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Wow, nearly one megabyte of chengyus o_O

You want me to run my program over it, or will you do that? I'd only use the API variant though, for speed reasons. Do you want it formatted like the other one, or would you rather go without the google hits number?

tooironic, well I know there's the fanyi mailing-list, but if you half a dozen translators on this forum, that's already a but more than those interested in Classical Chinese. But we have been quite active and it seems that roddy is gonna give us a subforum

Well, OK, maybe the number is more like 3 or 4, including me :) haha. But yeah, like I said, just because there are some professional translators here, doesn't mean they would be willing to discuss anything beyond the words themselves. Still, that's great about the Classical Chinese forum, it certainly would be useful for a lot of people.


phyrex, my programming abilities are still stuck in Basic/Pascal land, so I'd appreciate it if you could do it for me. But it's a great thing to have as reference, because python is on the list of things I want to learn at some point.

I'm not sure which results, but it would be good to have the chengyu and whatever value google returns. There's some problems with the list because some two-character combinations included there as chengyu might actually be quite commonly used in other contexts (i.e. not as chengyu), but that's something I would need to take a closer look at anyways.

Thanks so much :clap


chrix, no problem. It's running at a rate of about 2 chengyu per second now, so I'll get back to you in a couple hours ;)

python is very very simple and very very useful. Even simpler than pascal, in my opinion, and, of course, much more useful! ;) Just look at the code, it's nearly self-explanatory :)


after 5500 chengyu I got an error :( I knew I should have checked for valid results *sigh*.. welll, you'll have to wait longer for the full list, it seems :-/


Wow, great work here!

As soon as you agree on a list of 1000 most common chengyu, I'll start learning them :)

48,000 chengyu.... :shock::help


phyrex, no worries, I'm very happy as it is that you're so kind to do that for us, so whenever you find the time :clap

renzhe, I think Beijing has a list about 1,000, and Taiwan has a core set of 1,945 or so. But the vast majority of the 48,000 monster list are variants. If you strip them all away, you'd get much less, maybe 8,000 I don't know..

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any of the two lists, there's only that Singapore list, but it's way too less with 150 or so....


Here are the exact figures:







For some reason the list I downloaded only has 48,022 entries, don't know what happened to the 254 entries difference.


Whew. After 14.5 hrs of running the program, and praying that my computer and program and internet connection would remain stable, I'm finally through :)

I'm attaching the complete list, and for shits and giggles here are the top 100. As chrix expected, most of them are just two character combinations that show up pretty often just as words, but there's a four character chengyu or two in there too:

下   340000000
結果   80300000
受   65500000
目的   59300000
分析   55800000
程度   42800000
伙伴   40900000
注   39500000
英才   23100000
口碑   17700000
漂亮   17500000
便宜   14900000
薄   14200000
發   14000000
女士   13800000
索引   13400000
托   12100000
矛盾   9940000
全身   9780000
潮流   9370000
抱歉   8790000
東西   8770000
亮相   8100000
一面   7120000
真相   6850000
激烈   6330000
二天   6000000
真人   5450000
招賢納士   5180000
一系列   5060000
目光   4920000
吃喝玩樂   4620000
春秋   4510000
不遠   4460000
三千   4300000
大方   4250000
渴望   4250000
隨時隨地   4120000
取代   4070000
春意盎然   3960000
不知不覺   3830000
盲目   3760000
紅樓   3730000
與眾不同   3670000
完璧   3620000
流水   3600000
意想不到   3590000
三十六計   3490000
淑女   3440000
私房   3300000
三昧   3270000
領導幹部   3210000
神州   3170000
宜家   3160000
掌上   3030000
霧里看花   2920000
手足   2910000
人品   2860000
馬上   2820000
霧裡看花   2780000
面子   2760000
霧裏看花   2730000
佳人   2690000
白雪   2540000
元老   2530000
神鬼   2500000
泰山   2470000
石田   2440000
無論如何   2440000
在原   2380000
錦囊   2320000
立案   2300000
北斗   2260000
立地   2200000
端的   2190000
足不出戶   2160000
大亨   2150000
前所未有   2120000
澄清   2060000
千萬   2030000
提高警惕   2030000
化身   2030000
蜜月   1960000
關鍵時刻   1910000
糟糕   1900000
千金   1890000
打招呼   1880000
風情   1860000
火力   1850000
光棍   1850000
知己   1820000
觀光   1750000
疏通   1730000
調查研究   1650000
天下第一   1650000
琢磨   1640000
引人注目   1630000
莫名其妙   1620000
布袋   1610000
屠龍   1580000

