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After waiting around anxiously I just spoke with the Foreignd Affairs person that deals with the CSC in my country and they still have not gotten the results yet. While I'm not happy that it is taking this long and it is so close to September at least I still have a chance. DON'T GIVE UP HOPE!

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@ BoLoR -

I haven't applied for CSC scholarship this year. Someone told me I need one year gap to apply for CSC cause I cannot get the scholarship the same year I graduated. I'm going to apply for Masters in Radiology in next year in TJMU.

@ Brian -

Bro, Actually Most of the students who are coming to do post graduation on scholarship in TJMU are usually coming in September month cause just like you said scholarship always starts in September and so does the master programs. I'm right now just sitting at home and doing nothing. So, I was thinking why not learn Chinese n eventually it'll help me during my post graduation visit. I have plenty of time to learn Chinese language and learning Chinese language in China is totally diff than learning in our home countries. I've learned Chinese language two years in China while I was doing my graduation course & gave HSK (Intermediate level) got A+ / but that's not enough. So I was planning to get scholarship in March which actually covers six months language course plus three years masters course.

Also Brian I've heard when we are applying for CSC scholarship we must be present in our home country/ or we must not be in China when we're applying for CSC is thar true ?

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I just got the official documents for my scholarship and found out it's a three year program and not a two year program. I don't know how to feel about this... Still 100% covered by the scholarship, but I'm not looking forward to ANOTHER year before I can graduate...

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@Bolor : You called the embassy? And what exactly did she said bro?

@Sasha : Wew selamat...ngapain aja tadi? rame?

@Magnakaser : Have you been noticed before that you get the scholarship?

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1) What is your native country? Burundi

2) Where did you apply? Embassy of P.R. China in Burundi

3) When did you apply? february , 2012

4) When was the deadline? End of April

5) Have you applied for the scholarship before? No.

6) What program did you apply for? One-year Chinese language course and 2 years master in Communication and Information System

7) What schools did you put for your preferences? 1. BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 2. SICHUAN UNIVERSITY 3. HUNAN UNIVERSITY

8 ) Did you apply for your school of choice beforehand? No

9) What agency number did you use? Embassy of P.R. China in Burundi

10) Where did you get your physical done? at CHUK hospital

11) How did you get your documents notarized? at Burundian ministry of superior studies and scientific research

12) Where do you get official Chinese red stamps? I don't even

13) Were you accepted for the scholarship, if you were not then why? I'm waiting for result.


Hi Everyone,

First I would like to say congrats to all the lucky recepients!! May we have a wonderful stay and a good education in China...

I have some quick questions for those who have gotten the scholarship or who are familiar with how this works..

1. Will the accomodation only pay for rooms on campus? If we choose to live off campus will we not receive any kind of aid?

2. I had to go to China before my documents for CSC came in the mail, so I made a tourist visa and will go to China with this. Is it possible to switch to the X visa from an L visa while in China?




Look in the forums, it has most of your answers already.

1. The scholarship ONLY covers on campus living. No substitution, no reimbursement, no assistance if you choose to live off of campus. (This does not affect tuition or monthly stipend) The first month, and only the first month there will be an additional subsidy that is around 1400 RMB. You can use this towards living off of campus if you want.

2. They will switch the visa for you when you go to China. Depending on the length and the fact of whether you need a medical exam (add more money), the new visa (actually a residents permit if long term) will cost 400-800 RMB.


What happens if I am awarded the scholarship but am unable to join on the stipulated date (1st september)?

Does the CSC/University allow people to join classes a little late? a month or two maybe?



Get in touch with the school. Only they can give you an accurate answer. Anyone on here that replies is just speculating. I would think a week or two (if you let them know) they will accept. I doubt they will let you come a month to two months late.

But again, contact the University that admitted you.


That's right. It clearly says in admission package that if you don't register on a day they require you to, you will lose your scholarship unless you let them know about your late arrival in advance. Get in touch with the school and ask for extension but honestly, a month or two is not an option. I mean think logically, if you were giving out schoalrships would you give it to someone who is 1-2 months late (or may not be arriving at all since there must be a reason this person needs such a long extension) or to some other student who can arrive on time? To me it makes no sense but you can try...


Come on you peoples I need an answer. At least somebody who have been though my situation reply to me.


I'm from Poland buddy. Didn't apply for CSC though but Shanghai Government Scholarship instead. Got the full one at Fudan for my MA and partial from Renmin. Weird cause it rather should be the other way round but anyway... are you from Slovakia? Where are you going to study?



I really do not understand your question to be honest. I think the CSC scholarship is only once a year, therefore you cant apply for it to start march and then do grad work. If anything youd have to do your chinese language studies starting sept for maybe a year and then grad school after that under the scholarship.

But anyways, I applied for the CSC scholarship while in China. after being at a University for 2 years there. There is a special category when applying online for outstanding scholars already inside of China. If you are going to a different University however, you will still need to leave the country to get a different visa.


thanx for the replies guys, im still waiting for the result, but i was worried if i get it now i might not be able to complete the paperwork in time....


Guys I got in after all. One of the initial persons declined

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Thanks Robbie513 for the encouragement. What number did you call?

Congratulations eshton! :)


@ steveh :

Thanks for the reply. Ok so I got your point and my confusion is clear that CSC scholarship is only once a year and it starts in September usually!

Um, Ok in short n simple. My county's CSC scholarship accepting date is usually b/n January to March what if I apply n submit my documents to CSC during Jan month and put my university choice as a TJMU and than I fly to China on 'X' Visa and do Chinese language course (Self - finance) starting from March to end of the August in a diff university where I didn't apply for CSC Scholarship. I.e. Tianjin Nankai University/Tianjin daxue. And than start my masters in September in TJMU. Than will it create a problem for me to get a CSC scholarship in September ?

According to CSC rule you must be present in your home county while applying for CSC Scholarship. So according to CSC rule I'm applying within my home country! And than leaving for China!

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