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Chinese names for newly colonized planets


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I am boardgames designer from Poland.

Now we are working on sci-fi game of human expansion into space.

Since Your great nation will be surely amongst the first nations reaching for stars (if not THE first one) we would like to include Chinese names of newly colonized planets into board.

So my question is: how the Chinese people could name their newly colonized planets?

For example for Germans it could be Heimat, for British - New Albion, for Russian Nowaja Ziemlia, etc.

Please post proposed names with Chinese signs as well as with international transcription into latin alphabet (of any system). Translation into english is of course neccesary to avoid stupid or offensive names.:D:wink:

Please take it seriously.

I was trying to think myself, but Your language is indeed very difficult (well, polish isn't simple, either):

shui qíu - water ball (water world, I kno it is also waterpolo)

tian wáng tu- Earth of sons of haven

Chinese names for orbitals, stations etc would also be welcomed.

Thank You in advance for cooperation.




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My comment was merely a jest, as the forum is primarily for non-Chinese learning the language. However there is certainly a number of native Chinese people who frequent the boards, I'm sure if any of them notice this thread, they may be able to offer some input you seek.

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You can't just put Xin Beijing and Xin Nanjing wherever you like. Their positions have to make sense according to their name. There is a galactic coordinate system.

Or maybe you don't have to use city names. You can use some mythology like 青龍, 朱雀, 白虎, 玄武. (Those have directionality as well.)

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From your use of Heimat and Albion I guess you want to use a name that goes far back in history or legend. If that is the case, I would recommend 神州 (ShenZhou) or 轩辕 (XuanYuan). 神州 is the land of China and 轩辕, a King who ruled over 4600 thousand years ago, is often mentioned as the spiritual ancestor of all Chinese.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I suggest use the names from Shuihu(one of the four most famous masterpieces in Chinese literature). there are so many very cool nicknames and each name with a 星(means planet). Check this:

7. 天猛星…霹雳火…秦 明.

8. 天威星…双 鞭…呼延灼.

9. 天英星…小李广…花 荣.

10. 天贵星…小旋风…柴 进.

11. 天富星…扑 天…李 应.

12. 天满星…美髯公…朱 仝.

13. 天孤星…花和尚…鲁智深.

14. 天伤星…行 者…武 松.

15. 天立星…双抢将…董 平.

16. 天捷星…没羽箭…张 清.

17. 天暗星…青面兽…扬 志.

18. 天佑星…金抢手…徐 宁.

19. 天空星…急先锋…索 超.

20. 天速星…神行太保…戴 宗.

21. 天异星…赤发鬼…刘 唐.

22. 天杀星…黑旋风…李 逵.

23. 天微星…九纹龙…史 进.

the nicknames are all very cool, especially the 天孤星 and 天伤星. the two guys are the biggest heroes and also my favorite figures in the novel. DO PLS USE THE TWO NAMES FOR YOUR GAME.:lol:

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I like this idea, even though I have no idea if it's a good idea :-)

Here's the pinyin, not sure about the spaces.

7. 天猛星 Tianmeng xing

8. 天威星 Tianwei xing

9. 天英星 Tianying xing

10. 天贵星 Tiangui xing (reminds me of a Taiwanese KTV chain, 钱柜 Qiangui)

11. 天富星 Tianfu xing

12. 天满星 Tianman xing

13. 天孤星 Tiangu xing (recommended by Javer Chen)

14. 天伤星 Tianshang xing (recommended by Javer Chen)

15. 天立星 Tianli xing

16. 天捷星 Tianjie xing

17. 天暗星 Tian'an xing (mind the apostroph)

18. 天佑星 Tianyou xing

19. 天空星 Tiankong xing (tiankong means the universe, so Universe Planet, perhaps not the best name)

20. 天速星 Tiansu xing

21. 天异星 Tianyi xing

22. 天杀星 Tiansha xing (sha means to kill)

23. 天微星 Tianwei xing (different wei than no. 8, but you might not want to use both)

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OP doesn't seem to be coming back maybe.

Sorry guys. Somehow my browser didn't noticed me about Your replies.:oops:

oh, NO, come back and consider my idea pls. OP. I will buy you a drink if you come to Shanghai, but pls use 天伤星 and 天孤星 in your game. deal?????????:lol:

:lol::lol: You are very convincing.

All right, I will do my best to include them.:D

Since You were so nice I include them in my private project, along with 长天 Changtian. What do You think, could three habitable planets in one system could be named in such way:

- Changtian (I assume it would be first discovered, terran class planet, named in such way for marketing reasons to invite imigration)

- Tiangu xing (I assume it could be terrafromed planet?)

- Tianshang (I assume it could be partially terrafromed planet?)

I will notice You when I finish my little private project and when our game will be developed.


Truly Yours


P.S.: Please use pinyin transcription also. :wink:

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Honestly, I think they'd do a generic naming system like 甲 for the first colonized planet, 乙 for the second, etc.

Someone on the other thread suggested using dynastic names. However, I'd think there would be a lot of opposition to Yuan or Qing.

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