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Hi guys!! Is there anyone who is going to guizhou daxue on march 2017?


Any of you guys still doesn't have any news from their uni?? Xi'an is taking its time to contact me and my friends :(

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@hoshinoumi I have been on 已确认 for over a month now, Fudan hasn't even looked at my application yet!


Guys, I wrote to the university I han been assigned to and they wrote that if they decline me there is a chance of being reassigned and a chance that my scholarship will be taken from me. My CI says that the scholarship cannot be taken away. Have you heard of such cases? Is it possible?

I have written to Hanban for several times but they never reply


@Vee did you tick the option that tells Hanban to reassign you to any university in case your first and second unis decline? Unless you didn't tick that, or unless your HSK scores aren't high enough, you should be assigned to one university, I believe.

@Hannahknolan Contact your CI, we can only take a guess in the forum.

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@hoshinoumi I have already been reassigned to Harbin, but this is the worst place for me, so I asked them to reassign me again


@Vee, not much I can tell you then. Best of luck, though @crisgee would probably say it is wisest to accept, you do run the risk of having your application rejected.



My university (Nanjing Normal) haven't contacted me yet. I got a schoolarship month ago...

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@hoshinoumi I have contacted both my CI and Fudan, and they have both told me that all I can do it wait... It is so frustrating!  :wall


@hoshinoumi. By news do you mean receiving an email?  If so maybe Xi'an's policy at this stage is just to send the admission letter without emailing the awarded students.

It could also be the case that some uni wait until all scolarships are awarded before sending the admission letters. Every uni has probably its own specific way to deal with the CIS.


Let's wait till the end of June and as soon as one of us got its admission letter he can post the good news on the forum. 

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It could also be the case that some uni wait until all scolarships are awarded before sending the admission letters. Every uni has probably its own specific way to deal with the CIS.

That was my most-likely guess, I suppose it may be this way. But god, the waiting is killing me hahaha I've heard of many people who bought the plane tickets before even knowing when they could enter the residence but I prefer knowing it.

Madalina Gheorghita

Vee@ I am in the same case...hanban didn't give me the scholarship but the university(my fist option Xi'an) accepted me after an interview. I don't know what shoul I do...


Vee@ I am in the same case...hanban didn't give me the scholarship but the university(my fist option Xi'an) accepted me after an interview. I don't know what shoul I do...

What's your system show !!?




Congartulations! :D They haven't contacted me yet, but I sent them e-mail and they said they already have sent a letter to me, so now I am waiting for it.
Yes, of course, in the end of August you can contact me and ask everyting you want :)



Hello guys, I got 请转第二志愿学校审核, so I guess I'm waiting for my second school to accept. I'm afraid that it won't. Can someone tell me if my first and second won't what will happen? Thank you :(


@dianasy. No need to despair at this stage. I got accepted by my second choice. And if you ticked on your application form that you accept Hanban can send you at another uni if you are rejected by your first and second choice then it is highly likely they will find you a place somewhere. Courage :D !

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@pho. I'm a bit. I did tick it. Can you help me? The first school compared to the second is worst. The second choice is better than the first one. But I got I think an acceptance from the first then it changed to that the second is checking my application. What time do you think they will accept hopefully? I've been waiting for over 6 days. And 100% there will be a third school? Thanks!

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