or 波詭雲譎. It may be a bit obscure but it's something a well-educated person must know.




I like your voice and the Cantonese pronunciation. But why not do an audio in Mandarin? :mrgreen: I'd love to listen to it, too.

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