demoizelle Posted May 11, 2009 at 09:29 AM Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 at 09:29 AM Hello, I have to translate the following text: (only the different points, not the comments at the bottom of the page), and with my poor level of Chinese it's really difficult! I'm trying with translator online but it takes so much time... Could anyone help me translate it? or at least tell me what each point is about (even if it doesn't translate each sentence perfectly...) Thank you very much in advance!! = ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jbradfor Posted May 11, 2009 at 03:59 PM Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 at 03:59 PM Wow, is pretty annoying. They totally rip-off work from Liu Yang (, put their own logo over her work, and then change the topic from German people to French people just because it fits them better. No honor! Anyway, that's a lot to translate, doubt you'll get a lot of takers. If you want just the topic of each picture, look here: At least they are honorable enough to give proper credit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
studentyoung Posted May 13, 2009 at 03:35 AM Report Share Posted May 13, 2009 at 03:35 AM Note; the Chinese texts below is from Emma’s blog on (translated by studentyoung) 东方古国 PK 法国文化 Chinese oriental culture PK French culture 图文并茂地对比一下在我个人观点中,法国人与中国人在生活文化中的区别(蓝色为法国,红色为中国) Below are pictures and texts to tell you the daily life differences between French and Chinese, from my point of view. (Blue is for French, and red for China.) 法国人与中国人的三餐: Breakfast, lunch and dinner, France VS China 法国人很贪凉,用我们中医的思想恐怕他们的身体会“寒”、“虚”、“冷”。我曾经亲眼见过一位70岁的老人直接从冰箱里拿出的前一晚打开的牛奶,打开后便大口地喝起来。法国人的早餐是冷牛奶泡粗纤维谷物营养早餐,中餐多数在外面食用,晚餐的前菜和甜品也一般是冰冷的食物。无论冬天夏天,法国人都会在冰箱里冰上一瓶水,吃饭的时候拿上饭桌饮用。这对我们这些深受传统中医影响的中国人来说是不可思议的。法国人另一个最大的特点就是喜欢生食:新鲜的生牡蛎,生金枪鱼,生鲑鱼,生牛肉……都是他们的最爱。用他们的话来形容,就是美味到了极点,可是至今我也仍然不敢问津这些特色菜肴。 Frenchmen like cold food, whose bodies, from Chinese traditional medicine’s view, might be “cold”, “weak” and “chilly”. I once saw a 70-year-old French person took some milk from a refrigerator which s/he had opened the last night, and quaffed it. French breakfast is cold milk with crude fiber grains, quite nutritious. As for lunch, Frenchmen usually dine out. Hors d’oeuvre and dessert in French dinner are often cold food. All year round, Frenchmen always keep a bottle of water in refrigerator, which is for them to have in dinner. It’s just unbelievable for us Chinese who are deeply under the influence of the theories of Chinese traditional medicine. Another feature is Frenchmen like raw food, like fresh raw oyster, raw tuna, raw salmon, raw beef,… all are their favorites. In their words, these foods are the most delicious. But till now, I still dare not to try these characteristic foods. 法国人与中国人对美丽的不同标准 Different standards on beauty between Frenchmen and Chinese 我们中国人说:一白遮三丑。 We Chinese say, white skin can hide flaws on your feature. 在法国,你买不到美白类的护肤品。夏天到了,选择自己的防晒霜或粉底液的时候要特别小心,一不留神就会买到美黑产品,法国的助晒保养品比比皆是。暑假过后,满大街都是拥有超级黝黑古铜色皮肤的金发碧眼们,这是不是很奇怪呢? In France, you can’t find whitening skin-care products. In summer, you must pay great attention to choose those sun-proof cream or foundation, or you might take some blackening ones. In France, blackening skin-care products are found everywhere. After summer vacation, you can find super brown-skinned blondes all over streets. 