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@celester almost 3 weeks with 已确认 isn't much time yet, give them a couple of days.

@pho I emailed the uni just in case, though they should contact us during the middle of the month.

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A friend of mine who is also applying for the one-year scholarship changed his mind about his second choice (he got rejected by the first one). Could he erase his application while it's still in the process and apply again for a one-semester scholarship at the same first choice?

Thank you! 


@ hoshinoumi.  I also emailed ECNU about it. Let's see what reply and keep the forum informed about it.

What do you mean by trying to speed things up this month and not do anything in July? Are you talking about the paperwork (visa and so on)?


@crisgee. Dear Crisgee, do you know what the comment in brackets mean?

申请进度:“奖学金综合评审结束”- 授予奖学金


Congratulations to all those who have been awarded the scholarship!  :clap


@houshinoumi @pho

Usually the next step is that your universities will contact you. Some will send e-mails. Some will not. But all of them will mail you your JW201 or JW202 Visa Application Forms and Admission Notice (some will send additional stuff like brochures). You should expect this to be mailed either to your address or to your CI. Your CIs should also know about this and reach to you in some form. You may contact the universities too if you wish just to tell them that you've received the good news. They will mostly likely  tell you that they will mail the stuff to you. 



Yes, you got the one semester scholarship in ECNU!



This is tricky as I believe that the CSC and Hanban will sort it among themselves before notifying you. So my assumption is that they have already canceled your CSC application. It's the "only one scholarship doctrine". What does your CSC status say currently?



My CSC status is "the application form is currently checking", but after "checking" it usually doesn't change anymore (it changed to "checking" weeks ago), so I don't know what is happening to my CSC application right now...

Do you think they will notice I applied for both scholarships even if the universities I chose are different?

BFSU is a great uni and I would really like studying there, but since BLCU is my dream uni I don't want to miss this opportunity :(




Has anyone been awarded the CIS scholarship at BNU for one academic year, starting in September?


Hi guys!

Today I just got this.

申请进度:“奖学金资格评审中”- 退回院校



What does this mean? Thank you all!


On this forum, has anyone with less than 260 marks on Hsk 3 been awarded a one year scholarship?


@crisgee thanks for the useful info, as usually :)

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@Loh Kae

Yes, I have 254 marks and hanban accepted me for one-year scholarship. 

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Does anyone know why Hanban is being more rigorous? What about HSK4 what is the minimum score to be able to get the scholarship?


Hi :)

Does anyone applied for 4 weeks scholarship?

If yes, do you know what are the terms of this program (do we have to pay for accommodation, do we get any allowance etc)?

I've already asked my CI, but unfortunately they are also not really sure how its gonna look this year.

Thanks in advance :)


Hi guys:) My friend got her scholarship, but couple days after Lanzhou uni canceled it saying to apply for the 2nd uni(奖学金资格评审中”- 退回院校


is it possible that someone who has higher scores was accepted?

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I can see you have a knowledge about applying to Confucius scholarship. Could you tell me is there a possibility to change the scholarship type if I already got the scholarship like two days ago? (授予奖学金) I have changed my mind and would like to apply for different Confucius scholarship on the same university. I meet the requirements. I am thinking is it possible or it's too much confusion.


Hi guys! Anyone here whom I'll be seeing at Zhejiang University this September? :D


Hey Everyone! 

Congrats to those who already got their scholarships! I myself am applying to BLCU for the one-year study program and my status was “接收院校审核中”- 预录取 up until two days ago, but then it changed to: 

申请进度:“奖学金资格评审中”- 退回院校 

I have absolutely no idea what it means. Has the university already rejected me? And if so, why aren't they sending my documents to my second choice? I'm all lost here, and if someone could explain it to me, I'd be very grateful :D 

Thank you all in advance! 


@Ana_18 @Astrid79 This means that the universities where you applied as a first choice received more applications than students they could accept. So unfortunately, they have rejected you. But they are sending your application to your second choice universities. So you still have a chance.  

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