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I think you're jumping the gun a little...I've been asked several times now to amend things. Its frustrating, it makes them look a little bureaucratic, but I can only assume theyre consistent across the board with everyone and it's more to do with filling in their application in the manner they're anticipating, rather than anything else.

Big word of advice for anyone yet to send in your application, check and double check, and even ask someone who has submitted one before - if you can. They asked me to look at several things, which I suspect may have caught other people foul. I don't want to say what it is online, but if people PM I'm happy to say.

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@baihua, I study at the same CI of Sephora... unfortunately our teacher checked and doble checked day and night... we don't know what is wrong with some of our applications. We are new, so we can't PM you :wall  


I carefully read to all of the requirements for this scholarship and I'm starting to think that there must be something wrong, but we don't know what  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:


Thank you guys for these info, this forum is so helpful!


Hello, this morning I got the following:



With the help of Google translation it means:


Application Status: "Pending of Host Institution review"
(Comment: recommend second choice Institutions admission)
Receiving institutions: East China Normal University


I am not sure what it means, probably that I was not accepted by the first institution and that my application is transferred to my 2nd choice.


If anyone got the same message, help will be appreciated. Thanks.

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@baihua can you mail me at sephora.deluca@live.it? it would be nice of you!

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If you apply for a one-semester scholarship, would it be possible to extend the scholarship for a further semester? Does anyone have any experience with this?


Sorry, I didn't want to go into all the details online with what I was asked to amend, but really quickly, my core problem atm is I have been given conflicting information about obtaining my CI's signature, because I don't think there was any way to upload it. I hope to have an answer by the close of this week.


@pho Your application has already been approved by Hanban so now host universities can see it. Can you please tell us what you did with the signatures? I mean, did you only upload yours? Or does it need the referee's signature as well? Since there wasn't any option in the online application I only uploaded mine.


@foreigner2u- My CI pasted the referee's signature (the chinese director of the CI) to the application just after I submitted it. 


About my status. I got it just a day after my application was submitted so I wonder what happened to my first choice. I am surprised I did not get something along the lines 接收院校审核中 (意见:招生工作节点,转第二志愿院校).  - application transfered to your second choice.


Therefore I wonder if my CI did the recommendation mentionned in the status (Comment: recommend second choice Institutions admission) or is the comment coming from Hanban? Any thought Crisgee as you are the specialist here? Thanks in advance.


@pho Thanks for sharing :) Maybe you were transferred to the second choice because the deadline of your first one was already over(?) Might be a possibility :O

I submitted my application like two weeks ago and my status is still "推荐机构择优确认中" kinda frustrating :(


Regarding deadlines and the no-deadline-for-this-year thing. 

This is just a an experience-influenced guess. Please don't take this as gospel truth. I have a feeling that the admission deadlines for self-paying students and CI-scholarship students are separate. The admission timelines may also be separate, since they have already allocated slots for scholarship students. The must be a quota according to nationality/continent, CI, HSK Grade, etc. But I don't know exactly how it is formulated. If you miss the deadline of your target school, Hanban will find another one. It may be in far away Hohhot, but if they are still slots, you get it. And if you really miss all the universities, they'll ask you if you're fine will entering in March 2017. So in a way, there is "no deadline." You will eventually land a school, wherever it may be. Again, this is just my guess.


Regarding the status 推荐机构择优确认中

It means that after you click submit, your CI must check the  applications backend (奖学金管理系统), and review the details of your application form and the attachments to make sure they are correct. And when everything is in order, the referee i.e. CI's  will affix their signature and confirm the recommendation by clicking a button. @foreigner2u What happened to you really sucks, and it shouldn't have happened. Is this a new CI? Or maybe the person handling it is new? We absolutely check the applications backend (奖学金管理系统)frequently to see if we get new one. And I already anticipate who is submitting because I was also the one that sent them the recommendation letters written by our director. So when you see your status stuck here, urge your CI to log in 奖学金管理系统 the and check the 孔院推荐审核.