我妈给我天生小麦色的皮肤,在国内试过什么美白霜、膏、面膜……全都不管用,这回来到法国算是派上用场了,难怪似乎异性缘比在国内是有所进步……。 (臭屁的表情… ;-P) My skin is born light brown. In China, I did try whitening creams and masks, but none of them worked! But my skin seems help me in France, for I can attract more boys than I can in China. (A smug smile. :-P) 领导 Leader’s authority 从小,国内对我们的教育就是尊师如父,无论是老师还是上司、领导。我们都致以无线电敬仰与爱戴。 In childhood, the education in China mainland is teaching us to respect teachers like a father. Teachers, bosses or leaders are those we should greatly respect and admire (无线电 is a typo, which should be 无限地“.) 在法国,情况则稍有不同。上个学期期末总评时,有位同学在做作品汇报时受到了老师们的质疑,她不理解老师们的想法,相反很欣赏自己做的作品,便当面质问、反驳老师们。我当时全看在眼里,心想这下估计她是升不了级了。不过最后老师们似乎觉得她的观点有一部分还是有可取之处的,便部分采纳了她的意见。而时候,老师们就像什么也没发生过一样。 In France, the case is slightly different. At the end of last semester, during the learning evaluation, some classmate’s work was questioned by teachers. She couldn’t understand how teachers thought about her work, but quite appreciate her own work. She even questioned and retorted teachers. I witnessed it with my eyes, and thought that she could not get student promotion this time. Finally, teachers seemed to agree that some of her points still make senses, so they accepted them. At that time, teachers were just the same as nothing had happened before. 而且法国颁布多项法令保护工人的权益,法国公司的上司在没有正当理由的情况下没有权利解雇他的员工,所以在法国员工们的地位相当高,我打工时也曾经因为一些误会与我的上司激烈地争论过,不过事后,我们的误会解开了,便都想什么都没发生过一样继续合作,我妈说要是在国内早被开除了。好险~~ In France, a lot of law are to protect workers’ right. Bosses in French companies have no right to lay off their workers without a justified reason, so French workers have a high status. I once argued heatedly with my boss when I was working in French. Afterwards, when we made the misunderstanding clear, we still cooperated together as nothing had happened. My mom said, “If you were in China, you might have been dismissed for a long time. ” A narrow squeak. 孩子 Children 独生子女制度像一把双刃剑,带来的里出也同时带来来负面影响。 One-child-policy is like a double-edged sword, which brings both advantage and disadvantage. (带来里出 is a typo, which should be 带来益处.) 从我小时候就总听说谁谁家的孩子想小皇帝、小公主一样,骑在爷爷奶奶头上玩。我们像温室内的花朵一样,从小便受到6个大人无微不至的呵护。全家唯一的小孩,无形中产生的压力、责任、与娇纵……全落在我们的肩膀上。 In my childhood, I always heard that so-and-so’s child was like a little empire or a little princess, riding on grandpa or grandma’s shoulders to play. We are like plants in a greenhouse, accepting thoughtful care from two parents and four grandparents. As the only child in a family, pressure, responsibility, and spoil are all put on our shoulders. (想小皇帝 is a typo, which should be 像小皇帝.) 有时候想想,如果经济条件允许,我希望能够养育至少2个孩子。让他从小就学会谦让与独立…… Sometimes, I wish I could have two babies, if my financial conditions was sound, so that they could learn to share with others and depend on their own from their childhood. 我朋友进来在法国做兼职的 baby sitter (照看孩子的临时保姆),她回来后跟我说:法国的小孩从小便被像大人一样对待,他摔倒了,家长绝对不会去扶他。他哭着吵着要糖吃,家长会让小孩子到墙角罚站,知道他明白自己错了位置。我想在国内要是父亲这样做了,孩子的母亲或是家里的老人肯定要拼命地护着小孩。 My friend did a part-time job in France as a baby sitter recently. When she came back to China, she told me, “Babies in France are taken as an adult from their childhood. If he falls, parents won’t take him up. If he nags for sweeties, parents will punish him to stand at the corner to help him realize that’s wrong.” I think, if parents in China do so, grandparents will try their best to stop the punishment. 