Humblegeoff Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:04 AM Report Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:04 AM I'm heading back to the UK the week after next, so this will be my last post for the group (if any of you are in Yorkshire and fancy setting something up, please get in touch). After ambling through Zhuge Liang's call to arms, we're changing the feel somewhat for our end-of-term meeting, with a story from Yuan Mei's Zibuyu. Largely because it seems that his collection is far from universally admired in Taiwan (but possibly also due to laziness on my part), I have been unable to lay my bibliophile hands on a paper edition, so the attached texts are sourced from Project Gutenberg and have received no editorial attention from me whatsoever. If anyone has access to JSTOR, the following article on the collection is very interesting, and a translation of this story can be found on pp. 138-139, or 11 and 12 of the pdf. "What Confucius Wouldn't Talk About": The Grotesque Body and Literati Identities in Yuan Mei's "Zi buyu" Sing-chen Lydia Francis Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) Vol. 24, (Dec., 2002) (pp. 129-160) 南昌士人 子不語 袁枚 spaced.docx 南昌士人子不語 袁枚 unpunc.docx Quote
Humblegeoff Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:04 AM Author Report Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:04 AM The text with punctuation: 南昌士人 子不語 袁枚 江南南昌縣有士人某,讀書北蘭寺,一長一少,甚相友善。長者歸家暴卒,少者不知也,在寺讀書如故。天晚睡矣,見長者披闥入,登牀撫其背曰:「吾別兄不十日,竟以暴疾亡。今我鬼也,朋友之情不能自割,特來訣別。」少者畏懼,不能言。死者慰之曰:「吾欲害兄,豈肯直告?兄慎弗怖。吾之所以來此者,欲以身後相托也。」少者心稍定,問:「托何事?」曰:「吾有老母,年七十餘,妻年未三十,得數斛米,足以養生,願兄周恤之,此其一也。吾有文稿未梓,願兄為鎸刻,俾微名不泯,此其二也。吾欠賣筆者錢數千,未經償還,願兄償之,此其三也。」少者唯唯。死者起立曰:「既承兄擔承,吾亦去矣。」言畢欲走。 少者見其言近人情,貌如平昔,漸無怖意,乃泣留之,曰:「與君長訣,何不稍緩須臾去耶?」死者亦泣,回坐其牀,更敘平生。數語復起曰:「吾去矣。」立而不行,兩眼瞠視,貌漸醜敗。少者懼,促之曰:「君言既畢,可去矣。」屍竟不去。少者拍牀大呼,亦不去,屹立如故。少者愈駭,起而奔,屍隨之奔。少者奔愈急,屍奔亦急。追逐數里,少者逾牆仆地,屍不能逾牆,而垂首牆外,口中涎沫與少者之面相滴涔涔也。 天明,路人過之,飲以薑汁,少者蘇。屍主家方覓屍不得,聞信,舁歸成殯。 識者曰:「人之魂善而魄惡,人之魂靈而魄愚。其始來也,一靈不泯,魄附魂以行;其既去也,心事既畢,魂一散而魄滯。魂在,則其人也;魂去,則非其人也。世之移屍走影,皆魄為之,惟有道之人為能制魄。 Quote
Humblegeoff Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:05 AM Author Report Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:05 AM And without: 南昌士人 子不語 袁枚 江南南昌縣有士人某讀書北蘭寺一長一少甚相友善長者歸家暴卒少者不知也在寺讀書如故天晚睡矣見長者披闥入登牀撫其背曰吾別兄不十日竟以暴疾亡今我鬼也朋友之情不能自割特來訣別少者畏懼不能言死者慰之曰吾欲害兄豈肯直告兄慎弗怖吾之所以來此者欲以身後相托也少者心稍定問托何事曰吾有老母年七十餘妻年未三十得數斛米足以養生願兄周恤之此其一也吾有文稿未梓願兄為鎸刻俾微名不泯此其二也吾欠賣筆者錢數千未經償還願兄償之此其三也少者唯唯死者起立曰既承兄擔承吾亦去矣言畢欲走 少者見其言近人情貌如平昔漸無怖意乃泣留之曰與君長訣何不稍緩須臾去耶死者亦泣回坐其牀更敘平生數語復起曰吾去矣立而不行兩眼瞠視貌漸醜敗少者懼促之曰君言既畢可去矣屍竟不去少者拍牀大呼亦不去屹立如故少者愈駭起而奔屍隨之奔少者奔愈急屍奔亦急追逐數里少者逾牆仆地屍不能逾牆而垂首牆外口中涎沫與少者之面相滴涔涔也 天明路人過之飲以薑汁少者蘇屍主家方覓屍不得聞信舁歸成殯 識者曰人之魂善而魄惡人之魂靈而魄愚其始來也一靈不泯魄附魂以行其既去也心事既畢魂一散而魄滯魂在則其人也魂去則非其人也世之移屍走影皆魄為之惟有道之人為能制魄 Quote
skylee Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:12 AM Report Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:12 AM What a horror story. The twist was quite unexpected. And I didn't know that there is a difference between 魂 and 魄. 1 Quote
