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Help with some a few sentences

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I was hoping someone could help me translate a small text.

I have tried alot of translators, but i couldn't figure it out.

So i eventually ended up here :D

Here is the text:

䴀攀猀猀愀最攀 昀爀漀洀 ㌀㄀㘀㔀㔀㤀㤀㠀㔀㘀㤀㨀

栀攀攀℀ 樀愀 最愀愀琀 最漀攀搀 栀漀漀爀℀ 洀攀琀 

樀漀甀 漀漀欀㼀 瀀眀眀 最愀愀琀 爀攀搀攀氀椀樀欀 

琀漀琀 渀甀 琀漀攀㬀⤀ 砀砀

I'm not even entirely sure its chinese, but even though, hope someone can help.



Is there some context? Where did you get it?

While I freely admit my Chinese isn't the best (or isn't even that good....), that looks like gibberish to me. Anyone else?


yes those are gibberish words, somehow the code are not fit for this site, that's as much as i know, i am not an IT guy, but at least i am a chinese. :P


That looks like the problem I have with some banners when I used Chrome on my laptop (PC) and Firefox on my desktop (Mac). It also happens with entire webpages sometimes. For instance, I can't view the Taiwanese MOE's character variant dictionary because the whole page is full of what the OP is asking to have translated.


You may attach a picture of these texts, instead of copy and paste them directly.

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those you posted are some messy codes not Chinese...............



1. 䴀攀猀猀愀最攀 昀爀漀洀 ㌀㄀㘀㔀㔀㤀㤀㠀㔀㘀㤀㨀

䴀 pān shā shā qiǎo zuì pān yún 爀 qǐng pán ㌀㄀㘀 㔀 㔀 㤀 㤀 㠀 㔀 㘀 㤀 㨀

䴀 phàn ? ? thiểu tối phàn ? 爀 ? ? ㌀㄀㘀 㔀 㔀 㤀 㤀 㠀 㔀 㘀 㤀 㨀

2. 梔攀攀℀ 樀愀 最愀愀琀 最漀攀攙 梔漀漀爀℀ 洀攀琀 

Zhī pān pān ℀ dī qiǎo zuì qiǎo qiǎo hán zuì qǐng pān chān zhī qǐng qǐng 爀 ℀ pán pān hán 

Chi phàn phàn ℀ ? thiểu tối thiểu thiểu ? tối ? phàn sam chi ? ? 爀 ℀ ? phàn ? 

3. 樀漀甀 漀漀欀㼀 瀀眀眀 最愀愀琀 爀攀攙攀氀椀樀欀 

Dī qǐng zhuì qǐng qǐng xiāng 㼀 yōu 眀 眀 zuì qiǎo qiǎo hán 爀 pān chān pān lǘ 椀 dī xiāng 

? ? ? ? ? ? 㼀 ? 眀 眀 tối thiểu thiểu ? 爀 phàn sam phàn ? 椀 ? ? 

4. 琀漀琀 渀甀 琀漀攀㬀⤀ 碭碭

Hán qǐng hán bèn zhuì hán qǐng pān 㬀 ⤀ dàng dàng

? ? ? ? ? ? ? phàn 㬀 ⤀ nãng nãng

I'm not even entirely sure its chinese, but even though, hope someone can help.

As others have said, it's not Chinese. It's mojibake, or nonsense characters that appear when software "fails to render text correctly according to its associated character encoding." (This is immediately obvious because of the sort of obscure characters and symbols appearing.)

For instance, I can't view the Taiwanese MOE's character variant dictionary because the whole page is full of what the OP is asking to have translated.

Change your encoding to Big5 / Chinese Traditional. If you're using Firefox, it's view -> character encoding -> Big5.

[Actually, even with that change, the variant dictionary looks a bit like the OP's text: full of characters I don't recognize ;)]


It's not the encoding. It's a strange problem that no one ever seems to have heard of. I'll see if I can get a screen shot later to show you.


Alright, so I'm having problems taking a screen shot and getting it here, but this is what my bank's website shows as my account information using Chrome:


That's it. That's the whole webpage. It's a white background and that. There's no Chinese, heck, no non-English anywhere on my bank's website, yet I get that when I log into it on Chrome on my PC laptop and Firefox on my Mac desktop. Somehow it displays fine when I use Safari on the Mac and IE on the PC. I don't get it. No one I've talked to has ever gotten it.


It's a font substitution problem on the Mac. I had the same problem ages ago, but I forget the specifics of how I solved it - possibly by disabling a font or by changing the default font used by Firefox.

If you check the default font used by Firefox/Chrome what one is it?

Also, then check what the default font is when using Safari and see if they are different.


Thanks for the advice. That was new to me. I tried it on the PC. My fonts in Chrome were MS Mincho and MS MinchoP, and MS Gothic and MS GothicP in IE, so I changed them in Chrome, but to no avail. I don't see why it would completely erase the entire page layout and replace it with was I pasted above, though. That just doesn't make any sense to me, and my bank account page isn't the only one that does it.


Yeah, I can't remember the specifics of the problem, and it suprised me too, because fonts shouldn't cause that issue. However I remember the fix was font related.

What font are you using in Firefox on the Mac?

Out of curiosity, what site is causing the problem? Do you get it only when you log in, or does it always happen?


I'm not sure what I'm using on the Mac. I haven't gotten on it in a while. I just remember the issue.

Well, my bank's site only causes the issue when I log in. The MOE's variant character dictionary also causes the issue, although I can use the regular dictionary just fine. Then there are banner ads here and there where it happens, although the rest of the page will be fine. So sometimes it's localized to a small section (or lots of them) of a page, and sometimes the whole page will be affected. I got it a lot at Merriam-Webster's site too, now that I think about it.


Just had a look at the MOE's variant character dictionary now. I think this might be a separate problem. The MOE just hasn't set their encoding correctly. If you manually set it in the browser (View->Encoding->BIG5) then it displays the Chinese just fine (at least on my machine here).

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Wow, that's amazing. It did work. So maybe it is an encoding issue after all. I'm going to check my bank's website with Western European (or whatever it is). Right now the default is Unicode 16FE or something like that. Oh my god. It worked. Western ISO 8859-1 did the trick. Well, how about that. I wonder if setting it to auto-detect will prevent this from happening in the future. I'll give that a shot.

Now I feel like an idiot. So all this time it actually was an encoding error. Sorry, jbradfor. You were right. :oops: And thanks, imron!

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