面对愤怒 Face up to anger 中国人秉持“以和为贵”。要给人面子,这一点在社交中占很大分量。是人人要懂得的基本礼仪。给人面子则通常表现在我们愤怒的时候,往往不会表现出来。 Chinese insist on “peace is the most important”. “Saving other’s face(i.e. dignity)”, as the basic polite, plays a great role in social life. When we’re angry, we usually don’t show it in front of others to save their face. 法国人则相反,他们更注重自我,不开心,不喜欢的时候一定要说出来,他们不理解为什么要委屈自己,做自己不一定喜欢的事情,接触自己不喜欢的人。 Frenchmen practice in the opposite way. They more focus on their. When they dislike something or feel unhappy, they just speak it out. They don’t understand why should force themselves to do something or contact someone they don’t like. 在我看来,中国人与中国人之间不轻易争吵,一旦吵翻了,双方便很难复合。而法国人呢,可以为一些很平常个人观点而争的面红耳赤。但,事后,就算什么都没发生过一样。工作、学习与人品道德是分开来看的。在中国,则是联系起来考虑到。 In my opinion, Chinese seldom quarrel with each other easily, but once they do, their relationship is hard to be restored. Frenchmen, on the contrary, they can argue some common personal views and get flushed with anger. Afterwards, there seems nothing happened before. Work, study and characters are judged respectively in French, while they’re taken as a whole to consider in China. 时尚 Fashion 在中国,有点钱的人交女朋友都会往法国、意大利西餐厅带。去酒吧也成为时尚一族的新新文化。 In China, people with sound financial condition will take their girlfriends to French or Italian restaurants. Going to bars is considered as a brand new culture for trendy group. 在法国,会讲几句中文的人会令人在中国,有点钱的人交女朋友都会往法国、意大利西餐厅带。去酒吧也成为时尚一族的新新文化。 在法国,会讲几句中文的人会令人刮目相看,去中国餐馆、过中国年、学会用筷子都是他们认为相当时尚的活动。,去中国餐馆、过中国年、学会用筷子都是他们认为相当时尚的活动。 In France, with some simple Chinese words are so impressive. Dining at a Chinese restaurant, enjoying Chinese Spring Festival, learning to use chopsticks are all considered as fashion behaviors. 心情与天气 Moods and weathers 法国人热爱太阳,我是见识到了。我所处的南部城市地中海气候,夏天的阳光能把人烤焦。在太阳下站上个5分钟恐怕会晕厥的!可法国同学却口口声声地说:阳光永远都不够!若是某天阴云下雨,很多法国人的心情都会受到影响。而在中国,似乎绵绵小雨还能增加浪漫的情趣。 I now can learn that how deeply Frenchmen love the sun. In the southern city I live in has the Mediterranean climate which the sun can get you scorched. Standing under the sun for 5 minutes will make you faint! But French classmates all say, “Sunlight is never enough!” If it rains in cloudy days, many French people’s mood might be affected. In China, some light rains will increase more romantic feelings. 表达意见 Expressing views 中国人喜欢拐弯抹角地表达自己的意见,法国人喜欢直接了当的表达自己的意见。文化的不同,各有各的好处。 Chinese people like to express their views in circumbendibus, while Frenchmen like to put them out straightly. Different cultures, different advantages. 排队 Lining up 这个不用多说了,我们的队伍总是不成形,怪不得大中小学都每年倡导军训,累死不偿命,说归其 就是练个队形呗~~(玩笑话……见怪了。) I don’t need to explain more on it. We always can’t line up properly. No wonder, primary schools, middle schools and universities organize military training each year. No complaint on weariness. In a word, students are trained to line up. (OK, just kidding.) (说归其 is a typo, which should be说归说.) 旅游 Travel 法国同学对我说,发现亚洲来的尤其是日本中国的游客非常喜欢拍照,我承认这一点,05年和同学到意大利希腊半个月游学过程中,不知不觉拍下了10G的照片。我也不知道为什么,我们就是这么喜欢照相,也许我们不相信自己的眼睛,与大脑,生怕会忘记了,用相机照下来便可以一辈子保存下来. My French classmate tells me that he found out Asian tourists, especially from Japan and China, like to take photos. I must admit it. I went travel to Italy and Greece for half month in 2005, I took 10G of photos. I don’t know why, yet we just simply like to take photos. Perhaps we don’t trust our eyes or brain which won’t keep things forever, so we take photos to something in our mind lifelong. 