Humblegeoff Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:23 AM Author Report Posted August 17, 2012 at 09:23 AM Cool isn't it? I like a bit of Zi buyu Quote
Humblegeoff Posted August 18, 2012 at 08:57 AM Author Report Posted August 18, 2012 at 08:57 AM Useful? Vocab for 南昌士人 南昌 Nánchāng • Nanchang prefecture level city and capital of Jiangxi province 江西省 in southeast China also Nanchang county 士人 ²shìrén N. scholar; educated man M: ²wèi [位] 某 mǒu* PR. ① certain; some ⓐ Lị̌ ∼ 李∼ a certain person called Li 少 ²shào B.F. ① young in shàonián ② <trad.> young master in shàoye 甚 ¹shèn ADV. ① very; extremely 相友 ²xiāngyǒu V. be friends together 長者[长-] zhạ̌ngzhě* N. ① senior 暴卒 bàozú V. die of sudden illness 如故 rúgù V.P. ① be as before ② be like an old friend 披 ²pī V. ① drape/hang over one's shoulders Fēng dà, ∼shang máoyī. 風大, ∼上毛衣。 It's windy. Put the sweater over your shoulders. ② open; unroll ③ split open; crack 闥[闼] ⁶tà B.F. door; small door 床/牀 chuáng ① bed 撫[抚] ³fǔ V. ① comfort; console ② nurture; foster ③ stroke 竟 jìng • unexpectedly • actually • to go so far as to indeed 疾 ⁹jí B.F. ① disease; illness in ¹jíbìng ② suffering; difficulty in jíkǔ ③ fast in jízǒu ④ hate in jí'èrúchóu 亡 wáng • to die • to lose • to be gone • to flee deceased 鬼 ¹guǐ* N. ① ghost; spirit 割 ³gē V. cut apart; sever 訣別[诀别] juébié V. bid farewell; part forever 畏懼[-惧] wèijù* V. fear; dread 慰 ¹⁰wèi B.F. console; comfort 豈[岂] ²qǐ ADV. <wr.> how could ...? ∼ néng bù guǎn! ∼能不管! How could we not take care of sth./sb.? 豈肯[岂-] qǐkěn Why would be willing to...? 慎 ⁴shèn B.F. careful; cautious 弗 ¹⁹fú <wr.> ADV. not 怖 bù • terror • terrified • afraid frightened 之所以 zhīsuǒyǐ A.T. the reason why 欲 ²yù B.F. wish; desire; want 身後[-后] ²shēnhòu N. ① rear (of a person) ② after one's death 相托 xiāngtuō V. entrust 稍 ²shāo ADV. slightly 何事 ²héshì PR. <wr.> what reason?; why? [or in this case what matter/affair?] 餘[余/馀] ³yú N. surplus; remainder ◆ SUF. odd; plus wǔshí ∼ yuán 五十∼元 fifty-odd dollars 斛 hú • ancient measuring vessel • fifty liters dry measure for grain equal to five dou 五斗 (before Tang, ten pecks) 米 ¹mǐ* N. ① rice ② Surname ◆ B.F. shelled/husked grain, etc. 養生[养-] yǎngshēng* V.O. ① keep in good health ② nourish one's vital principle 周恤 zhōuxù V. <wr.> sympathize and help 其一 ¹qíyī A.T. first ◆ ADV. firstly 文稿 wéngǎo* N. manuscript; draft M: fèn [份] 梓 zǐ ① <botany> Chinese catalpa (Catalpa ovata) ② cut blocks for printing 付梓 ²fùzǐ V. <trad.> ① send to the press for publication ② turn over to the printing shop (after proofreading) 鎸 鐫刻[镌-] juānkè* V. <wr.> engrave 俾 ⁷bǐ AUX. <wr.> in order to; so that 微 ¹wēi B.F. ① minute; tiny; slight in wēixiǎo ② profound; abstruse; subtle in wēimiào ③ decline in shuāiwēi ◆ M. one millionth part of; micro- [modesty] 名 ¹míng* B.F. ① name; personal name in ¹míngzi ② fame; reputation 泯 ⁴mǐn B.F. vanish; die out 欠 ¹qiàn V. ① owe Tā ∼ wǒ ²qián. 他∼我錢。 He owes me some money. 未經[-经] ¹wèijīng* ADV. not (yet); un-; have not yet (gone through) 償還[偿还] chánghuán V. repay; pay back 唯唯 ¹wéiwéi INTJ. <court.> Yes!, Yes!; That's it! 