HSK and HSKK certificates

As much as possible, we would really want to have the original scans. I know, last year it was okay to send screenshots. I guess they're becoming stricter.





I have the status 申请进度:“奖学金资格评审中”- 退回院校 (意见:经研究,为保证录取学生质量,提高录取效率,请各相关院校本着质量优先、国别平衡原则,重新预录取 too!!

It's a nice way of saying your target university feels that they would like to give way to better applicants. Sorry. Doesn't mean you won't receive the scholarship. Maybe another school will accept you.



That is strange. I wonder what the problem is.



The recommendation to transfer you to your second choice is Hanban's. It's simply the next step, and not so much an actual recommendation. That's why they ask you for a second choice. Anyway, if you see a 同意录取, you've been accepted. Eventually it will become 授予奖学金, you've been awarded the scholarship.

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@Crisgee. Thanks for the information. It is nice to have someone to explain this stressful process!


Any advice about what to do when your application reaches your second choice? I red somewhere in the forum that you are put in a queue behind those you have chosen the university as first choice. Can this be true?


I have sent an email this morning to the Confucius Institute contact of East China Normal University (the International Student Office). Just presenting myself, that I will be delighted to study there and asking if there is anything they need from me. Nothing pushy. Anything more I could do at this stage?


I wonder if my CI could help. The ECNUni is not their partner university (which was my first choice by the way but did not work). What would you do at the CI in Manilla?



@crisgee Thank you so much for the information!! I'm literally going to my CI almost everyday in order to make sure everything is fine. Apparently they don't know it can be done one by one because I was told that they are waiting for all the applicants to submit online and then they will review our applications. I don't like it that way since I submitted my application last month so I don't miss any deadlines but anything can be done unfortunately.


Hello everyone! Just recently registered. 


After I woke up, I went to check my status and this is what it says:


申请进度:“接收院校审核中”- 预录取 
(意见:该生系新南威尔士大学学生,新南威尔士大学孔院学员。经审核,该生身份属实,申请材料齐全 包括:1)护照首页;2)HSK3:295、HSKK初级: 84;3)推荐机构负责人签发的推荐信、孔子学院学员证明等。同意录取! )


The first part I understand, I'm currently pending review for my host university, but everything after that I'm not too sure. Maybe someone can help? It looks pretty promising though, especially seeing the last part.

After I woke up, I went to check my status and this is what it says:


From what I can read it says all your documents were checked to be right and you are admitted. Congrats! How long did it take you to go from the status update 已确认 to that one??? I got 已确认 on May 5th and am still waiting.


Actually, it took me about one day for that to change actually. I had made sure I double checked everything before I submitted the application, included all the files necessary and wrote what I needed, and went to my CI in person to get it checked together before I sent everything. My CI also approved the application right after.


It was surprisingly quick though, I think because everything necessary in the application was there and there were no mistakes. Hopefully you get an answer soon and the status changes for you!! 


I obtained  已确认 this morning. Initial panic over.


ETA I didn't get a definite answer regarding the requirement of the signature, so I am a little bit confused by it all.


Hey Baihua! Are you talking about the signature from your CI? If so, your CI should be the one that provide it and put it inside the application once you have submitted it and then have it checked by them.


I am still waiting for my HSK and HSKK certificates to arrive  :-? I have written to the university I am applying to, and they told me it is okay, and that I just have to ASAP when I get the certificates. Just in case anyone else has the same problem... I already can't wait to see these certificates  :lol:


Hi everyone,

I submit yesterday and today the head of my CI write me an email saying he has uploaded his signature for my recommendation, but my status is still 推荐机构择优确认中 and I don't see his signature. Is it ok? Why my status is still the same?


Someone actually needs to look at your application, go through their procedure and manually update its status before you will see any change. They have many many applications to go through so patience is key.

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