人际关系 Social network 我们的人际关系很复杂,交际范围也很广阔。鱼网式的交友。 Our social network is very complicated and social area is big. Our social network is like a fishnet. 法国人的人际关系则更简单,也许朋友只有2、3个,偶尔会来往一下。 Frenchmen’s social network is rather simply. Maybe just they just have 2 or 3 friends to come together once in a while. 自我 Selves 在中国,从小接受的教育是要牺牲个人利益服务社会……个人利益小于集体利益……牺牲小我,完成大我……等等,因此我们大多数中国人都谦虚、谨慎缺乏一定的自我肯定与自信。 In China, people in their childhood received education like, “to sacrifice personal interests to serve for society”, “collective interests are above personal interests”, “to sacrifice yourself to harmonize the society”, and so on. Therefore, most Chinese are quite modest and cautious, while still lake of some self-confirm and confidence. 在法国,老师总会注重学生的个性培养,总会不断鼓励学生,你是最棒的,在保证个人利益的条件下帮助他人。因此,法国人个性张扬、自信、敢于表达自己的观点,但也不乏不自量力的傻子。 In France, teachers focus on how to develop students’ personality. They always encourage them, tell them “You’re the best”, and teach them to help others, which is based on the premise that their own interests are not affected. Therefore, French personality is straightforward, confident and brave to express their own views. Of course there are some overconfident fools, too. 老人的生活 The life of the aged 欣慰的一点,是我们中国尊老爱幼的教育非常人性化,结了婚的子女每周几乎都会回家看望老人,生了小孩子也会交给老人看管。省了请保姆的钱,也给老人增添了快乐。 It’s so pleasing that it’s so humanized that our Chinese tradition of respecting the old and loving the young is. Married couples go visit their parents almost every week. When they have their baby, they will let their parents to take care the new-born baby. It can save the money to hire a baby-sitter and bring some happiness in aged parents’ life. 法国的孩子早早就被送到幼儿园,老人们也觉得看孩子并不是他们的工作,法国人婚后也绝对不会和老人住在一起。所以经常看到大街上的老人们形单影只地与自己的爱犬散布。说不出的滋味…… In France, children are sent to kindergarten, and aged people don’t think looking after their grand children are their responsibility. Frenchmen don’t live with their parents after married. You can see many aged French people walk alone with their beloved dogs on the street. The lonely feeling… is beyond words! 餐厅 In restaurants 在中国,餐厅多是个家庭聚会的场所,吃饭谈天,喝酒敬酒,是常事。我们总觉得静悄悄地吃饭不够热闹没有气氛。 In China, restaurants are hot spots for families to come together, having a meal, chatting, having some wine, quite common. We always think that it’s so bored to have a meal quietly, which has no hot atmosphere for a family meal. 在法国,情况则完全相反,每个人都压低声音讲话,随着桌上烛台火苗的闪耀跳动,制造出浪漫优雅的气氛。在稍微高级的餐厅就餐,手机是要调到振动模式的哦~ In French, things are quite different. Everyone speaks in a low voice. Candle lights on table with flames beats, creates some kind of romantic and tasteful atmosphere. Dining at slight fancy restaurants, you must switch your mobile to vibration mode. 胃痛时的饮品 The drink for stomachache 奇怪吧?!法国人胃痛的时候和可乐!这已经不是我第一次听说了。我们中国人会认为可乐里都是气体,又甜有冰的怎么能在胃痛时和这个~?我也不知道为什么,但法国人深信这一点。 It’s so strange that Frenchmen take coke in stomachache. It’s not the first time I heard of it. Chinese people think coke is effervescent, sweet and cold drink, so how can a man take it while in stomachache? I don’t know, but French people quite believe it. 洗澡的时间 Time to bath 如图所示,法国人早上洗澡,中国人晚上洗澡。这一点我个人不是很认同,白天出门在外工作一天了,晚上上床之前如果不洗澡的话会很脏。去年旅馆里打工时,我曾经在法国人的床上发现很多沙子(我打工的旅馆出门便是海滩)。法国人早上洗澡的理由是,可以使自己精神焕发,开始一天的工作学习。另外,法国人喜欢起床吃早餐后再刷牙,我不知道其它中国人,我的习惯是先刷牙洗脸最后在吃早餐。 