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Since we're in between quarters here at the MTC and people are returning home, moving here, traveling, and otherwise busy, we won't be having a meeting this week. And since Geoff is returning to the UK and starting on his PhD, I'll be doing these postings for a while.

For the sake of having a reading for this week (although it's a bit late), I'm currently reading 《師說》 by 韓愈 and thought it might be a good selection for the Grand Old Project. It's in literally every high school literature textbook I've come across here in Taiwan, so I think it's safe to say it's required reading. It's also fairly easy as these things go, so it's a good selection for in between semesters.

The text is available at wikisource. I've not gone through it carefully to check for errors, but after a quick once over nothing jumped out at me. Here's the text with punctuation:








And without punctuation:



Thanks for posting. I had not studied this piece before but it was very easy to understand.

I think all the reasoning is fine and everything it says is still applicable today. Of course we should learn broadly, from whoever who is well-learnt regardless of his/her background, rank and age. Too bad there is not much mentioning about the creation of knowledge and the importance of creativity. But perhaps the mentioning of his young pupil at the end says more than that we can learn from some young people, but also implies that young people can create knowledge? (I am stretching it a bit here.)

One question, why do you guys keep posting the pieces without punctuation marks? What is the importance of such version?


Creativity is basically the generation of ideas, much of it happens naturally. What's important is not to suppress new ideas just because it's unorthodox. What Han Yu said here is relevant because the biggest threat to creativity is obedience to authority, which of course is a prominent feature of Confucian culture. In that sense, his message here that one can find wisdom in people, regardless of rank or age, can help to foster creativity.

But Han Yu did advocate the suppression of Buddhism and Daoism ("人其人,火其书,庐其居" in "原道" below), so he likely wasn't a great advocate of creativity, either, despite his nice words above.



原文:夫所谓先王之教者,何也?博爱之谓仁;行而宜之之谓义;由是而之焉之谓道;足乎己,无待于外之谓德。其文, 《诗》、《书》、《易》、《春秋》;其法,礼、乐、刑、政;其民,士、农、工、贾;其位,君臣、父子、师友、宾主、昆弟、夫妇、;其服,麻、丝;其居,宫 室;其食,粟米、果蔬、鱼肉。其为道易明,而其为教易行也。是故以之为己,则顺而祥;以之为人,则爱而公;以之为心,则和而平;以之为天下国家,无所处而 不当。是故生则得其情,死则尽其常。效焉而天神假,庙焉而人鬼享。曰:“斯道也,何道也?”曰:“斯吾所谓道也,非向所谓老与佛之道也。尧以是传之舜,舜 以是传之禹,禹以是传之汤,汤以是传之文武周公,文武周公传之孔子,孔子传之孟轲,轲之死,不得其传焉。荀与扬也,择焉而不精,语焉而不详。由周公而上, 上而为君,故其事行。由周公而下,下而为臣,故其说长。”



而韩愈叙述先王之道传导路线,竟然是为了说明:周公以前,道在君,所以道在事行;而周公以后,道在臣,所以道在立 言。韩老的这个说法可谓大胆到极点,是冒了掉脑袋的风险的。这等于说:周公以前,圣人为君;周公以后,圣人为臣。这等于说:“帝之与王,其号虽殊,其所以 为圣一也”,已经被韩愈自己否定了。







One question, why do you guys keep posting the pieces without punctuation marks? What is the importance of such version?

I believe someone requested it a while back, and so Geoff started posting them all without punctuation. I understand that Chinese lit majors in Taiwan are expected to read unpunctuated texts and be able to punctuate them, and of course for anyone doing research in original texts it's an important skill to develop (a good portion of the group here in Taipei over the summer consisted of current and future grad students in Chinese history, literature, and linguistics).


I think I tend to forget what we are reading and discussing was written over 1000 years ago (simply because we can read it so easily). :) It was a very different time, and people might think very differently, for all kinds of reasons.

Anyways, people have never failed to create, though some were better than others, and some periods were better than others. And throughout the world it was not uncommon that new discoveries/ knowledge were discouraged, suppressed or misunderstood.


I like this series, should be useful to others (the recording is no longer available) -> http://rthk.hk/chiculture/chilit/dy04_1301.htm

It's explanation of the last paragraph is not the same as my interpretation. Mine was probably not right, as the pupil is only praised for being willing/able to learn from others, not for his ability of 六藝經傳,皆通習之. I probably was confused by the earlier 生乎吾後,其聞道也,亦先乎吾,吾從而師之.

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