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2012 CCTV Chinese New Year Show - save the date!


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Thanks for the link. Is there a way to view it without a plug-in? I would assume not. I just don't want to let the Chinese government install random plug-ins on my work computer (my only Windows system).

FWIW, realmayo said "indeed", not me. I just though it :-?

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Oops, wrong culprit.

I would assume not. I just don't want to let the Chinese government install random plug-ins on my work computer (my only Windows system).

How about the Firefox plug-in? It's not an executable.

If you don't need to watch it live, then maybe there'll be a version uploaded to Youtube at some point.

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If you don't need to watch it live, then maybe there'll be a version uploaded to Youtube at some point.

...but that's not The. Right. Way. To. Do it.

As my girlfriend has no Chinese friends around here, I have been volunteered to watch the CCTV gala with her, so I'll probably be around. We'll likely use PPStream.

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If I say that I find that girl looks very "fake" would I offend anyone? :D I've also noticed that imron has not noticed the dedede error in "中文讲的好".
You might offend her, and I think you'd definitely be offending rezaf! :D

Don't blame me! She is 赵本山's taste. BTW my wife also said that she looked fake. Chinese women's 審美觀 has always been confusing for me.

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How about the Firefox plug-in? It's not an executable.

It is an executable, how else could it work? You might want to read about this for one example of how plug-ins can be a security risk.

We'll likely use PPStream.

No can do either, not allowed to install P2P software. Hummm, they have a linux client? That just might work...

There really isn't a way of watching that doesn't require installing something? One would think that the one of quicktime, divx, flash, real video, windows media should be sufficient, not idea why everyone needs to roll their own video format.....

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There will be, fear not. I realise you're getting panicked at the thought of not being able to join us, but I promise . . .even if I have to phone you up and narrate the entire thing . . . you shall, jbradfor, go to the ball.

Anyway, I don't feel you lot are excited enough yet. Rub your thighs to this, Chau ben-shen's first ever appearance back in 1990. Apparently those horses now sit outside a minor meeting room in Zhongnanhai. Oh, and a

link too.
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No can do either, not allowed to install P2P software. Hummm, they have a linux client? That just might work...


The Linux client is a setuid root binary which sets up its own filesystem using fuse and then does who-knows-what. I spent a couple of days hacking it to work without root-privileges, and it refuses to run. That thing screams rootkit.

We have an old WinXP laptop which is only used for PPStream.

The gala will be available via online streaming for sure, but I'm afraid that the amount of people watching will make it too choppy to watch.

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@jbradfor: the show will probably be available the next day on the CCTV website.

@renzhe: you're making me nervous. I tried to use the CCTV P2P client on WinXP some time ago (with a user account, not admin). I can't remember whether it worked or not. Then I deleted it. Can it have installed a backdoor or something?

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I think at the time my reasoning was that this client was not for mainland China, but for other countries, whose people have more freedom of expression (at least regarding China matters) and therefore they couldn't do anything too harmful or too noticeable. Ah well...

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Maybe setup a temporary Windows partition and dual-boot? That sounds like way too much work, though.

If I was in your situation I would just use my existing VirtualBox Win7 virtual machine, make a snapshot, install PP-whatever, watch the craptacular, then restore to the aforementioned snapshot.

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