Guest dingo Posted July 7, 2004 at 06:03 AM Report Posted July 7, 2004 at 06:03 AM What do han chinese people think of Genghis Khan ? love him or hate him? Quote
ananda Posted July 7, 2004 at 06:42 AM Report Posted July 7, 2004 at 06:42 AM He was killed before most of Han people knew him. Do you mean Mongolians? it determined by which era and what they had done. Quote
holyman Posted July 8, 2004 at 11:57 AM Report Posted July 8, 2004 at 11:57 AM was he killed or did he died of illness? Quote
skylee Posted July 8, 2004 at 02:29 PM Report Posted July 8, 2004 at 02:29 PM Indeed. 郭靖心想:“自今而后,与大汗未必有再见之日,纵然惹他恼怒,心中言语终须说个明白。”当下昂然说道:“大汗,你养我教我,逼死我母,这些私人恩怨,此刻也不必说了。我只想问你一句:人死之后,葬在地下,占得多少土地?”成吉思汗一怔,马鞭打个圈儿,道:“那也不过这般大小。”郭靖道:“是啊,那你杀这么多人,流这么多血,占了这么多国土,到头来又有何用?”成吉思汗默然不语。郭靖又道:“自来英雄而为当世钦仰、后人追慕,必是为民造福、爱护百姓之人。以我之见,杀得人多却未必算是英雄。”成吉思汗道:“难道我一生就没做过甚么好事?”郭靖道:“好事自然是有,而且也很大,只是你南征西伐,积尸如山,那功罪是非,可就难说得很了。”他生性戆直,心中想到甚么就说甚么。成吉思汗一生自负,此际被他这么一顿数说,竟然难以辩驳,回首前尘,勒马回顾,不禁茫然若失,过了半晌,哇的一声,一大口鲜血喷在地下。 郭靖吓了一跳,才知自己把话说重了,忙伸手扶住,说道:“大汗,你回去歇歇。我言语多有冒犯,请你恕罪。”成吉思汗淡淡一笑,一张脸全成蜡黄,叹道:“我左右之人,没一个如你这般大胆,敢跟我说几句真心话。”随即眉毛一扬,脸现傲色,朗声道:“我一生纵横天下,灭国无数,依你说竟算不得英雄?嘿,真是孩子话!”在马臀上猛抽一鞭,急驰而回。当晚成吉思汗崩于金帐之中,临死之际,口里喃喃念着:“英雄,英雄……”想是心中一直琢磨着郭靖的那番言语。 《射雕英雄傳》 (金庸) Quote
yan Posted July 8, 2004 at 09:34 PM Report Posted July 8, 2004 at 09:34 PM Hmm, what about this article: from Lee cites Genghis Khan as role modelSMALL IS BEAUTIFUL: The ex-president said the Mongol emperor showed that a small country could become the driving force to lead the world as long as it strives to do well By Chang Yun-ping STAFF REPORTER Sunday, Jun 06, 2004,Page 1 Former president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) yesterday drew on the example of the great Mongol emperor Genghis Khan (成吉思汗) to outline a goal for Taiwan's national development. Delivering a lecture to students of Lee Teng-hui School on the experiences of leadership, the former president said the Chinese TV drama Genghis Khan which depicts how the Mongol warlord rose from a tribal chieftain to become a great emperor, prompted him to realize that "although Taiwan is small, it could become the driving force to lead the world as long as it strives to do well." Lee said that he started watching the TV series instead of the news because the post-election newscasts were full of "clamorous reports" in the wake of the March 20 presidential election. He said two of the most important characteristics of leadership are whether leaders possess great visions and humanity -- that is, whether the leaders could pay attention to the feelings of the people. "I watched Genghis Khan and saw how he emerged from a small tribal leader to unify Mongolia, expand the kingdom's realm into areas populated by Han people and annihilate the Chin Dynasty. He also went as far as Europe," Lee said. ... And I thought the ROC had abandoned the idea of conquering the mainland Quote
Quest Posted July 9, 2004 at 02:23 AM Report Posted July 9, 2004 at 02:23 AM "I watched Genghis Khan and saw how he emerged from a small tribal leader to unify Mongolia, expand the kingdom's realm into areas populated by Han people and annihilate the Chin Dynasty. Chin? Quote
ananda Posted July 9, 2004 at 02:30 AM Report Posted July 9, 2004 at 02:30 AM During the war of sieging the capital of 'western Xia'(created by Qiang-Tibetan people), he was heavily wounded, and some days later, he died, but before he died, he ordered his son to slaughter them after occupied the city. Quote
chengdude Posted July 9, 2004 at 05:03 AM Report Posted July 9, 2004 at 05:03 AM In my informal class survey of 350 mainland students, replying to the question, "Who is the greatest figure in ancient China?" Genghis Khan placed 4th with about 7% of the votes cast. Quote
ananda Posted July 9, 2004 at 07:04 AM Report Posted July 9, 2004 at 07:04 AM In my informal class survey of 350 mainland students, replying to the question, "Who is the greatest figure in ancient China?" Genghis Khan placed 4th with about 7% of the votes cast. It's because the communists' class theory, and there're many mongolians in china, in order to unite them, the communists tend to ignore the history of that period, quite a little history about it was taught in china. I quite doubt whether it is right and whether it would bring the result they want. Quote
Quest Posted July 11, 2004 at 07:12 PM Report Posted July 11, 2004 at 07:12 PM annihilate the Jin kingdom? I don't think the Jin had any dynasty... Quote
yan Posted July 12, 2004 at 01:20 PM Report Posted July 12, 2004 at 01:20 PM wikipedia also speaks of Jin dynasty, though it seems as if it wasn't Genghis himself who destroyed it: Quote
shibo77 Posted July 12, 2004 at 03:55 PM Report Posted July 12, 2004 at 03:55 PM I think when the Manchus conqueored northern China, they assimilated to Chinese culture, and when the had contact with the 宋朝(廷)Song court/Song dynasty, they would be referred to as the 金朝(廷)Jin court/Jin dynasty. When the Manchus conqueored China again, they were named 金 again until 1636, when the court was renamed 清Qing. -Shibo Quote
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