As shown in the picture, Frenchmen take bath in the morning, while Chinese do it at night. I personally can’t accept it. In the daytime, we have to work. If we don’t take a bath at night, it is not so clean to go to bed. Last year, at the hotel I worked in, I found many sands on beds (there is a beach in front of that hotel). Their reason to take a bath in the morning is that it can help refresh themselves to study and work at the beginning of a day. Besides, Frenchmen have breakfast before brush their teeth. I don’t know how about other Chinese do, my habit is to brush teeth and wash face and then to have breakfast. 交通工具 Vehicle 机动车在法国盛行已经多年了,现在时尚的东西是讲究绿色环保。如果你对同时说早上你都是汽车上班,肯定会被投来敬佩的眼光。 In France, using auto cars are prevailing, but now fashion things focus on environment-friendly elements. If you say to your colleagues that you go to work without a car, they definitely will cast respectful stares on you. 在中国,这个自行车大国近几年社会,经济蓬勃发展。自行车再也不能满足大众交通需求了,从大老板到打工族最时尚的就是能有一部自己的汽车。 In China, this bicycle-realm, society and economy has developed rapidly in recent years. Bicycles can’t meet the need of public transportation any more. From bosses to workers, the most fashion thing is to have a car of one’s own. 生活的方式 Life styles 以一个中国人的观点看来,法国人很孤独,法国人很耐得住寂寞。法国人很看重个人隐私。差不多18岁以后,法国的年轻人便会靠自己的力量在外面打工租房,离开父母。就算一个人生活少了很多父母的关怀与照顾,他们还是会义无反顾的选择这种生活方式。法国的学生公寓都是一人一个房间。我记得我当初在国内的大学是6个人一个房间。对比很明显,这似乎对我的负面影响并不大,我有时会爱上这种群居生活的感觉…… From a Chinese point of view, French people are quite lonely, and they can withstand the loneliness. Frenchmen take privacy very serious. About 18 years old, French youth will leave their parents, get a job, rent a house and live on their own. Even such life is lack of parental care and concern, they still choose such life style. French student dormitories are usually one student one room. I still remember when I came to a university in China, there was 6 students to share a room. The contrast is so sharp, however, it didn’t have any negative effects on me. I sometimes quite enjoyed such collective life 周末的街景 Street views on weekend 令我恼火的一点是法国一到节假日或是周末,所有的商店,饭店,一切商业活动全部停止,法国人要么利用周末出门郊游,要么安静的躺在自家小院的躺椅上懒洋洋地晒太阳。回忆起在国内时,我最大的乐趣就是趁着周末去逛街,这边,想都别想。因此,法国周末的街道很冷清,路上也很少有交通堵塞的情况。 The annoying thing for me in France is all shops and restaurants cease their commercial activity during public holidays or weekends. French people either go for an outing, or lie on their own yard to sun themselves. Now recalling my life in China, my biggest fun was to go window-shopping during weekends. In France? Oh, forget it! So, French streets look a rather desolate during weekends and seldom traffic jams appear at this time. 聚会 Social parties 小学、初中,每年都会有一两次班会、联欢会什么的,大家一起做游戏,一起联谊,大家一起笑,一起哭。在法国,这种情况几乎是没有的。参加法国同学组织的聚会,多数是三三两两地聚在一起聊天,喝酒,然后便各自散去。没有中国的热闹景象。 In China, at primary schools and junior middle schools, there are one or two times of classmate party or social meeting for students to play, to make friends, to laugh and cry together. In France, it’s almost impossible. Attending the social parties organized by French classmates, I can see students just come together by one and two. After chatting and having some wine, they leave. Its atmosphere is really not as hot as in China. Cheers! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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