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Chinese Song of the Day


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ok, since i have a weakness for videos with goats and/or donkeys...here's one with some goats...and horses...eh, close enough:

牧马人 by 杨坤

[edit: oh wait, do i spy a donkey? .ok, this required some double checking...in this

i see a donkey at 1:09 and definitely at 1:45 when they make him 'nod'...yeah, a donkey!! :mrgreen: :]
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花香 by 許紹洋.

Lyrics -

風 沒有方向的吹來

雨 也跟着悲傷起來

沒有人能告訴我 愛是在甚麼時候


風 伴着花謝了又開

雨 把眼淚落向大海

現在的我才明白 妳抱着紫色的夢


記憶是陣陣花香 我們說好誰都不能忘

守着黑夜的陽光 難過卻假裝堅強

等待的日子裏 妳比我勇敢

記憶是陣陣花香 一起走過永遠不能忘

妳的溫柔是陽光 把我的未來填滿

提醒我花香常在 就像我的愛

記憶是陣陣花香 一起走過永遠不能忘

妳的溫柔是陽光 把我的未來填滿

風吹起花的香味 就像妳的愛

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跟著感覺走 by 蘇芮


跟著感覺走 緊抓住夢的手

腳步越來越輕 越來越快活



跟著感覺走 緊抓住夢的手

藍天越來越近 越來越溫柔



跟著感覺走 讓它帶著我

希望就在不遠處等著我 哦

跟著感覺走 讓它帶著我

夢想的事哪裡都會有 哦

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ok, i've noticed no one has posted a 任贤齐 song...is everyone just tramatized from hearing 对面的女孩 one too many times? well, since he does have a ton of other songs to choose from, and oddly enough almost all of his songs are very well suited for KTV, I'm gonna throw one up here:

Edited by heifeng
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Yes, like heifeng I was busy viewing threads about Relationship Malfunctions. Now I'm tired of seeing threads and hearing songs about relationships, so I propose this song of the day relating to my present passion - Shaolin gongfu. This is the Mandarin version of A Man of Determination:

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I've been trying to find more songs about Shaolin gongfu, wushu, etc but it's quite a challenge so far.
hmm I'll have to brainstorm or reference my ktv book of songs to see if I know of any such songs....

here's another song for today. Although, I usually avoid putting songs w/o at least some mandarin up here I can't find the mandarin version of this song, well...maybe I haven't tried hard enough but what the heck, Kelly Chen is so lovely I hardly notice this is in Cantonese...

陳慧琳 -

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Hehehe...rob07 and skyless, I've seen those songs from Fearless and Shaolin Soccer, not bad...thanks for those Shaolin Gongfu Songs of the Day.

Actually nowaways I've been looking for songs where they just scream "Shaolin!!!" at the top of their lungs or extol the praises of some wushu girl, or something like that. Haven't found any yet, I don't know why....

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Actually nowaways I've been looking for songs where they just scream "Shaolin!!!" at the top of their lungs or extol the praises of some wushu girl, or something like that. Haven't found any yet, I don't know why....
A friend of mine has a metal band, and they have a song titled 小琳功夫好耶, thus combining the girl (Xiao Lin) and... well... gongfu. But not really the kind you meant. Cool song though, if it ever gets online I'll post it.

In the meantime, there's

, of course, with subtitles even. (Although my favorite version is actually this one, song is towards the end of the film.)
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