chrix, after you've had a nice look at it, maybe you can share with us if you notice anything interesting. Oh, and nice blog, btw :)



Hmm, the Taiwan MoE list has lots of two- and three-character words that are not chengyu. Don't know why they are in the list. There are also many four-character words like 研究调查, 一天一夜 and 上上下下 that are not chengyu's in the list.

I've cleaned it up a bit to obtain the top 260 or so four-character words from the list.

phyrex, would you be able to do a quick clean up of the list to get rid of all non-four character words? I tried a sort in Excel, but that only sorted the words by their pinyin and not their lengths.

招賢納士   5180000
吃喝玩樂   4620000
隨時隨地   4120000
春意盎然   3960000
不知不覺   3830000
與眾不同   3670000
意想不到   3590000
三十六計   3490000
領導幹部   3210000
霧里看花   2920000
霧裡看花   2780000
霧裏看花   2730000
無論如何   2440000
足不出戶   2160000
前所未有   2120000
提高警惕   2030000
關鍵時刻   1910000
調查研究   1650000
天下第一   1650000
引人注目   1630000
莫名其妙   1620000
不知所云   1540000
不可或缺   1530000
分期付款   1500000
認真落實   1460000
一年一度   1450000
不知所雲   1370000
一如既往   1370000
游山玩水   1370000
堅定不移   1320000
全力以赴   1310000
通貨膨脹   1300000
印象深刻   1270000
疑難雜症   1260000
熱烈歡迎   1250000
小心翼翼   1220000
實實在在   1220000
各式各樣   1200000
順利進行   1200000
自由自在   1190000
實話實說   1150000
可想而知   1150000
全心全意   1140000
完成任務   1120000
各行各業   1100000
因地制宜   1060000
命中注定   1010000
文責自負   998000
成千上萬   992000
精益求精   990000
他山之石   980000
一目了然   972000
有史以來   970000
十字路口   967000
七嘴八舌   946000
大大小小   931000
衣食住行   923000
行之有效   922000
艱苦奮鬥   918000
綜合分析   916000
一應俱全   908000
截然不同   892000
迫不及待   889000
勇往直前   882000
大千世界   866000
堅持不懈   859000
不知所措   846000
男婚女嫁   842000
事半功倍   821000
或多或少   820000
赤手空拳   816000
不由自主   816000
笑破肚皮   811000
盡管如此   796000
深入人心   769000
金榜題名   769000
齊心協力   755000
白手起家   751000
自然而然   747000
從小到大   746000
淚流滿面   738000
新陳代謝   735000
風雲人物   734000
絡繹不絕   722000
氣喘吁吁   718000
久而久之   715000
不可多得   697000
應運而生   696000
不言而喻   691000
如火如荼   685000
濫用職權   677000
物美價廉   674000
情不自禁   667000
不折不扣   666000
目瞪口呆   660000
大街小巷   656000
自言自語   655000
志同道合   649000
形形色色   644000
奄奄一息   644000
自古以來   643000
知名人士   641000
物超所值   640000
此時此刻   637000
天涯海角   634000
持之以恒   633000
耳目一新   627000
出乎意料   626000
食欲不振   624000
名列前茅   622000
來之不易   622000
左鄰右舍   620000
世外桃源   620000
花花公子   612000
取而代之   611000
難以置信   602000
風土人情   597000
玩忽職守   596000
勢在必行   595000
不可思議   590000
因人而異   590000
春暖花開   589000
下定決心   588000
統籌兼顧   584000
愈演愈烈   579000
暢通無阻   577000
哭笑不得   576000
不亦樂乎   575000
與生俱來   574000
