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Newspaper Article of the Day

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An article about 海归, the Chinese educated abroad thinking about returning to China.

This one is a bit jargon-heavy, so I annotated some important words.

中国掀起吸引高层人才热潮 新一波"海归潮"涌动: http://liuxue.people.com.cn/GB/204387/204397/12983509.html




涌动 [yǒngdòng] surge

热潮 [rècháo] craze

机遇 [jīyù] opportunity

素质 [sùzhì] (human) character

审视 [shěnshì] to examine … closely

反思 [fǎnsī] to review

持续 [chíxù] go on

转型 [zhuǎnxíng] transform

红利 [hónglì] bonus

驱动 [qūdòng] drive

密集型 [mìjíxíng] ...-intensive (like labour-intensive)

支招 (儿) [zhīzhāo] to give advice

首鼠两端 [shǒushǔliǎngduān] be in two minds

彷徨 [pánghuáng] hesitate

沉住气 [chénzhùqì] keep calm; be steady

跳槽 [tiàocáo] change jobs

通用电气 [tōngyòngdiànqì] General Electric

西门子 [xīménzǐ] Siemens

跳板 [tiàobǎn] spring-board

派驻 [pàizhù] post; station

创业 [chuàngyè] carve out a career

部委 [bùwěi] ministries and commissions

优惠 [yōuhuì] preferential

民营 [mínyíng] privately-run

缺陷 [quēxiàn] (noun) defect

讲学 [jiǎngxué] give lectures


I like reading the 聯合報's daily news digests. You can subscribe to them on their website www.udn.com. They're sent out by e-mail. There's a couple of different ones: Taiwanese news, international news, economic news, etc. The advantage is you get an e-mail every day, which serves as a reminder ;) I also find their coverage pretty good.

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That might be an interesting source of articles, thanks. I'll try to mix them up. If you run into a fun article, do post a link.


Love this thread, renzhe, thanks. I tend to read the Chinese version of BBC and Wall Street Journal, if I see anything fun I will let you know.


Even better, just post the link here and quote the first paragraph. The more people, the merrier, then we'll get less boring articles than the ones I found.


Here's a nice short, lighthearted article:



電話亭 = phone booth

提款機 = ATM

大行其道 = 某種道術正在盛行 (something that is currently in prevalent use)

拆除 = to tear down

消失 = to disappear, to vanish

  • Like 1
Even better, just post the link here and quote the first paragraph. The more people, the merrier, then we'll get less boring articles than the ones I found.

Oh groovy, this will be the cat's pajamas. Do you care about the source, like are you wanting articles from the Chinese press or articles from the overseas press like Wall Street Journal?


I don't care about the source, I only care that they use proper, formal language. I want to improve reading of modern news stories (mostly vocab, jargon and those ubiquitous abbreviations), so modern news stories are welcome. Don't care what they're about, whether they're boring or interesting, just lots of volume in small daily chunks. Lifestyle, politics, interest stories, I'm planning to mix it up.

This will disqualify many blogs, but I don't mind occasional blog entry with good quality Chinese. Obviously stuff like BBC or WSJ qualifies.

All of you who read online articles daily, please drop a link when you read something. It doesn't have to be great, it will still stop others from searching and make it easier to keep reading every day.


If possible, stick a couple of questions in as well - really helps people get involved when they know why they're reading. Eg, for mai3zi1's just above at post 8:

1. The changes in the article will make it easier for the British public to:

a) make phone calls

B) visit other countries

c) access their bank accounts

2. The booths will not be demolished as

a) there are too many of them

B) the public objected to the plans

c) British Telecom will sell them to other countries

3. Role play an argument between a British Telecom executive and an old lady who . . . .ok, that's a bit excessive.

Similarly, if you can include any language questions you have (or had, while reading) that'll get people involved.


This is on the Fruit Daily today, and I think is relevant to the article at #1. But since it is on a HK newspaper, most probably most people won't be able to read it.

內地教師港大校門抗議 促退出北大加分試 免間接害苦學生



蕭兵表示,內地高中有潛規則,高中生在首兩年完成全部三年課程,高三則集中操練應付高考。在首兩年學生常要在寒假、暑假和周末回校補課,他便是在 03年因支持任教的高中的 100多名學生聯署反對在十.一黃金周補課後,備受校方針對而丟職。



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Do tech sites like the Chinese version of Endgadget qualify? I read articles about new gadgets (especially Android-powered devices) almost everyday, so I can drop one in every now and then. Not the usual stuff you encounter in your regular newspapers, these articles also tend to be less formal at times (they still fall into the 书面语 category though), but they make up for it with the tech related vocab...


Here's some I read this morning, from the 聯合報 news digest, ordered by relative difficulty (completely subjectively decided by me).

臉書留言自殺 上千好友冷眼觀 (Facebook suicide)

星巴克換商標 消費者嗆頭殼壞去 (Starbucks logo change)

8國合作救援 瓜分北極海? (new treaty on the Arctic)

重掌美眾院 共和黨貝納哭了 (Republicans take back House)

抗通膨 印尼總統帶頭種辣椒 (Asian inflation)

I try not to look up any words, unless they're absolutely critical for understanding the text, or unless they're transliterations of place names that I've never seen before. And I try to read through the articles pretty quickly. Understanding them completely will come later. For the moment, I'm merely trying to get 80% of the articles in a reasonable time.

