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Well, I'm enjoying surfing around YouTube here in Nanning.

I had the... oh! no not again when google support brought up a help video with the youtube label.

"That's not going to work!" ~ was my first thought.

Low and behold, here was the video playing before my very eyes...

I opened youtube.com and exactly the same thing.

I'm hoping it's not just Nanning, and I'm hoping it's not temporary.

I still can't open facebook.


Wow! It is working for me as well!

I'm in Changsha, but I don't know if the blocking depends on your location, or provider, or...?


Well, that seems to have been short lived...

I once again feel the forces of:

The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.


This sort of post makes me angry.

What exactly did you expect to happen? You behave in a moronic fashion by advertising the lack of blocking of a clearly permanently-censored website, on a forum which is monitored by censorship staff, rather than the active 'Great Rubbish Firewall' automated scanners, then you wonder why it suddenly is blocked hours later.

I hate techno-illiterate beings, I really do.

Next time, why not keep it quiet. Good to see you arsed up this time though, thanks for that.

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You behave in a moronic fashion by advertising the lack of blocking of a clearly permanently-censored website, on a forum which is monitored by censorship staff, rather than the active 'Great Rubbish Firewall' automated scanners, then you wonder why it suddenly is blocked hours later.

Chortle. What, the People's Republic's censorship staff (get in touch guys, we could use some more mods!) have no better way of checking if their firewall's working than reading this site? Please, elaborate.

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Thanks liuzhou and roddy, saves me writing something less tasteful.

Oh, and it's not nice calling people "techno-illiterate", especially when you have no idea who they are. You might get a suprise one day.

At least a few people here had a chance to use youtube while it was up, which is what I expected. I exploited the opportunity while it lasted.

I also very much look forward to the day it's unblocked, it's not permanent, but it may take quite a long time.

Edit: It's ok rezaf, I never knew there was voting till you said that and I took a look around. Got that extra vote for your comment. ^^


At 5:30 pm , October 10th 2006, Wikipedia was suddenly unblocked after being blocked for forever.

In my moronic techno-illiteracy I mentioned it here. Someone really, really superior and techno-literate could probably find the post. A few days later, I was contacted by The Wall Street Journal, which I am led to believe is an American newspaper. They asked a load of questions then printed a story.

Perhaps the crack squad of censors deployed to watching this site were at a banquet that week (along with the ones who watch the WSJ), because amazingly Wikipedia has remained open ever since. You can even read about my contribution on their page about their censorship history. Yes, you can still read it in China. The techno-literate could search for that, too. Morons would have to click here.

I went on to win a Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Peace Prize*, so keep your chin up, Matty.

* OK That bit isn't true. At least not yet.

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I'm not worried, I get all sorts of comments from all sorts of people all the time.

It's a shame you didn't get a Nobel Peace Prize, those are good for green cards, which is one of my long term goals/dreams.

How to get it though, that one will elude me for some time.

How to get it though

You can get one for not being George Bush.

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Seven red marks in an hour!!! I wish people enjoyed giving out the green ones so much . . .

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Seven red marks in an hour!!! I wish people enjoyed giving out the green ones so much . . .

Was thinking that when I saw the red marks on his, scrolled up to see if there were and greens on my first post.

Wait, even if there were, my first post isn't actually mine ><

But now that I've discovered that small arrow and know what it's for, I may have to begin using it.

"Noticing it is only the beginning!" ~ some quote from a movie about someone's' mum (no idea where to put quotes, i'll just put them everywhere, at least them I'm sure I'm wrong, even if it is an apostrophe!)

::: They all wonder why I refuse to be an English teacher...

The shirt should explain it all though


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Seven red marks in an hour!!! I wish people enjoyed giving out the green ones so much .

Oh we will.

Just as soon as someone writes something as enlightening, honest and uplifting as that post was arrogant, ignorant and offensive.

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oo - let's see if it works.

Hey, everyone, look! This website is unblocked!


I can access it right now! Amazing! (etc.)

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Chortle. What, the People's Republic's censorship staff (get in touch guys, we could use some more mods!) have no better way of checking if their firewall's working than reading this site? Please, elaborate.

My apologies, I was unaware I was a higher calibre individual than yourself, or the majority of posters who appear to have misunderstood my intentions through my posting on this thread.

Your site is on the clearly defined list of foreign-oriented websites that are heavily accessed from the PRC Mainland. You probably really don't even possess the beginnings of a partial understanding of this, so allow me to extrapolate: other expat websites are also heavily monitored by genuine people, rather than relying on word scanners alone. The majority of people here, who do not value freedom of speech, nor had the wherewithal to research it, remain in the dark; personally I have used my own eyes, and been rather stunned by the organisation of the censorship here. The thousands of common people involved, who dedicated their lives to it in various large offices throughout the Mainland is breath-taking. If you're not part of a large governmental project, who require foreign minds to actually guide them, then you will likely never see it these days. Five years ago, they weren't quite so organised.

A recent medical based protest in China, which, in the process, would have saved a number of lives due to the way live info was being disseminated, seen vital resources for medical staff blocked half-way through, due to over-zealous censors. The reason? A number of stupid users revealed all of the pertinent details online. If history has taught us anything, the majority of people are sheep, and not particularly smart. They cannot see the long-term effect of their actions. If you have a good thing, why go ruin it by telling everybody?

The more I read this forum, the more I realise the users are generally rather naive. You've presumably also never seen the rather large plush offices, that to my eyes resemble factories, in which thousands of Chinese staff, employed by the party, are individually dedicated to censoring and monitoring websites hosted on the mainland, with additional responsibility of blocking and unblocking sites.

I'm no longer going to use this forum; it's increasingly clear to me that this forum is aimed at English teachers (no offence to you bunch!) and the provision of rather useful language aid resource and attempted advice.

Any technical discussions usually show me just how little effort has been put in by supposedly technical individuals in relation to the internet environment in which they operate when connected on the Mainland here.

A fine example is that users probably access their email direct from a PC, with no VPN or SSH encryption at all, yet don't realise that this party can therefore access it soon after, assuming certain traffic conditions.

Good luck with the language learning; for anything actually serious; be it business or technical, it's a shame this website seems unable to cope, and rather ridicules those who are simply trying to help by correcting the mistaken assumptions made by others. There are plenty of others out there, with high calibre individuals, who work, have worked or intend to work in the China Mainland, and having met many in the past, I now realise why this website was not on their 'resource' list.

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other expat websites are also heavily monitored by genuine people, rather than relying on word scanners alone.

That, I can quite happily accept. The leap from that to 'if Matty hadn't posted everyone in China would still be watching kitten videos' is the bit I have trouble with.

I was unaware I was a higher calibre individual than yourself,

Generally it's a given.

Enjoy yourselves folks, I'll probably close this in the morning.

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OMG is there censorship in China? This is only something high-calibre people get to know about right?

I'm no longer going to use this forum

self-censorship! don't do it! don't let those low and low-to-middling calibre people called Roddy get you down with their petty insistences on politeness and reason!!

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