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Figure Skating Vocabulary


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In honor of the Olympic Pairs Figure Skating Final today, does anyone have figure skating vocabulary in Mandarin?

I figure skate, and I can only find a few words. It might be good to know how to say the four different disciplines and major vocabulary for each (jumps, spins, turns, etc.)


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Here's some:

花样滑冰 Figure Skating

  附加动作 additional move

  花样滑冰鞋 figure skate

  特种圆形 advanced figure

  半周、半圆 half-circle

  燕式旋转 arabesque spin

  冰上表演 ice show

  艺术印象 artistic impression

  冰场 ice arena

  自由滑 art skating

  滑区 skating area

  平分 assign marks

  一周半跳 axel-paulsen

  旋转轴 axle of revolution

  倒滑压步 back cross over

  后内刃 back in

  后内括弧形 back in bracket

  后内变刃形 back in change

  后内圆形 back in circle

  后内外勾形 back in counter

  后内结环形 back in loop

  后内单脚结环形 back in loop change loop

  后内内勾形 back in rocker

  后内环绕,后内螺旋形 back in spiral

  后内直立旋转,单脚直立旋转 back in stand spin

  后辅刃 back out

  后内括弧形 back out bracket

  后外变刃形 back out change

  后外圆形 back out circle

  后外勾形 back out counter

  后外结环形 back out loop

  后外环绕,后外螺旋形 back out spiral

  倒滑,退滑 back skating

********************************************************************************************************环绕图形 spiral figure

单脚蹲转 Haines spin

单脚“8”字形 one-foot eight

单脚直立旋转 one-foot upright spin

单脚括弧形 paragraph bracket

单脚结环形 paragraph loop

单脚“3”字形 paragraph three

单脚双“3”字形paragraph double three

单个动作 individual part

单人旋转 solo spin

抱身 hand-to-body grip

和谐 harmony

直立滑行 ride

连接动作 connecting move

连接步 connecting step

步法 footwork

技术水平 technical merit

侧翻举 cartwheel lift

变刃 change of edge

变刃括弧 change-bracket

变刃“3”字形 change-double-three

变刃结环形 change-loop

变刃利落 cleen cut

借跳 partner-assisted jump

旋转动作 spinning movement

滑脚 employed foot;gliding foot;tracting foot

滑步 glide

滑弧线 curved stroke

滑区 skating area

编排 combination

硬转身 forced turn

集体动作 group move

外刃 outside;outer edge

右脚外刃 right outside

右脚内刃 right inside

用刀刃蹬冰 stroke from the edge

用刀齿蹬冰 stroke from the point of the skate

自由滑 art skating;free skating

握臂 hand-to-arm grip

携手 hand-to-hand grip

稳健 sureness

撑竿式跳 pole vaule jump

横一字 spread eagle

镜子滑 mirror skating

燕式旋转 arabesque spin

刀齿旋转 pirouette;toe-scratch

刀齿向下 toe of the skate pointing downward

刀齿蹬冰 toe push

双人旋转 pair spin

双人花样滑冰 pair skating

分腿 split

分腿举 split lift

平刃旋转 flat-foot spin

四人舞 fours

后外钩点冰一周跳 Lutz jump

后外钩点冰开脚一周跳 split Lutz jump

后外点冰开脚一周跳 toe split loop jump

后外点冰结环一周跳 toe loop jump

规定图形滑 skating of prescribed movements

图形对称形 symmetry of the figure

前外一周半跳 Paulsen;Axel-Paulsen

前外“3”字跳 three jump

同脚变刃的前进跳跃 forward jump

前刃变后刃半周跳 Mohawk

逆跳“3”字的方向转 counter rotation

附加动作 additional move

评分 assign marks

人工冷冻冰场 artificially frozen rink

“6”字形 figure six

“8”字形 curve eight

浮脚 free foot

双人动作 pair move

艺术印象 artistic impression

内刃 inner edge;inside

弧线上的双“3”字 double three

转体 turn

转体半周 half turn

转体两周 double turn

圆形滑 concentric stroking

同足后内结环一周跳 one-foot Salchow jump

异足后外结环一周跳 half loop jump

后内点冰一周跳 flip jump;toe Salchow

后内点冰“3”字跳 half toe Salchow

起滑脚 starting foot

冰刀套 skate guard

花样 pattern

自由滑部分 skating programme

起跳 take off

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I'll answer my own question by quoting what a Chinese friend told me this evening:


“优美”不能形容人,一般形容事物,只能说:花样滑冰运动员的动作是如此优美。 还可以说,优美的语言,优美的文章,优美的音乐等等。

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Wow! That's a long list! I'm not really a fan of figure skating but I'm just so glad Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won gold, especially after emerging from retirement to give the Olympics one last shot. Well done to them! Also, I think Pang Qing and Tong Jian deserve a round of applause as well. I couldn't really tell just how perfect their performance was but I suppose it was quite excellent since they didn't fall like the German pair did. :mrgreen:

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