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Thanks for the links, everyone, now I have something to read :) Skylee, I can't read your article from Germany either. It's cut off after the first couple of sentences :(

Sarevok, tech articles are OK, as long as they are something an average Chinese without a Master's degree can understand, and as long as they keep foreign-language terms to a minimum. So they fit the theme of everyday, regular stuff.

One of the first articles I read (in 南方周末) compared the expansion of the number of unmarried men in China to the inflationary period immediately following the Big Bang, and then it went into explaining the physics behind it, and it was so daft that I stopped after two paragraphs.

Roddy, the idea is interesting, but I don't want it to get too didactic, or give too much information. Lazy people (like me) will get the gist just by reading the questions. Perhaps a reference to something, or a short comment which can only be understood if you've read the article? I know that these made me curious enough to watch some of the first episodes.

OK, my question: In Daan's North Pole article, 轉捩點 must be 轉折點, right?


An interview with a famous history professor at Fudan University about the lack of deep moral beliefs among people today in mainland China. He advocate a turn to religion to build a moral foundation for the society. Surprisingly, he suggests Christianity as the most likely choice for the religion.

There are literally hundreds of visitor comments on the FT Chinese site in response to the interview, most of them sympathetic.


2010年12月31日 14:59 PM





葛剑雄 (教授,历史学博士,博士生导师)祖籍浙江绍兴,1945年12月15日出生于浙江湖州。曾任复旦大学中国历史地理研究所、历史地理研究中心主任。现任复旦大学图书馆馆长,教育部社会科学委员会委员。

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In Daan's North Pole article, 轉捩點 must be 轉折點, right?

No I don't think so. it's 轉捩點 (zhuan lie dian).

PS - this term is really quite common. But perhaps it is not used in Mainland China. Who knows?

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You're right, skylee. I just found it in my paper dictionary, with the explanation " = 转折点". I think that it is indeed less commonly used on the Mainland. My girlfriend also spontaneously read it as 转折点.


Good morning!

Here's another article:

英国一名幼稚园女校长与老师开派对,为了制造惊喜,她竟送女教师情趣用品,此举却玩出问题,收礼人不但不领情,更有人当场吓到差点掉泪。校长事后为此道歉。在布莱克本奥德利社区幼稚园任职校长的费尔顿(Sally Felton),日前与教职员开派对,期间兴奋宣布要大方送礼物。可是,她给女教师的礼物原来是阴茎形状的制冰器、皮鞭等情趣用品。教师们收到后,不但有惊无喜,有人拆开礼物后更吓到差点掉泪。一名知情人士向当地媒体表示:「费尔顿犯了很大的错误。」玩出火的费尔顿事后道歉:「若这些礼物冒犯了别人,我很抱歉。」她表示,只是想要让礼物是有趣的新玩意。


成語 (from the caption):

花容失色 = 形容女子受到驚嚇,如花朵般美麗的容貌失去顏色 (describes how when a woman is horrified, she looks like a beautiful flower that has lost its color)

And per roddy's suggestion, here's a few questions:

1)What is 情趣用品?

a. emotionally touching items

b. interesting knick-knacks

c. sexually related items

d. party favors


a. 幼稚園的另一教師

b. 幼稚園的校長

c. 幼稚園的學生

d. 幼稚園學生的母親

3)陰莖 is a less vulgar way to refer to what?

a. a hidden plant

b. a shady spot

c. a stalker

d. the male anatomy

4)Although the original intentional was 製造驚喜, what ended up being the result?

a. 無驚無喜

b. 有驚有喜

c. 有驚無喜

d. 無驚有喜

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Here are the answers to the last one I posted:

1) c. 2) b. 3) d. 4) c.

And, here's a new article:


英國一隻喪失部分視力的混種狗,可能是英國最醜的狗,但滑稽模樣卻得到主人的寵愛,讓牠獲得一個溫暖的家。這隻喪失部分視力的混種波 音特犬(Pointer))由於長得太醜,竟然被取名為「醜」(Ug)。牠被安置在動物收容所裡好幾個月都沒人理會。英國媒體報導,在咖啡館工作的愛波. 帕克(April Parker) 在「五月花」動物收容所(Mayflower sanctuary)的網站上發現「醜」之後,卻對牠一見鍾情。35歲的愛波帶著兩個分別為15和13歲的女兒去收容所,當場被牠古怪的模樣征服,於是就把牠領養,並且替牠重新取名為「道格」(Doug)。愛波說:「人們第一次看到牠時,都會傻眼,牠鼓鼓的眼睛和歪七扭八的牙齒,樣子很好笑,而且牠會不時撞到東西。但牠有一種奇特的氣質,讓牠變得很可愛。」


a. 沒有眼睛,沒有牙齒

b. 眼睛失去視力,牙齒不正

c. 色盲,有牙縫

d. 懶惰眼,缺牙

2)What kind of place is a 動物收容所?

a. an animal shelter

b. a place where animals receive grooming treatments

c. a type of veterinary hospital

d. a pet psychology office

3)What is Doug's most salient characteristic?

a. he can place fetch

b. he is Britain's first seeing-eye dog

c. he isn't house-trained

d. he is very ugly

4)What other number-based 成語 does 歪七扭八 remind you of?

(many answers are potentially acceptable)

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