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Man, I'm getting sick of waiting on this "预录取" business. But of course it could be worse. Anybody get accepted by BLCU yet? That's my first choice.


申请进度:“接收院校审核中”- 预录取

(意见:学生材料齐全,HSK和HSKK成绩优秀,日后有意愿攻读汉语硕士,按总部择优录取意见,拟录取该生。 )


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Wait, we can email Hanban and they'll actually respond??? Which email address are you using?



And when zhejiand daxue refuse your application? I'm nervous because they ignore me, and my status have no any changes. Did you have less than 250 scores?

Do you have a certified copy of your transcript? And it should be in english


Hi everyone! It's been a week since I got this status:

“奖学金资格评审中”- 退回院校 


And it hasn't changed yet. According to my teachers, BLCU rejected me and they're sending my documents to my second choice, but it's been like that for a whole week and the deadline at my university is approaching. Do you know if my documents are being sent already (automatically, I mean) or if I have to do something (like contacting Hanban or my second choice university myself) in order for them to get sent? The whole process is taking almost a month and I am getting a little scared since most of my classmates have either been rejected or accepted already.

Thank you for your answers and best of luck!



After I got rejected by my first and second universities my status changed to 

申请进度:“接收院校审核中”- 调剂院校 


Is there any chance that the university changes? And if this one rejects me too I will be transeferred to another one or my scholarship can be dismissed?



My istatus is :

申请进度:“奖学金资格评审中”- 退回院校


And its my secound choice , please anyone can eplain !


@Homaed7 this means that there is no any place in the beijing university, and now Hanban will find for you another university

Good luck


So long story short, I applied first to EU window then to Confucius scholarship, first place Qingdao, second Hangzhou Normal respectively.

After my CI application was accepted to Qingdao, I wrote to them to find out they actually can't accept me, cuz they already accepted my application to the Eu Window (/CGS - waiting there to get the final decision/notice by the Chinese scholarship council).

After that now I checked my Confucius Scholarship account, to find this:


申请进度:“接收院校审核中”- 预录取


Any tips what this actually means? Hangzhou is waiting for Hanban's decision to go forward or what?


Today my status change from 已确认 to



接收院校:华东师范大学 (this is my second university)

Do you know what it means?


@ bea. If your second uni just appeared in your status with this message, it probably means that your first choice has filled its quota and Hanban moved you to your second choice uni for review.


If you are accepted by ECNU we might be able to meet in Shangai as it is also my uni!


A friend of mine had ECNU as first choice, but it was rejected because they haven't any other place. So I can just wait, if ECNU accept me I'll let you know. I really don't understand why Suzhou rejected me, and this sentence:



@Bea93 I've read that Suzhou only accepts 5 applicants for semester and 10 for a year. I'm guessing it is extremely diffiult to get in there....


@Tiri 10 per year? 2 guys from my university are going to Suzhou, if the maximum were 10 students I don't think they would accept 2 from the very same city.


@hoshinoumi I've found it on their website (international.suda.edu.cn). It reads: 本年度苏州大学招生名额如下:. 一学期研修生5名;一学年研修生10名。


Hi guys! I need help:(

Well, Hanban told me they were sending me to my second choice (Tianjin) and also told me I needed to re-upload all the documents again. When I re-sent my application form, my first and second options were the same as the first time I sent the application. Then, when I signed in the system, I saw my application is going to Nanjing again. I don't know what to do, because I know Tianjin is accepting applications till the end of the month, and I don't want to make all the proceda again :(


@Tiri Then I guess my two friends must feel lucky haha!

@Astrid79 If I were you I'd contact Hanban and ask them what's happening, it doesn't sound like any answer here may help.



I had to undertake several re-submissions. As far as I understood it, it goes from the beginning again, but is responded to quicker than previous submissions.


Hi guys, I'm new to this forum, today i got this in my status 申请进度:“推荐机构择优确认中”- 驳回 (意见:请修改奖学金类别。) does it mean hanban can only give a 6 moth scholarship? or is it the UniversityI applied?I talked to my CI and that's pretty much what they told me. If you guys can help me with your input, it would be much appreciated. thanks!

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