時時刻刻   574000
不可抗力   570000
出人意料   569000
見死不救   568000
可見一斑   566000
喜怒哀樂   565000
世界末日   564000
津津樂道   562000
恍然大悟   562000
嚇了一跳   560000
天上人間   558000
近在咫尺   558000
比比皆是   554000
不得而知   550000
胡說八道   549000
一舉一動   547000
栩栩如生   546000
匪夷所思   543000
學以致用   543000
塵埃落定   541000
不可收拾   523000
不顧一切   522000
一目瞭然   522000
盡收眼底   519000
乾乾淨淨   518000
微不足道   517000
參差不齊   516000
古今中外   513000
明明白白   513000
一無所知   506000
千奇百怪   506000
東西南北   502000
風風雨雨   502000
精神實質   497000
卓有成效   496000
拭目以待   494000
清清楚楚   493000
徇私舞弊   492000
記憶猶新   492000
一席之地   491000
一心一意   490000
四面八方   489000
從頭到尾   487000
舞文弄墨   483000
罪魁禍首   482000
關鍵所在   481000
酸甜苦辣   480000
青山綠水   478000
談情說愛   477000
力所能及   468000
迫在眉睫   468000
雞皮疙瘩   465000
在所難免   465000
人間仙境   462000
心中有數   462000
讚不絕口   462000
一覽無餘   459000
毋庸置疑   458000
千千萬萬   452000
原來如此   448000
刮目相看   448000
污衊誹謗   446000
黃金時代   443000
呼之欲出   443000
有所作為   442000
相得益彰   442000
翻天覆地   439000
小心謹慎   438000
博大精深   436000
據我所知   435000
生動活潑   434000
服務周到   433000
興致勃勃   432000
萬事如意   431000
古色古香   428000
量力而行   427000
紅袖添香   422000
上上下下   421000
高高在上   421000
團結一致   419000
無話可說   418000
有目共睹   417000
胡言亂語   417000
縱橫天下   417000
似水流年   415000
大名鼎鼎   415000
血本無歸   414000
半信半疑   413000
屈指可數   412000
日日夜夜   411000
急功近利   411000
竭盡全力   410000
念念不忘   408000
此起彼伏   408000
物質文明   407000
開花結果   406000
準備就緒   403000
一天到晚   402000
首屈一指   401000
生意興隆   401000
硬著頭皮   400000
不一會兒   400000
興緻勃勃   399000
雪上加霜   399000
迷迷糊糊   398000
無所不能   398000
沒完沒了   397000
無家可歸   397000
詩詞歌賦   396000
日復一日   396000
意味深長   395000
起死回生   394000
大起大落   393000
回味無窮   392000
身臨其境   390000
面目全非   390000
德才兼備   390000
措手不及   387000
贊不絕口   386000
天下無敵   385000
熱情洋溢   384000
必由之路   384000
有的放矢   383000
舍己救人   383000
不計其數   382000
萬里長城   380000
精力充沛   380000
盡如人意   378000
五湖四海   378000
舉世矚目   378000
親眼目睹   378000
蒸蒸日上   377000
自給自足   377000
盡心盡力   376000
提出異議   373000
先到先得   372000


I've been watching this thread intently. THanks for your (computers) hard work :mrgreen:

Gato beat me to actually doing a clean up of it though.

And thanks Gato for the cleaned up version...


It's interesting the slight skew that google brings to something like that this. The first one is not used in spoken chinese (imho) but because of job searches that comes up high on google. Also the second one is one that just seems.... not very 成语 to me. Or is that just me? Things like 领导干部,分期付款,关键时刻....etc seem to be in there a lot. I don't think I would include them myself in a "chengyu" list. Any thoughts on that?