起立 ¹qǐlì* V. stand up 既 ²jì ADV. ① already 承 ⁷chéng B.F. ① bear; hold; carry in ¹chéngdān ② undertake; contract in chéngbāo ③ be indebted (to sb. for a kindness); be granted a favor ④ continue; carry on 擔承[担-] ²dānchéng V. bear; undertake; assume responsibility for 畢[毕] ⁸bì B.F. ① finish in ¹wánbì ② accomplish; conclude in ¹bìyè ◆ ADV. <wr.> fully; altogether 貌 ³mào B.F. appearance; aspect 如 ¹rú* V. ① be like 平昔 ²píngxī ADV. in the past 漸[渐] ⁶jiàn ADV. gradually; by degrees 泣 ⁶qì B.F. ① weep; sob 訣[诀] ⁷jué bid farewell; part 何不 ¹hébù ADV. <wr.> why not 稍緩[-缓] shāohuǎn delay slightly 須臾[须-] xūyú* N. <wr.> moment; instant 亦 ⁴yì ADV. <wr.> also; too 敘[叙] ⁴xù V. ① talk; chat ② narrate; recount; relate ③ assess; appraise ④ arrange in order ◆ N. preface 平生 ¹píngshēng N. all one's life ◆ ADV. always; usually; habitually 瞠視[-视] chēngshì V. <wr.> stare at with wide eyes 醜[丑] ²chǒu S.V. ugly; unsightly; hideous ◆ B.F. disgraceful; shameful; scandalous 敗[败] ¹bài V. ① lose; be defeated ② beat; defeat ③ spoil ④ counteract ⑤ decay 促 ³cù V. urge; promote ◆ B.F. ① <wr.> be close to; near ② short (of time); hurried; urgent 屍[尸] ⁷shī B.F. corpse 拍 pāi Beat 大呼 dàhū V. shout loudly 屹立 ²yìlì V. stand towering (lit./fig.) 如故 rúgù V.P. ① be as before 愈 yù More, more and more 駭[骇] hài Astonished, shocked, scared 奔 ¹bēn V. ① head for ② hurry; rush; hasten ③ flee ④ approach 隨[随] ¹suí V. ① follow 急 ³jí rapid; fast 追逐 zhuīzhú V. ① pursue; chase 逾牆[-墙] yúqiáng* V.O. climb over a wall 仆 ³pū B.F. fall forward 垂 ¹chuí V. B.F. ① hang down; droop; let fall 涎沫 xiánmò N. saliva 面相 ²miànxiàng N. <topo.> ① face; aspect ② facial features; looks; appearance 滴 ²dī V. drip ◆ M. drop 涔涔 ¹céncén R.F. <wr.> ① dripping; streaming 天明 tiānmíng* N. daybreak; dawn 路人 lùrén* N. passerby; stranger 薑汁[姜-] jiāngzhī ginger ale [?] 蘇[苏] Sū revive 方 ¹fāng ◆ ADV. just; only just/then 覓[觅] ³mì B.F. seek 舁 yú • to lift raise 歸[归] guī • to return • to go back to 殯[殡] bìn • a funeral • to encoffin a corpse to carry to burial 識者[识-] shízhě N. <wr.> the knowledgeable; the discerning [in this case, one who is knowledgeable] 魂 hún • soul • spirit immortal soul, i.e. that can be detached from the body 魄 pò • soul mortal soul, i.e. attached to the body 魂飛魄散[-飞--] húnfēipòsàn F.E. be frightened out of one's senses 靈[灵] ⁴líng S.V. ① quick; clever; sharp 愚 ⁴yú B.F. ① foolish; stupid 始 ⁶shǐ B.F. begin; start in ¹kāishǐ ◆ ADV. <wr.> only then; not ... until 附 ⁷fù V. ① add; attach; enclose ② get close to; be near ③ agree to 散 ¹sǎn V. come loose 滯[滞] ¹⁹zhì B.F. ① stagnant; stopped up in zhìdǔ ② hold up; detain 移/迻 ¹yí V. move; remove; shift 惟/唯有 wéiyǒu* CONJ. only; alone 道 ²dào Daoism 制 zhì restrict; control; govern Quote
skylee Posted August 18, 2012 at 11:30 AM Report Posted August 18, 2012 at 11:30 AM 薑汁[姜-]jiāngzhī ginger ale [?] It is ginger juice or sauce. I think ginger ale is quite different. 蘇[苏]Sū revive Let's not forget the character 甦. 1 Quote
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