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Arhu lessons in Kunming

Scholar Rock

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I want to find an erhu teacher in Kunming who will give intensive beginner's lessons (2-3 hours a day) on the arhu for a two to three week period. Does anybody have any ideas who to contact? I'd appreciate any suggestions.


Pardon my ignorance but what is an "arhu"? Did you mean "erhu" (二胡)?


It isn't your ignorance; it is mine. I do indeed mean an "erhu." Thank you for your gentle correction. The information is for a friend of mine. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I would appreciate them. I will resubmit the question on a new posting and, in a few days, cancel this one.


one place to check would be the yunnan art institute (i think they refer to themselves now as the yunnan arts university) which is one of the few top level comprehensive schools of the arts in china.


Thank you. I'll check into it. Any other erhu aficionados out there with ideas?

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