Anyway: my contribution being simplified version of what gato posted

(note: I haven't checked it for inconsistencies, just did a straight conversion so there may be mistakes)

招贤纳士   5180000
吃喝玩乐   4620000
随时随地   4120000
春意盎然   3960000
不知不觉   3830000
与众不同   3670000
意想不到   3590000
三十六计   3490000
领导干部   3210000
雾里看花   2920000
雾里看花   2780000
雾里看花   2730000
无论如何   2440000
足不出户   2160000
前所未有   2120000
提高警惕   2030000
关键时刻   1910000
调查研究   1650000
天下第一   1650000
引人注目   1630000
莫名其妙   1620000
不知所云   1540000
不可或缺   1530000
分期付款   1500000
认真落实   1460000
一年一度   1450000
不知所云   1370000
一如既往   1370000
游山玩水   1370000
坚定不移   1320000
全力以赴   1310000
通货膨胀   1300000
印象深刻   1270000
疑难杂症   1260000
热烈欢迎   1250000
小心翼翼   1220000
实实在在   1220000
各式各样   1200000
顺利进行   1200000
自由自在   1190000
实话实说   1150000
可想而知   1150000
全心全意   1140000
完成任务   1120000
各行各业   1100000
因地制宜   1060000
命中注定   1010000
文责自负   998000
成千上万   992000
精益求精   990000
他山之石   980000
一目了然   972000
有史以来   970000
十字路口   967000
七嘴八舌   946000
大大小小   931000
衣食住行   923000
行之有效   922000
艰苦奋斗   918000
综合分析   916000
一应俱全   908000
截然不同   892000
迫不及待   889000
勇往直前   882000
大千世界   866000
坚持不懈   859000
不知所措   846000
男婚女嫁   842000
事半功倍   821000
或多或少   820000
赤手空拳   816000
不由自主   816000
笑破肚皮   811000
尽管如此   796000
深入人心   769000
金榜题名   769000
齐心协力   755000
白手起家   751000
自然而然   747000
从小到大   746000
泪流满面   738000
新陈代谢   735000
风云人物   734000
络绎不绝   722000
气喘吁吁   718000
久而久之   715000
不可多得   697000
应运而生   696000
不言而喻   691000
如火如荼   685000
滥用职权   677000
物美价廉   674000
情不自禁   667000
不折不扣   666000
目瞪口呆   660000
大街小巷   656000
自言自语   655000
志同道合   649000
形形色色   644000
奄奄一息   644000
自古以来   643000
知名人士   641000
物超所值   640000
此时此刻   637000
天涯海角   634000
持之以�ρ�Β�   633000
耳目一新   627000
出乎意料   626000
食欲不振   624000
名列前茅   622000
来之不易   622000
左邻右舍   620000
世外桃源   620000
花花公子   612000
取而代之   611000
难以置信   602000
风土人情   597000
玩忽职守   596000
势在必行   595000
不可思议   590000
因人而异   590000
春暖花开   589000
下定决心   588000
统筹兼顾   584000
愈演愈烈   579000
畅通无阻   577000
哭笑不得   576000
不亦乐乎   575000
与生俱来   574000
时时刻刻   574000
不可抗力   570000
出人意料   569000
见死不救   568000
可见一斑   566000
喜怒哀乐   565000
世界末日   564000
津津乐道   562000
恍然大悟   562000
吓了一跳   560000
天上人间   558000
近在咫尺   558000
比比皆是   554000
不得而知   550000
胡说八道   549000
一举一动   547000
栩栩如生   546000
匪夷所思   543000
学以致用   543000
尘埃落定   541000
不可收拾   523000
不顾一切   522000
一目了然   522000
尽收眼底   519000
乾乾净净   518000
微不足道   517000
参差不齐   516000
古今中外   513000
明明白白   513000
一无所知   506000
千奇百怪   506000
东西南北   502000
风风雨雨   502000
精神实质   497000
卓有成效   496000
拭目以待   494000
清清楚楚   493000
徇私舞弊   492000
记忆犹新   492000
一席之地   491000
一心一意   490000
四面八方   489000
从头到尾   487000
舞文弄墨   483000
罪魁祸首   482000
关键所在   481000
酸甜苦辣   480000
青山绿水   478000
谈情说爱   477000
力所能及   468000
迫在眉睫   468000
鸡皮疙瘩   465000
在所难免   465000
人间仙境   462000
心中有数   462000
赞不绝口   462000
一览无馀   459000
毋庸置疑   458000
千千万万   452000
原来如此   448000
刮目相看   448000
污�ΡΊ诽谤   446000
黄金时代   443000
呼之欲出   443000
有所作为   442000
相得益彰   442000
翻天覆地   439000
小心谨慎   438000
博大精深   436000
据我所知   435000
生动活泼   434000
服务周到   433000
兴致勃勃   432000
万事如意   431000
古色古香   428000
量力而行   427000
红袖添香   422000
上上下下   421000
高高在上   421000
团结一致   419000
无话可说   418000
有目共睹   417000
胡言乱语   417000
纵横天下   417000
似水流年   415000
大名鼎鼎   415000
血本无归   414000
半信半疑   413000
屈指可数   412000
日日夜夜   411000
急功近利   411000
竭尽全力   410000
念念不忘   408000
此起彼伏   408000
物质文明   407000
开花结果   406000
准备就绪   403000
一天到晚   402000
首屈一指   401000
生意兴隆   401000
硬着头皮   400000
不一会儿   400000
兴致勃勃   399000
雪上加霜   399000
迷迷糊糊   398000
无所不能   398000
没完没了   397000
无家可归   397000
诗词歌赋   396000
日复一日   396000
意味深长   395000
起死回生   394000
大起大落   393000
回味无穷   392000
身临其境   390000
面目全非   390000
德才兼备   390000
措手不及   387000
赞不绝口   386000
天下无敌   385000
热情洋溢   384000
必由之路   384000
有的放矢   383000
舍己救人   383000
不计其数   382000
万里长城   380000
精力充沛   380000
尽如人意   378000
五湖四海   378000
举世瞩目   378000
亲眼目睹   378000
蒸蒸日上   377000
自给自足   377000
尽心尽力   376000
提出异议   373000
先到先得   372000

