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Have your CI advised you to buy the plane tickets before getting the visa? It sounds risky to me.


@Homaed and then to which uni you had been assigned by hanban? (just to have an idea what i can hope for)

I was assigned to 云南师范大学 but iam still waiting hanban to improve mine


Yes! I got it “奖学金综合评审结束”- 授予奖学金 

Although at first I was looking for a 1 year scholarship but my CI told me to change it, because with my hsk3 score (257) it wasn't enough. But at least is something.
Anyone else going to 华南理工大学 ?


Mine is

申请进度:“接收院校审核中”- 预录取


Iam still waiting hanban to improve , you dont worry its the third uni i was assigned to .

now what does Your system show !



Yes I am going in winter, I also start on 21st..but December;)

Anyway we'll keep in touch !:)


@homaed7 mine says: 申请进度:“接收院校审核中”

(意见:请转第二志愿学校审核。) , it's been like this for too long!


@homaed7 mine says: 申请进度:“接收院校审核中”

(意见:请转第二志愿学校审核。) , it's been like this for too long!

Yes about 2 weeks , but finally had assigned to another .

I have a good suggesion , send email to your first uni says like that :

" 请转我的申请其他学校审核 , 我的 CIS 号码是 ..... " 谢谢

Its a good idea , i did like that , and if u wait they will automaticly assigned u to another , only we have to wait 。

我希望我们都获得成功 ,


@homaed7 why my first one? I actually want my second to accept. The first didn't, even though they sent me at first something something then 同意录取!


因为首先你第一志愿学校同意你的 , 但是汉办对他们说 " 你们没有名额,请转他的申请其他学校来审核 " 。

因此 , 你的申请现在在第一志愿院校 。



你可能等一等他们一定会转你的 。

祝你好,不用担心 。只等一等

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