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hey guys-

recently, i've been trying to learn chengyu, and i've just started trying to learn it by "word" (this probably doesn't make any sense to the reader- sorry :wall)

ex. 花

繡花枕頭 pretty but worthless person

霧裡看花 can't see clearly (figuratively)

五花入門 a motley

花枝招展 dunno what it means... help!

花好月圓 flowers in full bloom + full moon

花言巧語 artful talk; deceiving words

花花世界 material world w/ sensual pleasures and temptations

花前月下 perfect environment for lovers

are there any other important ones that i should add to my list? are there any on the list that aren't chengyu or important chengyu?

also, are there any interesting chengyu w/ 言語 other than the ones in the following list?





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(1)落花流水、天花乱坠、百花争艳、奇花异草、花天酒地、走马观花、风花雪月、妙笔生花、柳暗花明、移花接木、闭月羞花、 水性杨花、 人面桃花、鸟语花香、昙花一现、火树银花


(3)”五花入門”as listed in your post, here “入”should be replaced by “八”.

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花枝招展 dunno what it means... help!
1. (of women) be gorgeously dressed


1. 她打扮得花枝招展,好像是个十八岁的姑娘似的。

She dolled herself up as though she was a girl of eighteen.

2. 她打扮得花枝招展。

She was dressed up fit to kill.

3. 娜拉打扮得花枝招展来参加聚会,她令人刮目相看。

Nora arrived at the party dressed to kill, causing every head to turn in admiration.



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This is a useful tool for learing chengyu ->

Just input the keyword and you will get all chengyus (pronunciations, explanations, examples) in the database that contain the keyword. For 花, you will find these 320 entries ->

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