  • Like 1

Chengyu is usually used to refer to written idioms derived from classic literature, so words like 天下第一 and 吃喝玩乐 are definitely not chengyu. Hehe.

Why are they in the Taiwan Ministry of Education chengyu list?


What you guys can do if you're not satisfied with the results from the 'master list', is taking a chengyu list that actually only lists chengyu, and checking that against the master list results. Writing a script to do that should be trivial, and will definitely take less time than pumping a new chengyu file through google ;)


I'm (slowly) working my way through the list and feeling out the top ones. Removing some and then I'll see where that leaves me. I plan on actually using this so at some point I will actually take the ones with the same meaning and just group them not paying attention to specific order at the point.

Oh and that is definitely not a complete list- it doesn't have 对牛弹琴 on it.

Also this was an interesting find 吓了一跳. hmmmm...

I am very satisfied with the list. It saves a TON of problems and puts us a lot closer to having an actual usage based list even if it is not "perfect". I am very grateful!

Also in the simplified list the first "error" i've found is 干干净净


muyongshi, i'm glad that this can actually be of real help to somebody :)

If you want to do manipulate the list in any way where you think some programming magic could make that easier, feel free to contact me.


Hmmm... there is a lot of things I would like to do but don't know if I will ever have time. Like I might like to take the complete list converted into simplified and then cross reference it with a physical chengyu dictionary, add missing entries and then rerun the search to see with simplified what the results are. But like I said, I probably will never actually get around to doing that.


phyrex, thank you so much for your efforts, I really appreciate it :clap And glad you like my blog too :mrgreen: I will cross-reference this against a list of "real" chengyu. The MOE list is taken from 30 chengyu relevant sources, and they have included anything that appears in those sources.

Muyongshi, look for 對牛彈琴, it's at 6390....

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