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I have been refreshing the page every 2 hours since last week, so stressful!

You will find it far less stressful if you don't refresh it as often.  Try it once a day instead.


Elenor, I think you already got the scholarship. Congrats!

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Hey Guys!

I probably got one semester scholarship to 厦门大学, after that I have searched some information about the University...I read some opinions saying that the "new" campus is located very far from the city...everyting is under construction...should I regret the choice?

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Today my status changed to 
申请进度:“接收院校审核中”- 调剂院校 


As I understand they are tranferring my application to my second choice university. But their deadline is 31st of May, and it is Friday night in China. Could it mean that my application may not reach Tianjin (my second choice) before the deadline because of the weekend? Would it mean that Hanban will only get information that I was rejected from Hainan and thats it?



As far as I understand, your application isn't sent to your second choice uni. Your status says that Hanban wil find you an university.

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Thank you, do you know if it is a legit option? What are my chances of getting anywhere this late?


Hi there,


my question is slightly unrelated to the application status being discussed right now. It concerns Confucius Institute Scholarship itself. If I get it, I will go to China with my wife, and will live off the university campus, in a rented flat. I wonder if this would have any influence on the monthly scholarship payment. Does Hanban takes such factors into consideration, or leaves such choices to the scholarship winners, and pays the money anyway?


Haniahania - Same thing happened to me. I sent my application quite late and the Hanban's deadline was actually after the deadlines of the universities I chose. I ended up in a university that I didn't choose, but in the same city that I wanted to be in. It was an amazing experience though.


Marcin_KG - They will give you your monthly allowance, even if you choose to live off campus. On the CGS scholarship, it is now a rule that you can ask for the accommodation money instead of living on campus, but I don't think Hanban has updated this section of the CI scholarship just yet. So you can ask your school if they can give you the accommodation allowance on top of your living allowance. It's not much, but it helps.


Hi if anyone could help my friend he has this status (posted below). From what I understand it means Zheda has rejected him? but he put this for his first option (so still has one more left), and also selected yes to if he doesn't receive his preferred university he will go elsewhere. So am I right in telling him, he still may receive the scholarship?


  • CIS编号:CISAGBRC1506908
    申请进度:“推荐机构择优确认中”- 驳回 

Have they rejected him because he is currently in China? If this is the case, Hanban might reject his application.


hey hey my app changed to : 


:“接收院校审核中”- 录取 

this means admission right? 


its quite interesting.. i got given a university far away from my original choices... 

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@GotJack This application will be (quite sure) rejected - this year politics of Hanban seems to be very strict  - being in China while applying disqualifies you.

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@Resentful8 - high probably you will are addmited (98%)...the Hanban last word/click should be a formality.


Hello I have read all the past post and I am getting worried.


I picked up my last HSKK report card on 29th and I asked my CI and they told me not to worry about my unchanged 推荐机构择优确认中 status since every institution takes different time to process each application. I also asked them about me not uploading my HSK and HSKK score report (only screen shot) because I didn't have it until May 15th (that's when they came out I took both test in March) and my CI told me it's fine since they wrote a letter and everything.


However, I send an email to my host institute and they told Hanban has not approved my application yet so they can't check it online and their spots all full for one year program. I sent an email to Hanban for this matter but no answer yet. I'm getting frustrated with this wait and I see a lot of people already got accepted to their university.


my status as of now is still 推荐机构择优确认中. Should I be worried about it? I asked my CI to send an email to Hanban. I don't know how to resubmit my application since I'm worried it's too late to do that with actual scanned copy of my score report.


Don't worry, my status is still 申请进度:“推荐机构择优确认中”, probably because my CI submitted quite late… Let's cross fingers and wait...


shushuo, thanks a lot for your response. Just to make sure I understand you right: let's say that CI monthly scholarship is 2,500 RMB. And let's say that my university agreed to also pay accommodation allowance. Does it mean that I would get 2,500 RMB from Hanban + accommodation allowance from the uni?


"@GotJack This application will be (quite sure) rejected - this year politics of Hanban seems to be very strict  - being in China while applying disqualifies you."


Oh really? I hadnt heard of this. Im also in China so we will both likely be rejected. The Confucius centre we applied for didn't think it would matter.

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