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Best way to generate vocab. list for large amount of traditional characters?


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You want to generate vocabulary lists based on a corpus (text collection) you specify?
Exactly. My current process is partly-manual and therefore slow.
I don't know of any tools, but it should be possible to program something like that with the help of CEDICT and a scripting language.
Yeah, I can program something to do it. I just hope there is some existing tool I missed.
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one idea: and I have no idea if this would work, import the text into an access database, import as a space delimited text file, then you could export the data table. one big problem though, is that you'll miss out on the binoms, trinoms, idioms, etc.

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Have you tried adsotrans? The creator of the software is on this forum and there is a forum group dedicated to it.

For example, I ran the following text through it:


And got back:

香港    香港    Hong Kong       Unit:Noun
警方春节        警方春節        police Spring Festival  Unit:Noun
前      前      before  Unit:Other
针对    針對    in connection with      Unit:Preposition
网上    網上    Internet        Unit:Noun
流传    流傳    to transmit     Unit:Verb
欲      欲      desire  Unit:Noun
照      照      according to    Unit:Noun
照片    照片    photograph      Unit:Noun
,      ,      ,       Unit:Punctuation:Comma
大      大      big     Unit:Adjective
举      舉      to lift         Unit:Verb
拘捕    拘捕    arrest  Unit:Noun
疑犯    疑犯    criminal suspect        Unit:Noun
,      ,      ,       Unit:Punctuation:Comma
并      並      to combine      Unit:Verb
搜      搜      to search       Unit:Verb
获      獲      to get  Unit:Verb
一      一      one     Unit:Noun
千      千      thousand        Unit:Noun
多张淫亵        多張淫褻        DuoZhangYinxie  Unit:Phonetic:Place:ProperNoun
照片    照片    photograph      Unit:Noun
。              .       Unit:Punctuation:Terminal:Period
然而    然而    however         Unit:Noun
在      在      to be at        Unit:Verb
警方    警方    police  Unit:Noun
高调            high-pitched    Unit:Adjective
宣布    宣布    announcement    Unit:Noun
已      已      to stop         Unit:Verb
侦破    偵破    to solve        Unit:Verb
欲      欲      desire  Unit:Noun
照      照      according to    Unit:Noun
源头    源頭    source  Unit:Noun
后      後      after   Unit:Temporal
,      ,      ,       Unit:Punctuation:Comma
照片    照片    photograph      Unit:Noun
仍      仍      to remain       Unit:Verb
源源    源源    root root       Unit:Noun
不绝            nonstop         Unit:Adverb
流出    流出    to flow out     Unit:Verb
,      ,      ,       Unit:Punctuation:Comma
至今    至今    up to now       Unit:Other
网上    網上    Internet        Unit:Noun
流传    流傳    to transmit     Unit:Verb
的      的              Unit:Special:De01
艺人    藝人    performing artist       Unit:Noun
欲      欲      desire  Unit:Noun
照      照      according to    Unit:Noun
已      已      to stop         Unit:Verb
达      達      to reach        Unit:Verb
四      四      four    Unit:Noun
百多    百多    more than 100   Unit:Number:Plural
张      張      Zhang   Unit:Noun:Name
,      ,      ,       Unit:Punctuation:Comma
涉及    涉及    to involve      Unit:Verb
七      七      7       Unit:Number:Plural
名      名      name    Unit:Noun
女性    女性    female  Unit:Adjective
,      ,      ,       Unit:Punctuation:Comma
其中    其中    among   Unit:Noun
大部分  大部分  on the large part       Unit:Other
为      為      to be   Unit:Verb
艺人    藝人    performing artist       Unit:Noun

The example uses simplified characters, but I believe it should work with traditional as well.

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Adso can take care of this quite easily. If you have a large corpus of texts you can also use it to generate statistical data and be more selective about the sorts of words you print out. Download site:


Once the software is compiled/installed, the vocab list Pang Pang pasted in above can be generated on the command line with this:

./adso -f [input file] --vocab

An updated version is going to be going online tomorrow that includes a command-line binary for use on Windows. Otherwise you're likely stuck with either using the precompiled Debian package or compiling yourself from source on Linux.

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